Course Approval Sample Clauses
Course Approval. Approval for dual credit shall be by the LEA and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION representatives on a course-by-course basis each semester based on the student’s prior coursework, career pathway, and/or academic readiness. There is no state limit to the number of credits a student may earn through dual credit in an academic term; however, the student must meet eligibility requirements.
Course Approval. Any professional employee desiring reimbursement for an educational course shall discuss his/her plans for further study with his/her building principal and obtain the Principal’s and the Superintendent’s approval prior to enrollment in the course.
Course Approval. All course work shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval prior to enrollment. The member’s request for approval shall be in writing and shall contain the name and description of the proposed course of instruction, the sponsoring institution, the institution’s grading policy for the proposed course of instruction, the scheduled times and dates of the course, the actual tuition cost and the amount of any financial assistance available to the member. No reimbursement will be made for course work which has not been approved, in advance of enrollment, by the Board of Trustees.
Course Approval. A request for reimbursement must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources at least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of the course. Such request must include the course number, name and description, date and the name of the university or college offering the course. Such course(s) must be for college undergraduate, graduate credit or workshop equivalent in college undergraduate or graduate credit. The course(s) must be related to the employee’s regular assignment, the administrator’s judgment of relevancy is final and binding and is not subject to the grievance procedure. Approval or disapproval shall be submitted to the employee in writing from the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
Course Approval a. A GRPS Course Approval application shall be completed by the Employee and submitted to the Benefits Office at least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of the course.
b. Such course(s) must be for college credit or workshop equivalent to college credit. In addition, employee shall be reimbursed for Community Education courses and workshops related to the employee's regular assignment. In all cases, the content of the course(s) must be work related and/or part of a formal degree program. The administration's judgment of relevancy is final and binding and is not subject to the grievance procedure.
Course Approval. Online credit courses shall comply with the practices, procedures and criteria which have been established at the University of New Brunswick for the creation by Departments and Faculties of in classroom credit courses. The textbooks and learning materials for courses which are to be online shall be selected in the same manner as they are for traditional courses.
Course Approval. College courses to be credited toward progression on the salary schedule must be approved in advance by the Superintendent of Schools.
Course Approval a. Teachers working towards a Master's Degree shall have their degree program automatically approved if the degree is in the general field of the teacher's primary responsibilities.
b. Staff members shall submit a Prior Approval Salary Credit Course form, along with a copy of the Course Record on which the proposed course work is entered in the appropriate column, to the Salary Credit building member.
c. The Salary Credit building member shall approve or disapprove, forward one copy of the Prior Approval Form to the building principal or district supervisor for approval or disapproval within three days of the request, and retain one copy as a record.
d. The building principal or district supervisor shall approve or disapprove and forward a signed copy of the request to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources within three days of receipt.
e. The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources shall return a signed copy of the request, indicating receipt by Central Management, to the applicant within three days.
f. If, in the judgment of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, a building level approval or disapproval may not be in conformity with the guidelines or district practices, or if he/she judges the quality of the course(s) sponsored by an accredited college, NYSUT, or BOCES to be sub-standard, he/she will call a meeting of the Appeal Board for the purpose of review within 5 days.
g. Should a teacher not take or complete a course for which prior approval has been granted, it is that teacher's responsibility to inform the Human Resource Office and to amend the Course Record Form.
h. Teachers who are certified after February 2, 2004 shall be required to maintain certification by taking the requisite professional development work at their own expense, except where opportunities are already compensable pursuant to provisions in the Agreement.
Course Approval. If the Association and the District agree that there will be column advancement, the following shall apply: A unit member who wishes to apply college or university credit toward advancement on the salary schedule must obtain approval of the course from the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources prior to the unit member taking the courses. The unit member is responsible for submitting the course approval form to the Human Resources Office. The District will approve for salary advancement no more than six (6) semester units, or their equivalent, per semester during the regular school year, and no more than fifteen (15) semester units, or their equivalent, during the summer recess. Additionally, the following is required if courses are to be accepted for credit on the salary schedule.
Course Approval a. A Grand Rapids Public Schools Course Approval Application Form shall be completed by the employee and submitted to the District’s Benefits Office at least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of the course.
b. Such courses must be for college credit or workshop equivalent to college credit. In addition employees shall be reimbursed for Community Education courses related to the employee’s regular assignment. In all cases, the content of the courses must be work-related and/or part of a formal degree program. The District’s judgment of relevancy is final and binding and is not subject to the grievance procedure.