Alternative Accommodation Sample Clauses

Alternative AccommodationThe Landlord and the Management Company reserve the right during the Tenancy Period to move the Tenant to alternative accommodation only in the event of delays to the construction and completion of the Building or to any part of the Building or Room or for the purpose of carrying out emergency repairs PROVIDED THAT: 9.1.1 The Tenant is given reasonable notice; and 9.1.2 The Tenant will occupy the alternative accommodation on the same terms as this Agreement.
Alternative AccommodationThe University reserves the right to move you to alternative Accommodation for appropriate management and health and safety reasons including the following:
Alternative Accommodation. If for any reason beyond the University’s control the Accommodation is not ready for occupation at the start of the Period of Residence (for example, if a prior occupier has refused to leave, or if the Accommodation needs work carrying out to it) or if it is needed for a student with a disability the University will offer the Student alternative accommodation and the Student will accept it (provided it is comparable or better). Where the alternative accommodation is in the same Residence as the Accommodation, and of the same or better type, and in good repair and condition, it shall be regarded as comparable and suitable, and shall not constitute a variation to what the University agreed to provide. Where the alternative accommodation is not in the same Residence as the Accommodation, or is not in a building within 2km of the Accommodation, the Student shall be entitled to terminate this agreement if the Accommodation is still not ready for occupation after the first 4 weeks of the Period of Residence, as an alternative to accepting the substituted accommodation. If the alternative accommodation would normally be let at a lower rent than the Accommodation, the Student need only pay the lower rent during the period s/he occupies the substituted room.
Alternative Accommodation. 7.1 The Landlord reserves the right during the Tenancy Period to move any Tenant to alternative accommodation (which may be in a hotel) only for the purpose of carrying out emergency repairs PROVIDED THAT: 7.1.1 The Tenant is given reasonable notice; and 7.1.2 The Tenant will occupy the alternative accommodation on the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
Alternative Accommodation a. Study Inn reserves the right during the Period of License to move Occupier(s) to alternative accommodation (which may be in a hotel) only for the purpose of carrying out emergency repairs, if the building is unfinished, if the Accommodation or Building is uninhabitable or if it is not possible to gain access to the Accommodation or Building PROVIDED THAT: i. the Occupier is given reasonable notice; and ii. the Occupier or Occupiers allocated to the Accommodation occupy the alternative accommodation on the terms of this Agreement b. if the alternative Accommodation is hotel accommodation, such accommodation shall include bedroom, shower facilities, breakfast and Internet connection.
Alternative Accommodation i) If for any reason beyond the University’s or UPP’s reasonable control the Accommodation is not ready for occupation at the start of the Period of Residence the University or UPP will use reasonable endeavours to find me alternative accommodation. If the University or UPP offers me alternative accommodation I will accept it (provided it is comparable or better). ii) I understand and acknowledge that the University and/or UPP may require me to vacate my room outside of term time where, in their reasonable and genuine opinion, they consider that my occupation of Room outside of term time may present health and safety concerns and/or present a risk to my wellbeing and/or to the wellbeing of others. iii) Where the alternative Accommodation is the same room type as the offer of accommodation, and in good repair and condition, it shall be regarded as comparable and suitable, and shall not constitute a variation to what the University has agreed to provide under the Contract. If the alternative accommodation is not comparable or better and I choose not to accept it I shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if the Accommodation is still not ready for occupation after the first four weeks of the Period of Residence. If the University or its Agent or UPP does not offer me alternative accommodation, I shall be entitled to terminate the Contract with immediate effect.
Alternative Accommodation. 6.3.1 The University reserves the right at any time to move an occupier to an alternative room on or off the premises PROVIDED THAT: The occupier is given reasonable notice being not less than (4) weeks, except in cases of emergency or disciplinary proceedings. The alternative room is similar in size and price. 6.3.2 If the occupier moves to an alternative room owned, managed or appointed by or through the University the terms and conditions of this contract will remain in force unless expressly agreed otherwise.
Alternative AccommodationIn the event that we require you to move to an alternative room in the Building at any time (for, for example, health and safety reasons, or because of reasonable logistic or administrative requirements), then you shall move to an alternative room within 48 hours of such request (or immediately in the case of emergency). This licence agreement shall apply to your occupation of any alternative room. For the avoidance of doubt, we may require you to move to an alternative room at any time and on any number of occasions during the Licence Period.
Alternative Accommodation. Where Your Home is declared unsafe We will provide a contribution of up to £250 towards hotel room only costs for up to 48 hours.
Alternative Accommodation. 6.1 The College reserves the right during the Tenancy Period to move the Tenant to alternative accommodation (which may be in a hotel) for the purpose of carrying out emergency repairs provided that: 6.1.1 The Tenant is given reasonable notice; and 6.1.2 The Tenant will occupy the alternative accommodation on the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.