ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE. The Department of Ecology is involved in a number of activities intended to assure compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. These efforts include traditional enforcement and compliance activities such as inspections, fines and other types of penalties. In addition, alternative inspection, compliance assistance initiatives, educational programs, public awareness and notification and pollution prevention are a part of the enforcement program. Each program uses a number of different approaches to achieve compliance. These alternative methods to achieve compliance and their overall effect at reaching desired environmental outcomes will be discussed during mid-year and year-end reviews with EPA. Over a span of several years the Department of Ecology has pioneered the use of “Sweeps” or media specific campaigns to contact specific types of businesses. The focus is on identifying potential and real problems, which may, if not corrected, result in environmental violations and/or formal enforcement. These “Sweeps” target specific types of business and through visits, inspections and discussions identify areas of potential environmental risk. In the past “Sweeps” have been conducted looking at auto repair, photo processing, boat yards and other businesses. As part of a Pollution Prevention Pilot Project a Team made up of several Ecology Programs will construct waste management plans for participating hospitals. This pilot will be reviewed by Ecology management and considered for application statewide. Other examples of this type of effort include a project works with owners of large underground storage tanks to explain the requirements and process to get a compliance tag for their tanks and; Audits of Tank Barge Company spill prevention plans. As a result of the audits, companies provide documentation and follow-up demonstrate full compliance with Washington’s Best Achievable Protection (BAP) standards. Agency wide technical assistance and other contacts evidence the extent to which Ecology is using alternative means to achieve compliance with environmental laws and regulations. The numbers below are for the month of May 1998. The air, waste and water programs comprise the majority of these numbers. Activity Compliance Inspections Number of Contacts 376 Technical Assistance Visits Requested Per RCW 43.05 (HB1010) 359 Technical Assistance Visits Other 681 Initial Investigation Site Visits 28 Workshops Sponsored 22 Sum of Workshop Audiences 786 P...


  • Selection Criteria Each Contract is secured by a new or used Motorcycle. No Contract has a Contract Rate less than 1.00%. Each Contract amortizes the amount financed over an original term no greater than 84 months (excluding periods of deferral of first payment). Each Contract has a Principal Balance of at least $500.00 as of the Cutoff Date.

  • Long Term Cost Evaluation Criterion 4. READ CAREFULLY and see in the RFP document under "Proposal Scoring and Evaluation". Points will be assigned to this criterion based on your answer to this Attribute. Points are awarded if you agree not increase your catalog prices (as defined herein) more than X% annually over the previous year for the life of the contract, unless an exigent circumstance exists in the marketplace and the excess price increase which exceeds X% annually is supported by documentation provided by you and your suppliers and shared with TIPS, if requested. If you agree NOT to increase prices more than 5%, except when justified by supporting documentation, you are awarded 10 points; if 6% to 14%, except when justified by supporting documentation, you receive 1 to 9 points incrementally. Price increases 14% or greater, except when justified by supporting documentation, receive 0 points. increases will be 5% or less annually per question Required Confidentiality Claim Form This completed form is required by TIPS. By submitting a response to this solicitation you agree to download from the “Attachments” section, complete according to the instructions on the form, then uploading the completed form, with any confidential attachments, if applicable, to the “Response Attachments” section titled “Confidentiality Form” in order to provide to TIPS the completed form titled, “CONFIDENTIALITY CLAIM FORM”. By completing this process, you provide us with the information we require to comply with the open record laws of the State of Texas as they may apply to your proposal submission. If you do not provide the form with your proposal, an award will not be made if your proposal is qualified for an award, until TIPS has an accurate, completed form from you. Read the form carefully before completing and if you have any questions, email Xxxx Xxxxxx at TIPS at If the vendor is awarded a contract with TIPS under this solicitation, the vendor agrees to make any Choice of Law clauses in any contract or agreement entered into between the awarded vendor and with a TIPS member entity to read as follows: "Choice of law shall be the laws of the state where the customer resides" or words to that effect.

  • Desirable Selection Criteria Post registration qualification in the area of specialty or evidence of significant progression towards one.

  • Evaluation Criteria 5.2.1. The responses will be evaluated based on the following: (edit evaluation criteria below as appropriate for your project)

  • Benchmarks for Measuring Accessibility For the purposes of this Agreement, the accessibility of online content and functionality will be measured according to the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content, which are incorporated by reference.

  • Long Term Cost Evaluation Criterion # 4 READ CAREFULLY and see in the RFP document under "Proposal Scoring and Evaluation". Points will be assigned to this criterion based on your answer to this Attribute. Points are awarded if you agree not i ncrease your catalog prices (as defined herein) more than X% annually over the previous year for years two and thr ee and potentially year four, unless an exigent circumstance exists in the marketplace and the excess price increase which exceeds X% annually is supported by documentation provided by you and your suppliers and shared with TIP S, if requested. If you agree NOT to increase prices more than 5%, except when justified by supporting documentati on, you are awarded 10 points; if 6% to 14%, except when justified by supporting documentation, you receive 1 to 9 points incrementally. Price increases 14% or greater, except when justified by supporting documentation, receive 0 points. increases will be 5% or less annually per question Required Confidentiality Claim Form This completed form is required by TIPS. By submitting a response to this solicitation you agree to download from th e “Attachments” section, complete according to the instructions on the form, then uploading the completed form, wit h any confidential attachments, if applicable, to the “Response Attachments” section titled “Confidentiality Form” in order to provide to TIPS the completed form titled, “CONFIDENTIALITY CLAIM FORM”. By completing this process, you provide us with the information we require to comply with the open record laws of the State of Texas as they ma y apply to your proposal submission. If you do not provide the form with your proposal, an award will not be made if your proposal is qualified for an award, until TIPS has an accurate, completed form from you. Read the form carefully before completing and if you have any questions, email Xxxx Xxxxxx at TIPS at xxxx.xxxxxx@t

  • System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.

  • Financial Viability and Regulatory Compliance 2.6.1 Contractor warrants and represents that its corporate entity is in good standing with all applicable federal, state, and local licensing authorities and that it possesses all requisite licenses to perform the services required by this contract. Contractor further warrants and represents that it owes no outstanding delinquent federal, state or local taxes or business assessments. 2.6.2 Contractor agrees to promptly disclose to the MPHA any IRS liens or licensure suspension or revocation that may adversely affect its capacity to perform the services outlined within this contract. The failure by Contractor to disclose such issue to the MPHA in writing within 5 days of such notification received will constitute a material breach of this contract. 2.6.3 Contractor further agrees to promptly disclose to the MPHA any change of more than 50% of its ownership and/or any declaration of bankruptcy that Contractor may undergo during the term(s) of this contract. The failure of Contractor to disclose any change of more than 50% of its ownership and/or its declaration of bankruptcy within 5 days of said actions shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 2.6.4 All disclosures made pursuant to this section of the contract shall be made in writing and submitted to MPHA within the time periods required herein.

  • Power Factor Design Criteria Developer shall design the Large Generating Facility to maintain an effective power delivery at demonstrated maximum net capability at the Point of Interconnection at a power factor within the range established by the Connecting Transmission Owner on a comparable basis, until NYISO has established different requirements that apply to all generators in the New York Control Area on a comparable basis. The Developer shall design and maintain the plant auxiliary systems to operate safely throughout the entire real and reactive power design range. The Connecting Transmission Owner shall not unreasonably restrict or condition the reactive power production or absorption of the Large Generating Facility in accordance with Good Utility Practice.

  • Criteria (1) Annual Evaluation Criteria. All performance evaluations shall be based upon assigned duties, and shall carefully consider the nature of the assignment in terms, where applicable, of: a. Teaching effectiveness, including effectiveness in presenting knowledge, information, and ideas by means or methods such as lecture, discussion, assignment and recitation, demonstration, laboratory exercise, practical experience, supervision of interns, theses, professional projects and/or dissertations, and direct consultation with students. The evaluation shall include consideration of effectiveness in imparting knowledge and skills, and effectiveness in stimulating students' critical thinking and/or creative abilities, the development or revision of curriculum and course structure, and adherence to accepted standards of professional behavior in meeting responsibilities to students. The evaluator may take into account class notes, syllabi, student exams and assignments, and any other materials relevant to the employee's teaching assignment. The teaching evaluation must take into account any relevant materials submitted by the employee, including the results of peer evaluations of teaching, and may not be based solely on student evaluations when this additional information has been made available to the evaluator. b. Contribution to the discovery of new knowledge, development of new educational techniques, and other forms of creative activity. Evidence of research and other creative activity shall include, but not be limited to, published books; articles and papers in professional journals; musical compositions, paintings, sculpture; works of performing art; papers presented at meetings of professional societies; funded grant activities; and research and creative accomplishments that have not yet resulted in publication, display, or performance. The evaluation shall include consideration of the employee's productivity, including the quality and quantity of the employee's research and other creative programs and contributions during the year, as well as recognition by the academic or professional community of what has been done. c. Public service that extends professional or discipline-related contributions to the community, the State, public schools, and/or the national and international community. This public service includes contributions to scholarly and professional organizations, governmental boards, agencies, and commissions that are beneficial to such groups and individuals. d. Participation in the governance processes of the University through significant service on committees, councils, and senates, beyond that associated with the expected responsibility to participate in the governance of the University through participation in regular departmental or college meetings. e. Other assigned University duties, such as attending University events, advising, counseling, and academic administration, or as described in a Position Description, if any, of the position held by the employee. Other assigned duties may include entrepreneurial activities that contribute to the further development of the University with an end result of creating a new venture. Evidence of entrepreneurial contributions shall include, but not be limited to, creation of self- supporting centers or institutes, development of multi- disciplinary research partnerships, and applications of research to implementations in society. To provide guidelines for the establishment, maintenance and use of employee evaluation files within the employee’s respective academic unit.