AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Maintain current language MINISTRY OF HEALTH Maintain current language MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE and MINISTRY RESPONSIBLE FOR ASIA PACIFIC STRATEGY and MULTICULTURALISM Maintain current language 2. MINISTRY OF JOBS, ECONOMIC RECOVERY, AND INNOVATION TOURISM AND SKILLS TRAINING AND MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR MINISTRY OF LABOUR Maintain current language MINISTRY OF JUSTICE PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Community Corrections Fraser Metro Region – One unit: • Central Monitoring Unit (moving to Island Coastal) • Delta/ West Surrey • Langley • New Westminster • Surrey North • Surrey South • Tri-Cities • Surrey East
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  • Research and Development (i) Advice and assistance in relation to research and development of Party B;

  • Staff Development ‌ The County and the Association agree that the County retains full authority to determine training needs, resources that can be made available, and the method of payment for training authorized by the County. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the right of an employee to request specific training.

  • Faculty Development Faculty who develop and/or teach Distance Education courses shall be provided with reasonable technical support and opportunities for Faculty development, consistent with the needs of the Faculty and availability of Board resources and services for that purpose. In the event that a Faculty member develops and/or teaches a Distance Education course for the first time, the Faculty member shall receive reasonable and appropriate professional development and technical support assistance, consistent with the needs of the Faculty and availability of Board resources and services for that purpose. In instances of succeeding assignments to teach Distance Education courses, the Faculty member is expected to demonstrate a level of technical competence sufficient to teach the course. Ongoing technical support assistance may be available to Faculty who teach succeeding offerings of the same course.

  • Skills Development The Company acknowledges the changing pace of technology in the electrical contracting industry and the need for employees to understand those changes and have the necessary skill requirements to keep the Company at the forefront of the industry. The Parties to this Agreement recognise that in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the Company, a commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to:

  • Professional Development 9.01 Continuous professional development is a hallmark of professional nursing practice. As a self-regulating profession, nursing recognizes the importance of maintaining a dynamic practice environment which includes ongoing learning, the maintenance of competence, career development, career counselling and succession planning. The parties agree that professional development includes a diverse range of activities, including but not limited to formal academic programs; short-term continuing education activities; certification programs; independent learning committee participation. The parties recognize their joint responsibility in and commitment to active participation in the area of professional development.

  • Community Development 1. Support the mission of Residence Life & Housing in building a strong community on all levels.

  • Economic Development 1. The Parties aim to promote balanced economic growth, poverty reduction and the reduction of social-economic disparities.

  • Job Development Job development/placement is individualized and shall include weekly person-to-person job search assistance, assistance with identifying job leads, interview coaching and support, and maintaining a log of job search activities for the purposes of obtaining competitive integrated employment. By mutual consent of the consumer and the KARINA ASSOCIATION, INC. , these services may be provided in-person or by Skype, FaceTime, or other online communication tools. Job development/placement may also include arranging job trials/job shadowing for individuals with a DORS Trial Work Experience Plan, assistance with completing applications, assistance with employer follow-up after interviews, use of personal employment networks in job search, and resume update. It would include time spent calling employers, visiting and educating employers and similar activities. Job development/placement shall not be paid for using supported employment funding and shall not include the Discovery process, which is pre-vocational in nature and may be completed prior to job development. Up to 60 hours for job search assistance, authorized in 20-hour increments, may be used for job development. Additional hours of job development may be requested and require written justification by KARINA ASSOCIATION, INC. and approval of the DORS regional/program director. Authorizations for Job Development. DORS only pays for job development services which have been previously authorized by a DORS official. Job Development Reporting. The Employment Service Progress Form is expected to be submitted to DORS on a monthly basis per consumer. This form is available on the DORS website (

  • Professional Development and Training 4.1 The purpose of professional development and training requirements for interpreters is to maintain the skill levels interpreters possess at the time they pass their interpreter certification examination, and to further enhance their skills and knowledge. Both the State and the Union encourage interpreters to complete training and continuing education activities.

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT A. The Board agrees to implement the following:

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