Skills Training Sample Clauses

Skills Training. 1. The Board of Education is desirous of having all staff trained in skills and concepts designed to support and extend the effectiveness of their instruction. 2. If the staff member is scheduled to participate in a session that takes place during a time school is in session, they will be released from their duties. 3. If a staff member is required to participate at a time outside of their contracted commitment, they will be reimbursed at the daily substitute rate.‌
Skills Training. A. Bargaining unit employees may receive yearly training through the University’s E- Learning (Skillsoft) training program. If the coursework is job related, employees may be approved to take the training during working hours. E-Learning shall be paid for by the University. B. Employees’ evaluations and appraisals will include results from participation in Skillsoft courses or other appropriate training if such was required to address documented performance deficiencies or otherwise to enhance job knowledge.
Skills Training. (a) Supplier will provide Product support training (“Skills Training”) that is sufficient to permit qualified Alcatel technical personnel to provision, configure, operate, install, test, maintain, commission and troubleshoot the Product. Supplier will provide such training within three months after the date of the Agreement.
Skills Training. Acciona undertakes to provide the resources to contribute to learning and training on the part of its employees and to update their knowledge and skills in order to provide professional progress and more value to customers, shareholders and society in general.
Skills Training. All workers shall have the opportunity to participate in education and training programmes including training to improve workers skills to use new technology and equipment.
Skills Training. 30.1 In the interest of Local Community Development, local labour must be employed wherever possible, and an on site skills training programme must be implemented. Details of the training programme to be submitted to BCMA at each site hand over. 30.2 Clause 38 of the Sales Agreement between the Developer (Effingham JV) in respect of employment practice is to be adhered to.
Skills Training. The Company recognises the importance of training in enhancing the skills of its employees and shall, in cooperation with the Union work towards upgrading the skills of the employees.
Skills Training. Platinum Elite VAR agrees to maintain a minimum of two (2) technicians in their employ at all times who have successfully completed the Mitel IP Technical Skills training course. In addition the Platinum Elite VAR must maintain a minimum if two (2) sales professionals in their employ at all times who have successfully completed the Mitel IP Sales Skills training course. Should the Platinum Elite VAR lose June 2001 its required sales or technical individual(s), the VAR will have up to ninety (90) days grace period (from the last day of the former technician's or sales representatives employment) to have a new individuals) either from within the dealership or via new hire obtain their applicable Mitel IP skills training.
Skills Training. Skills training, other than accredited courses, can be substituted for a maximum of six (6) semester credits of the initial eighteen (18) or subsequent twelve (12) or fifteen (15) semester credits required to reach each horizontal level superior to that certified or approved at initial employment. For this type of training, one (1) semester credit shall be awarded for each twenty (20) hours of skills training or twenty-five (25) State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH). The superintendent is designated to approve skills training. Requests must be submitted and approved in advance of the training, utilizing the request for educational coursework or skills training participation form. Training will only be approved if the employee attends the training outside of their normal work schedule. Teachers receiving wages for training shall not receive credit toward horizontal movement on the salary schedule. These options shall be the only exception to moving horizontally on the salary schedule within an academic degree.
Skills Training. (1) The Company shall endeavour to provide every confirmed employee with adequate and relevant skills training organised by internal and recognised external bodies. (2) The Company shall bear the cost of training including registration and examination fees provided the employee has achieved 75% attendance of the skills training, unless it can be proven that his failure to achieve 75% attendance is caused by performance of duties in the Company and is subject to acceptance by the Company on the case to case basis. (3) The employee shall on completion of skills training and courses, submit to the Company all relevant documents, such as certificates, attendance records and course assessment reports. (4) The employees are required to execute a bond with the Company under the following circumstances. Above 3 months $1,000 + Course duration + 1 year 3 months and below $1,500 + Course duration + 1 year