ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN PROVISIONS. These Annual Leave provisions apply only to regular and limited term employees hired on or after July 15, 1977 and before the first full pay period in January 2017, except as otherwise indicated in this Article. As discussed more fully in Section 3 of this Article, effective the first pay period of January 2017, employees will no longer accrue annual leave. Instead, employees will accrue sick leave and vacation time pursuant to Article IV, Section 1. and Article V, Section 1.
ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN PROVISIONS. The Annual Leave provisions shall apply to regular and limited term employees hired on or after July 15, 1977, and before the implementation of the 2019-2023 MOU.
ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN PROVISIONS. The Annual Leave provisions shall apply to regular and limited term employees hired on or after July 15, 1977, and shall become effective on November 10, 1998. Upon adoption of the Annual Leave Plan, annual leave will consist of the combined sick leave, vacation balances and accruals for employees covered by the Annual Leave Plan Provisions.
ANNUAL LEAVE PLAN PROVISIONS. These Annual Leave provisions shall apply only to regular and limited term employees hired on or after July 15, 1977, and shall become effective on November 10, 1998. Upon adoption of the Annual Leave Plan, annual leave will consist of the combined sick leave, vacation balances and accruals for employees covered by the Annual Leave Plan Provisions. and before the first full pay period in January 2017is 2016-2019 MOU has been adopted by the Board of Supervisors, except as otherwise indicated in this Article. As discussed more fully in Section 4 of this Article, effective upon implementation of this MOU, employees will no longer accrue annual leave. Instead, employees will accrue sick leave and vacation time pursuant to Articles IV., Section 1. and VI.