Sick Leave Provisions. (A) Sick Leave Defined Sick leave means the period of time an employee is permitted to be absent from work with full pay by virtue of being sick, disabled, exposed to contagious disease, or under examination or treatment of a physician, chiropractor, or dentist, or because of an accident for which compensation is not payable under the Worker's Compensation Act.
(B) Amount of Sick Leave Sick leave shall be granted to employees on the basis of one and two-third (1 2/3) days for every month of service. In any one calendar year when an employee has not had sick leave, or only a portion thereof, the employee shall be entitled to an accrual of all the unused portion of sick leave up to a maximum of 160 working days for their future benefits. Employees at maximum accumulation of 160 or more sick days shall accumulate at one half day per month effective January 1, 1993. Employees who have accumulated 160 days or more and who become ill in the year preceding retirement will be allotted a maximum of twenty (20) days to maintain their entitlement. A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all normal working days (exclusive of Statutory Holiday) absent for sick leave as defined in (A) and Article 25 (Supplementation of Compensation). The PEBT LTD Plan shall be fully integrated with the sick leave plan so that an employee will be entitled to use sick leave up to the date the employee is eligible to collect LTD (80 work days) at which time sick leave usage shall cease.
(C) Illness in the Family In the case of illness at the employee's residence and/or a medical emergency/procedure at a hospital of a family member where no one other than the employee can provide for the needs of the ill person, the employee, after notifying their supervisor, shall be entitled to a maximum of eight (8) days per calendar year when supported by a medical certificate. In the event that a non-resident parent requires support due to a serious medical condition as confirmed by a medical practitioner, such time will be provided under the Family Illness provisions of this Article.
Sick Leave Provisions. Medical complications of pregnancy, including complications during an unpaid leave of absence under this Article, preceding the period stated by the Employment Insurance Act, shall be covered by sick leave credits provided the employee is not in receipt of maternity benefits under the Employment Insurance Act or any wage loss replacement plan.
Sick Leave Provisions. Sick leave means the period of time an employee is permitted to be absent from work by virtue of being sick or disabled, or because of an accident for which compensation is not payable under the Workers' Compensation Act.
Sick Leave Provisions. (a) All employees, except for casual employees, upon completion of the probationary period, shall be granted one and one-half (1½) days' sick leave with pay for every month of service. An employee shall be entitled to an accrual of all unused sick leave to a maximum of two hundred and sixty-one (261) days for the employee’s future benefits.
Sick Leave Provisions. Maternity leave medical complications of pregnancy shall be covered by sick leave provisions. Pregnancy shall not constitute cause for Termination.
Sick Leave Provisions. 23.01 The Board shall keep a record of each Employee=s credited and accumulated sick leave. Employees shall be advised annually in writing as to the amount of their accumulated leaves.
23.02 An Employee, with the exception of Temporary Employees who sick leave provisions are defined in Article 3.02, shall be entitled to accumulate two (2) days= sick leave with pay for each month employed to a maximum of 280 days. Permanent part-time Employees shall be entitled to sick leave on the same basis, prorated according to time worked. If an Employee is employed only part of a month, the two (2) days shall be prorated.
23.03 If an Employee is absent for less than a half (2) day, sick leave will not be deducted. If an Employee is absent for more than a half a (2) but less than one day, only a half (2) day of sick leave shall be deducted.
23.04 An Employee shall be entitled to transfer accumulated sick leave from a previous employment with a school board, upon acceptable written confirmation from the previous employer, or from another collective agreement with the Employer to the Employee=s sick leave account.
23.05 Subject to Articles 14 and 18, upon return from sick leave or long term disability, (paid or unpaid), an Employee shall be guaranteed the same position for a period of one year and an equivalent position if the Employee returns any time after one year.
23.06 An Employee who is prevented from performing the Employee=s regular work with the Board because of an occupational accident that is recognized by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board as compensable within the meaning of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, shall receive from the Board the difference between the amount payable by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and regular salary to the extent of the Employee=s accumulated sick leave.
Sick Leave Provisions. Short term sick leave will be paid according to regular scheduled hours up to a total of five hundred and sixty-two and one-half (562.5) hours: i.e., 75 working days x 7.5 hours.
Sick Leave Provisions. All registered and graduate nurses in the employ of the Hospital as of October 31, 1981, shall be entitled to the following:
(1) Sick leave under the former plan was accumulated after the first three (3) months of employment for a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) days.
(2) One-half (½) of the unused portion of sick leave, up to a maximum of eighty
Sick Leave Provisions. 13.1 Definition
Sick Leave Provisions. Full-Time Employees, Only - Article 31; and