Accumulation of Annual Leave Sample Clauses

Accumulation of Annual Leave. The maximum annual leave that may be carried over from one calendar year to the next shall not exceed a total of 280 hours accrued leave. The date for computation of excess leave for each year shall be the end of the last pay period in December. It is the intent of this agreement that employees take their annual leave yearly for the period in which it was earned. Employees carrying excess annual leave should be given the opportunity to use the excess leave. Any deviation from the authorized maximum accumulation must be documented and must be approved by the County Administrator. If for extraordinary circumstances, an employee is unable to use sufficient accrued annual leave to reduce his/her annual leave balance to below the maximum level by the last pay period in December of any calendar year, the County Administrator may allow the employee to take the excess annual leave by March 31 of the following calendar year. In such cases, excess leave not used by March 31 shall be forfeited.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. A. During the first three (3) years of employment, a regular or limited term employee shall earn approximately five (5) hours and fifty-one (51) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately one hundred fifty-two [152] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. B. After an employee has been paid for six thousand two hundred forty (6240) regularly scheduled hours, approximately three (3) years, the employee shall earn approximately eight (8) hours and nineteen (19) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately two hundred sixteen [216] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. C. Commencing with the pay period following that in which an employee completes ten (10) years of continuous full-time County service, an employee in a regular or limited-term position shall earn nine (9) hours and fifty-one (51) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately two hundred fifty-six [256] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. D. Annual Leave earned shall be added to the employee's annual leave accumulation account upon the completion of the pay period, with no credit to be applied during the progress of the pay period or for a portion of the pay period during which the employee terminates County service. E. The amount of annual leave an employee may accrue shall be unlimited. F. Extra help employees shall not earn annual leave.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. A full-time or part-time Employee entitlement to paid annual leave accrues progressively during a year of service according to the Employee’s ordinary hours of work and accumulates from year to year. If a full- time or part-time Employee’s employment ends during what would otherwise have been a year of service, the Employee accrues paid annual leave up to when their employment ends. Provided that the following periods do not count as service and accordingly no annual leave is accrued during: a. any period of unauthorised absence; b. any period of unpaid leave or unpaid authorised absence, other than: i. a period of absence under Division 8 of Part 2-2 of the Act (which deals with community service leave); or ii. a period of stand down under an this Agreement or under an Employee’s contract of employment; or iii. any other period of a kind prescribed by the Act’s regulations.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. 1. Annual leave shall accrue from the date of entry on duty for all employees, except those employed on a temporary appointment basis. Part-time employees employed on an indefinite basis are eligible for annual leave on a prorated basis. Employees who are in a non-pay status for part of a pay period shall have their annual leave accumulation reduced on a prorated basis. 2. Employees who are on pay status for eighty (80) hours within the pay period shall accrue annual leave in an amount equal to: a. Three and eight hundredths (3.08) hours biweekly for the first month through the twenty-fourth (24th) month. b. Four and sixty-two hundredths (4.62) hours biweekly for the twenty-fifth (25th) month through the eighty- third (83rd) month. c. Four and ninety-two hundredths (4.92) hours biweekly for the eighty fourth (84th) through the one hundred twentieth (120th) month. d. Six and ninety-six hundredths (6.96) hours bi-weekly for the one hundred twenty-first (121st) month through the one hundred eightieth (180th) month. e. Seven and seventy-three hundredths (7.73) hours bi-weekly for each month after the one hundred eighty-first (181st) month. Months of Service Annual Leave Accrual Rate Maximum Accrual of Annual Leave
Accumulation of Annual Leave. An employee may accumulate up to thirty-seven and a half (37.5) hours of annual leave. In order to carry over unused annual leave, employees must request in writing or via e-mail the amount of annual leave to be carried over. Such written request must be received by the payroll department no later than June 30. Unused annual leave not requested to be carried over will be automatically cashed out at the substitute teacher rate of pay at the end of each school year.
Accumulation of Annual Leave a. For any one year, a unit member may carry forward up to, but not exceeding, thirty-five (35) days of annual leave earned from the previous year. b. The maximum number of days of annual leave available at any one time will be the balance brought forward up to a maximum of thirty-five (35) days, plus the amount to be earned for the current school year. c. Each year, annual leave that is not used or forwarded shall be automatically transferred to a unit member’s accumulated sick leave. d. Each June unit members with at least five (5) years of administrative experience with MCPS, and who have accumulated at least 280 hours of annual leave, will be permitted to “cash out” up to four (4) days of such annual leave and deposit the monetary value of the leave in an available 403(b) plan of the employee’s choice. All annual leave so deposited must be matched by the unit member’s payroll deduction of at least an equal amount of salary in the same fiscal year to a qualifying 403(b) and/or a 457(b) plan. This provision also applies to unit members retiring on July 1.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. A. During the first three (3) years of employment, a regular or limited term employee shall earn approximately five (5) hours and fifty-one (51) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately one hundred fifty-two [152] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. B. After an employee has been paid for six thousand two hundred forty (6240) regularly scheduled hours, approximately three (3) years, the employee shall earn approximately eight (8) hours and nineteen (19) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately two hundred sixteen [216] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. C. Commencing with the pay period following that in which an employee completes ten (10) years of continuous full-time County service, an employee in a regular or limited-term position shall earn nine (9) hours and fifty-one (51) minutes of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period (approximately two hundred fifty-six [256] hours per year), or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. D. Employees in the classes of Real Property Agent I, Real Property Agent II, and Real Property Agent III shall earn an additional one (1) hour and thirty-three (33) minutes (approximately forty [40] hours per year) of annual leave during each eighty (80) hour pay period, or a prorated amount for any pay period in which the employee is paid for less than eighty (80) hours. E. Annual Leave earned shall be added to the employee's annual leave balance upon the completion of the pay period, with no credit to be applied during the progress of the pay period or for a portion of the pay period during which the employee terminates County service. F. The amount of annual leave an employee may accrue shall be unlimited. G. Extra help employees shall not earn annual leave.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. An employee may, with the prior written approval of the Bank, accumulate part of his Annual Leave for a period not exceeding three (3) years for the purposes of going overseas (for this purpose Singapore is deemed to be overseas) or to perform a pilgrimage, subject to the following conditions:- (a) The employee gives written notice of his intention to do so in the first year during which he proposes to accumulate his Annual Leave; (b) Annual Leave may be accumulated subject to an employee taking at least the following minimum number of working days annually:- (i) Less than two (2) years’ service - 8 Days; (ii) Two (2) years or more but less than five (5) years - 12 Days; (iii) Five (5) years or more but less than sixteen (16) years - 16 Days; and (iv) Sixteen (16) years and more - 16 Days. (c) Annual Leave may only be accumulated for a period not exceeding three (3) years and shall be taken in full in the year immediately following the accumulated period: PROVIDED THAT in cases of any postponement of such leave for any valid reason whatsoever, the employee shall be permitted to carry forward such accumulated leave to a later date within one year from the last day of the calendar year in which the accumulated leave was due; (d) Accumulated leave not taken under the conditions and within such periods stipulated above shall be forfeited absolutely; (e) Prior written notice of one (1) month must be given to the Bank stating when such accumulated leave is to be utilised; (f) Pay in respect of the number of days of accumulated leave may be paid to the employee two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of leave upon written application; (g) Valid travel documents are to be produced prior to departure overseas; (h) The number of days that may be accumulated are as follows:- Less than 2 years’ service 14 days 8 days 6 days per year 2 yrs or more but less than 5 yrs 16 days 12 days 4 days per year 5 yrs or more but less than 16 yrs 23 days 16 days 7 days per year 16 years and more 26 days 16 days 10 days per year.
Accumulation of Annual Leave. For each month of a fiscal year in which an employee receives ten days pay, he/she shall earn annual leave at the following rates:
Accumulation of Annual Leave. (a) For each hour that an employee receives pay he/she shall earn annual leave at the following rates: Completed Years of Continuous Service Hourly Entitlement 0 - 2 years 0.063462 2+ - 9 years 0.082616 9+ - 14 years 0.096000 14+ - 19 Years 0.115385 More than 19 Years 0.134770