Annually SAS 70 report or other internal control reports. If a standard internal control report is not available please provide a description of what controls are in place to prevent things such as rogue trading, trades outside our guidelines or the Fund Account investment objectives, and general violation of the Sub-Adviser’s policies or code of ethics.
ANNUAL VACATIONS 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows: (a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service; (b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service; (c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter. 15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation. 15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used. 15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another. 15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working. 15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned. 15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.