ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 13.1 Annual vacations with pay shall be granted to eligible employees computed at the rate shown in Section 13.3 for each hour on regular pay status as shown on the payroll, but not to exceed eighty (80) hours per pay period.
13.2 Regular pay status" is defined as regular straight-time hours of work plus paid time off such as vacation time, holiday time off and sick leave. At the discretion of the Employer, up to one hundred and sixty (160) hours per calendar year of unpaid leave of absence may be included as service for purposes of accruing vacation.
13.3 The vacation accrual rate shall be determined in accordance with the rates set forth in Column No. 1. Column No. 2 depicts the corresponding equivalent annual vacation for a regular full-time employee. Column No. 3 depicts the maximum number of vacation hours that can be accrued and accumulated by an employee at any time.
13.4 An employee who is eligible for vacation benefits shall accrue vacation from the date of entering City service or the date upon which he/she became eligible and may accumulate a vacation balance which shall never exceed at any time two (2) times the number of annual vacation hours for which the employee is currently eligible. Accrual and accumulation of vacation time shall cease at the time an employee's vacation balance reaches the maximum balance allowed and shall not resume until the employee’s vacation balance is below the maximum allowed.
13.5 Employees may, with Employer approval, use accumulated vacation with pay after completing one thousand forty (1040) hours on regular pay status.
13.6 In the event that the Employer cancels an employee's already scheduled and approved vacation leaving no time to reschedule such vacation before the employee's maximum balance will be reached, the employee's vacation balance will be permitted to exceed the allowable maximum, and the employee will continue to accrue vacation for a period of up to three months if such exception is approved by both the Chief of Police and the Personnel Director in order to allow rescheduling of the employee's vacation. In such cases the Chief of Police shall provide the Personnel Director with the circumstances and reasons leading to the need for such an extension. No extension of this grace period will be allowed. 13.7 "Service year" is defined as the period of time between an employee's date of hire and the one-year anniversary date of the employee's date of hire or the period of time between any two consecut...
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%),...
ANNUAL VACATIONS. Vacation entitlement earned during previous employment shall be credited to the employee, and vacations granted shall be in accordance with such previous entitlement (Articles 28.01 and 28.02).
13.1 Annual vacations with pay will be granted to eligible employees computed at the rate shown in Section 9.3 for each hour on regular pay status as shown on the payroll, but not to exceed eighty (80) hours per pay period.
13.2 Regular pay status" is defined as regular straight-time hours of work plus paid time off such as vacation time, holiday time off, compensated time, and sick leave. At the discretion of the Employer, up to one hundred sixty (160) hours per calendar year of unpaid leave of absence may be included as service for purposes of accruing vacation.
13.3 The vacation accrual rate will be determined in accordance with the rates set forth in Column No. 1. Column No. 2 depicts the corresponding equivalent annual vacation for a regular full-time employee. Column No. 3 depicts the maximum number of vacation hours that can be accrued and accumulated by an employee at any time. COLUMN XX. 0 XXXXXX XX. 0 XXXXXX XX. 0 ACCRUAL RATE EQUIVALENT ANNUAL VACATION FOR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE MAXIMUM VACATION BALANCE Hours on Regular Pay Status Vacation Earned Per Hour Years of Service Working Days Per Year Working Hours Per Year Maximum Hours 0 through 08320 0460 0 through 4........... ............ 12 .......... ............ (96)................ ................. 192.................... 08321 through 18720 0577 5 through 9........... ............ 15 .......... ............ (120)............... ................. 240.................... 18721 through 29120 0615 10 through 14........ ............ 16 .......... ............ (128)............... ................. 256.................... 29121 through 39520 0692 15 through 19........ ............ 18 .......... ............ (144)............... ................. 288.................... 39521 through 41600 0769 20 .......................... ............ 20 .......... ............ (160)............... ................. 320.................... 41601 through 43680 0807 21 .......................... ............ 21 .......... ............ (168)............... ................. 336.................... 43681 through 45760 0846 22 .......................... ............ 22 .......... ............ (176)............... ................. 352.................... 45761 through 47840 0885 23 .......................... ............ 23 .......... ............ (184)............... ................. 368.................... 47841 through 49920 0923 24 .......................... ............ 24 .......... ............ (192)................
ANNUAL VACATIONS. Paid annual vacation for all employees covered by this Agreement shall be allowed as follows:
ANNUAL VACATIONS. Casual employees will be entitled to receive vacation pay at the rate of 6% of their regular earnings. Casual employees will receive their earned vacation biweekly. Casual employees after six months from their date of hire, may elect to take a leave of absence without pay of up to 15 workdays, not to exceed 105 hours, in any calendar year. An employee seeking such unpaid leave will make application, in writing, a minimum of seven workdays prior to the requested leave. The granting and scheduling of any such leave will be subject to operational requirements, the vacation schedules of employees and provided there is no increased cost to the Employer. The days need not be consecutive. Casual employees who have completed 1827 hours worked in 33 pay periods will be eligible for annual vacation leave in accordance with the provisions of this clause and Clause 18.1 - Annual Vacation Entitlement, except that the first vacation year is the calendar year in which the anniversary of eligibility occurs. Casual employees eligible for annual vacation will not be entitled to vacation pay as in (a) above or leave in accordance with (b) above. The calendar year in which an employee qualifies for vacation leave under (d) will be considered the first partial year of service for purposes of vacation entitlement and subject to Clause 18.6 - Vacation Carryover any unused vacation entitlement earned during that year will be paid to the employee on the final payday of that year. Upon qualifying for vacation leave a casual employee will be paid any earned vacation pay owing to that date and thereafter will earn vacation leave in accordance with Clause 18.2 - Vacation Earnings for Partial Years. Vacation leave will be scheduled in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, except that employees hired for vacation relief or for seasonal operations may be restricted as to the time of year they may schedule vacation. Vacation schedules, once approved by the Employer, may be rescheduled if it is displaced by an emergency or because the employee is absent on an approved WCB claim. Casual employees who qualify for vacation leave will be covered by the provisions of Clauses 18.4 - Vacation Pay, 18.6 - Vacation Carryover, 18.7 - Callback From Vacation, 18.8 - Vacation Leave on Retirement and 18.9 - Vacation Credits Upon Death.
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 14.01 Employees with less than one (1) year of service shall be entitled to four percent (4%) vacation pay if they leave the service of the Employer prior to their first anniversary.
14.02 Employees will be entitled to vacation time and vacation pay as follows:
(a) Employees with one (1) or more years of continuous service shall have earned three (3) weeks’ vacation at six percent (6%) vacation pay, based on gross earnings.
(b) Employees with five (5) or more years of continuous service shall have earned four (4) weeks’ vacation at eight percent (8%) vacation pay, based on gross earnings.
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 9.01 a) Upon completion of twelve (12) months service, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of fifteen (15) working days. Payment for such vacation period shall be at the employee's current wage rate or six (6%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which the vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 6.1 An Employee shall be granted, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, an annual vacation with pay according to their aggregate credited service as follows: Vacation with pay as shown in Column II during the calendar year in which the Employee completes the years of service in Column I: Column I Column II 26 Years 7 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 23 Years 6 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 20 Years 6 weeks + 1 days and thereafter 18 Years 5 weeks + 4 days and thereafter 16 Years 5 weeks + 3 days and thereafter 14 Years 5 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 2 Years 3 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 1 Year 2 weeks + 2 days and thereafter
6.2 Payment for vacation entitlement to part-time Employees shall be paid on a bi- weekly basis at the % rate (outlined below) 26 Years 14.0% 7 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 23 Years 12.0% 6 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 20 Years 11.6% 6 weeks + 1 days and thereafter 19 Years 11.2% 6 weeks and thereafter 18 Years 10.8% 5 weeks + 4 days and thereafter 16 Years 10.4% 5 weeks + 3 days and thereafter 14 Years 10.0% 5 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 6 Years 8.0% 4 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 2 Years 6.0% 3 weeks + 2 days and thereafter 1 Year 4.0% 2 weeks + 2 days and thereafter
6.3 Notwithstanding the schedule of vacation leave above noted, an Employee who has been granted and taken vacation leave and terminates their employment with the Employer before the anniversary date when the Employee commenced work, shall have the unearned portion of vacation leave deducted from their termination pay.
6.4 An Employee’s vacation period and pay shall be based on their standard work week and their standard rate of pay but shall not include any shift premium, overtime, or other increments.
6.5 A week’s pay for hourly paid Employees shall be the basic hours worked per week multiplied by the Employee’s standard rate per hour paid on a weekly basis, but shall not include any shift premium, overtime rates, or other increments.
6.6 A week’s pay for salaried Employees shall be the Employee’s basic salary paid per week on a weekly basis but shall not include overtime, shift premium or other increments.
6.7 The vacation period for full time and part time shall commence from and including January 1, and continue to, and including, December 31 of the same year. All full time and part time Employees are expected to have completed their annual vacation by December 20 of each year. However, it is understood
(a) That special circumstances may develop which ...