Common use of Banked Overtime Clause in Contracts

Banked Overtime. Maintenance Employees may bank a maximum of eighty (80) hours of overtime, Sunday and Stat premium pay in an overtime bank. 1) This banked time maybe used in single day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: a) Employees must show their intent to bank either forty (40) to a maximum of eighty (80) hours at any one time, prior to the first pay period of the year. b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. c) The scheduling of banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance Employee’s overtime bank may be paid out at any time at the request of the Employee, subject to the following; a) The request shall be made in writing; b) The written request must be given to the Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period in which the Employee wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; c) The overtime bank pay-out will be included in the Employee’s paycheque pay cheque. 3) Any unused portion of an Employee’s overtime bank remaining at the end of the payroll year shall be carried over to the following payroll year to an amount not exceeding eighty (80) hours. a) Eighty (80) hours, if the Employee has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year; or b) Forty (40) hours, if the Employee has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess of forty (40) hours remaining will be paid out in the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section of the Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – Amended, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 The Employer commits to making changes to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to BC Transit. This will include all aspects of the uniform, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, with three (3) representatives selected by the Employer and three (3) representatives selected by the Union.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Banked Overtime. Maintenance (a) Compensating time off shall not be given in lieu of overtime pay unless the employee so chooses. Employees who wish to bank overtime must confirm same in writing to the Company between March 1st and March 15th and again between September 1st and September 15th of each calendar year. Employees shall be entitled to cancel their decision to bank overtime at any time. In such cases, the employee shall provide the Company with a written notice confirming same, and shall not be eligible to resume banking overtime until the following March 1st or September 1st, as the case may bank a maximum be. (b) Accumulated banked overtime hours shall be shown on the employee's weekly pay stub until implementation of eighty the Workbrain System, at which point such information will be available for review through that System. (80c) Banked overtime shall accumulate at the rate of one and one-half (1½) or two (2) hours of overtimepaid time off, Sunday and Stat premium pay in an as the case may be, for each hour of overtime bankworked. Employees shall only bank overtime exceeding one (1) hour. If overtime worked does not exceed one hour, such overtime shall be paid out. 1) This banked time maybe used in single day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: a(d) Employees must show their intent to bank either forty (40) to a maximum shall have the option of eighty (80) hours at cashing in all or any one time, prior to the first pay period portion of the year. b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. c) The scheduling of banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request said banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance Employee’s overtime bank may be paid out at any time he or she chooses. Banked overtime that is subsequently cashed in by an employee shall be paid to the employee at the request regular hourly rate of the Employee, subject to the following; a) The request shall be made in writing; b) The written request pay said employee was being paid at that time. All banked overtime must be given to the Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period used or cashed in which the Employee wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; c) The overtime bank pay-out will be included in the Employee’s paycheque pay cheque. 3) Any unused portion of an Employee’s overtime bank remaining at by the end of the payroll calendar year shall in which it was earned, unless otherwise mutually agreed to between the employee concerned and the Company. Separate cheques will not be carried over issued for banked overtime but, when paid out, the banked overtime amount will be itemized separately on the employee’s pay record. (e) Subject to the following payroll year paragraph, each employee shall decide when his or her compensating time off is to an be taken except that no such time off can be taken on the working day immediately preceding and following a general holiday without the prior approval of the Company. Compensating time off shall be granted to employees on a first come first served basis. Seniority shall only apply and be the governing factor in situations where on the same day, too many employees put in a request to take compensating time off at the same time. A maximum of four (4) employees per day shall be entitled to use their banked overtime. These amounts may be increased from time to time at the discretion of the Company. (f) All banked time off requests must be submitted by the Monday of the week preceding the requested time off. The minimum amount not exceeding eighty of such time off that can be taken at any one time shall be four (804) hours. a) Eighty . The Employer agrees to respond to the employee’s request within twenty- four (8024) hours. Should no response be given by the Employer, if the Employee has elected to bank that amount then permission for the following payroll year; ortime off will be deemed to have been granted b(g) Forty For the purpose of using banked overtime for regularly scheduled days off (40) hoursexcluding shut downs), if each employee shall have the Employee has elected ability to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess use a maximum of forty (40) hours remaining will be paid out in the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section of the Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – Amended, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 The Employer commits to making changes to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to BC Transit. This will include all aspects of the uniform, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, with three (3) representatives selected by the Employer and three (3) representatives selected by the Union.while working eight

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Banked Overtime. Maintenance Employees Transit Operators may bank a maximum of eighty seventy-five (8075) hours of overtime, Sunday and Stat premium pay overtime in an overtime banka payroll year. 1) . This banked time maybe may be used in single or part day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: (a) Employees must show their intent to bank either forty (40) to a maximum of eighty (80) 37.5 or 75 hours overtime at any one time, prior to the first pay period time of the yearAnnual Vacation sign-up by signing the overtime banking intent sheet. (b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. (c) Employees shall arrange banked time to be taken off with their immediate supervisor, giving forty-eight (48) hours minimum advance notice of their intent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon request the 48 hour minimum advance notice may be waived at the discretion of the Employer. Such a request will not be unreasonably denied. (d) The scheduling of any banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year time off shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave2. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance Employee’s Transit Operator's overtime bank may be paid out at any time at the request of the Employeetransit operator, subject to the following; (a) The the request shall be made in writing; (b) The the written request must be given to the Depot Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period in which the Employee Transit Operator wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; (c) The the overtime bank pay-out will be included in the Employee’s paycheque pay chequeTransit Operator's paycheque; (d) a Transit Operator who has requested to have his or her overtime bank paid out will not be permitted to bank any overtime hours for the remainder of the payroll year. 3) . Any unused portion of an Employee’s a Transit Operator's overtime bank remaining at the end of the payroll year shall be carried over to the following payroll year to an amount not exceeding eighty exceeding: (80) hours. a) Eighty seventy-five (8075) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year; or (b) Forty thirty-seven and one-half (4037½) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess of forty (40) 37½ hours remaining will be paid out in the paycheque for the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section of the Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – Amended, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 The Employer commits to making changes to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to BC Transit. This will include all aspects of the uniform, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, with three (3) representatives selected by the Employer and three (3) representatives selected by the Unionyear.

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Banked Overtime. Maintenance Employees Transit Operators may bank a maximum of eighty seventy-five (8075) hours of overtime, Sunday and Stat premium pay overtime in an overtime banka payroll year. 1) . This banked time maybe may be used in single or part day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: (a) Employees must show their intent to bank either forty (40) to a maximum of eighty (80) 37.5 or 75 hours overtime at any one time, prior to the first pay period time of the yearAnnual Vacation sign-up by signing the overtime banking intent sheet. (b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. (c) The scheduling of any banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year time off shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave2. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance Employee’s Transit Operator's overtime bank may be paid out at any time at the request of the Employeetransit operator, subject to the following; (a) The the request shall be made in writing; (b) The the written request must be given to the Depot Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period in which the Employee Transit Operator wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; (c) The the overtime bank pay-out will be included in the Employee’s paycheque pay chequeTransit Operator's paycheque; (d) a Transit Operator who has requested to have his or her overtime bank paid out will not be permitted to bank any overtime hours for the remainder of the payroll year. 3) . Any unused portion of an Employee’s a Transit Operator's overtime bank remaining at the end of the payroll year shall be carried over to the following payroll year to an amount not exceeding eighty exceeding: (80) hours. a) Eighty seventy-five (8075) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year; or (b) Forty thirty-seven and one-half (4037½) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess of forty (40) 37½ hours remaining will be paid out in the paycheque for the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section of the Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – Amended, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 year. 4. The Employer commits will make available a slot each day (Fridays and statutory holidays not included) for operators wishing to making changes take a single day of banked overtime. Operators may request the single day(s) not more than one month in advance, and not less than 48 hours in advance. Choices will be limited to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to BC Transitone day per operator per week. This will include all aspects of the uniform, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, with three (3) representatives selected by the Employer and three (3) representatives selected by the Union.When more than one operator

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Banked Overtime. Maintenance Employees Transit Operators may bank a maximum of eighty (80) hours of overtime, Sunday and Stat premium pay in an overtime in a payroll year bank. 1) This banked time maybe may be used in single or part day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: a) Employees must show their intent to bank overtime either forty (40) or to a maximum of eighty (80) hours at any one time, prior to time at the first pay period time of the yearAnnual Vacation Sign-up by signing the overtime banking intent sheet. b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. c) The scheduling of any banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year time off shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance EmployeeTransit Operator’s overtime bank may be paid out at any time at the request of the EmployeeTransit Operator, subject to the following; a) The request shall be made in writing; b) The written request must be given to the Depot Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period in which the Employee Transit Operator wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; c) The overtime bank pay-out will be included in the EmployeeTransit Operator’s paycheque pay cheque.; 3) Any unused portion of an Employeea Transit Operator’s overtime bank remaining at the end of the payroll year shall be carried over to the following payroll year to an amount not exceeding eighty (80) hours.exceeding: a) Eighty (80) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year.; or b) Forty (40) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess of forty (40) hours remaining will be paid out in the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section of the Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – Amended, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 year. 4) The Employer commits to making changes to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to BC Transit. This will include all aspects of the uniformavailable, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six two (62) members, with three (3) representatives selected by slots each day per depot (Fridays and statutory holidays not included) for Operators wishing to take a single day of banked overtime. Operators may request the Employer single day(s) not more than one (1) month in advance, and three not less than forty- eight (348) representatives selected by hours in advance. Choices will be limited to one (1) day per Operator per week. When more than one (1) Operator applies on the Union.same day, seniority will be the determining factor. In all other cases, requests will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis. Additional Operators may be granted banked overtime-time off where the staffing exists and the above granting of time off from an Operator’s overtime bank limitations may be waived. RE:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Banked Overtime. Maintenance Employees Transit Operators may bank a maximum of eighty (80) hours of overtime, Sunday and Stat premium pay overtime in an overtime banka payroll year. 1) This banked time maybe may be used in single or part day or week block increments after the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up according to the following: a) Employees must show their intent to bank either forty (40) to a maximum of or eighty (80) hours overtime at any one time, prior to the first pay period time of the yearAnnual Vacation Sign-up by signing the overtime banking intent sheet. b) Overtime shall be banked commencing in the first pay period of the pay year, then in subsequent pay periods until the maximum elected accumulation has been reached, after which all overtime beyond the elected accumulation will be paid. c) The scheduling of any banked overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a calendar year time off shall be subject to staffing requirements as determined by the Employer. d) Following the completion of the Annual Vacation Sign-up, Employees may request banked overtime for open slots as outlined in M10.01.1 (4). e) Random days of banked overtime not scheduled as outlined above may be requested up to forty-eight (48) hours but no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of leave. The Employer will endeavour to respond seven (7) days prior to the date of request when applicable. f) Time off requests will not be accepted unless the Employee has the time in their bank at time of submission. 2) Any unused portion in a Maintenance EmployeeTransit Operator’s overtime bank may be paid out at any time at the request of the EmployeeTransit Operator, subject to the following; a) The the request shall be made in writing; b) The the written request must be given to the Depot Supervisor not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement of the pay period in which the Employee Transit Operator wishes to receive the overtime bank pay-out; c) The the overtime bank pay-out will be included in the EmployeeTransit Operator’s paycheque pay cheque.paycheque; 3) Any unused portion of an Employeea Transit Operator’s overtime bank remaining at the end of the payroll year shall be carried over to the following payroll year to an amount not exceeding eighty (80) hours.exceeding: a) Eighty eighty (80) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year; or b) Forty forty (40) hours, if the Employee Transit Operator has elected to bank that amount for the following payroll year and any amount in excess of forty (40) hours remaining will be paid out in the first pay period of the following payroll year Community Operator Section year. 4) The Employer will make available two (2) slots each day (Fridays and statutory holidays not included) for Operators wishing to take a single day of the banked overtime. Operators may request April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019 79 SS:cs-cope343 Collective Agreement – Removed Economic Stability Dividend – Removed Uniforms – AmendedBetween BC Transit And Unifor Local 333-BC the single day(s) not more than one (1) month in advance, Resigned as #2 Overhaul and Refit – Resigned as #6 Job Security - Resigned as #8 The Employer commits not less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Choices will be limited to making changes one (1) day per Operator per week. When more than one (1) Operator applies on the same day, seniority will be the determining factor. In all other cases, requests will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis. Additional Operators may be granted banked overtime-time off where the staffing exists and the above granting of time off from an Operator’s overtime bank limitations may be waived. April 1, 2014 to the current Operator and Maintenance uniform and will establish a Uniform Committee as follows: Purpose: To review Operator and Maintenance uniforms and make recommendations on changes to March 31, 2019 80 SS:cs-cope343 Collective Agreement Between BC Transit. This will include all aspects of the uniform, attire, accessories and any item used by an Operator or Maintenance in the course of their duties. Membership: The Uniform Committee shall be composed of six (6) members, with three (3) representatives selected by the Employer and three (3) representatives selected by the Union.Transit And Unifor Local 333-BC

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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