Be flexible Sample Clauses
Be flexible. If you say you’ll work out 3 days a week, or for 30 minutes, and something comes up, you can make it up another day, or add some extra time elsewhere in the workout.
Be flexible. The level or intensity of activity at a service site is not always predictable. Your flexibility to changing situations can assist the partnership in working smoothly and producing positive outcomes for everyone involved. DON’T report to your internship site under the influence of drugs or alcohol. DON’T give or loan a client money or other personal belongings. DON’T make promises or commitments to a client you cannot keep. DON’T give a client or agency representative a ride in a personal vehicle. DON’T tolerate verbal exchange of a sexual nature or engage in behavior that might be perceived as sexual with a client or community partner representative. DON’T tolerate verbal exchange or engage in behavior that might be perceived as discriminating against an individual on the basis of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or ethnicity. DON’T engage in any type of business with clients during the term of your service. DON’T enter into a personal relationship with a client or community partner representative during the term of your service. *If you feel that your rights have been or may be violated, or that any of the above stated limitations have been violated, please immediately contact the Site Supervisor and Faculty Supervisor/Course Instructor.
Be flexible. Be willing to do what the teacher asks of you. There may be times that you will not directly work with the children, but instead the teacher needs you to staple papers for an hour. Sometimes, a job that seems tedious to you is a big timesaver for the teacher and allows the teacher to get more effective teaching time in. Please be open and flexible about whatever the teacher asks you to do. BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE TEACHER NEEDS YOU TO DO: If you aren’t sure, feel free to ask for more clarification. NO CELL INTERRUPTIONS: Turn off your cell phone or place it on vibrate. It would be inappropriate and disruptive to make or receive phone calls during your classroom volunteer time.
Be flexible. It is important to understand that boundary plans are not completely inflexible. In fact, recovering sex addicts often spend a month or two (or a year or two) with a particular set of boundaries and then realize they need adjustment. (Recent developments in digital technology have caused many long-recovering sex addicts to revise their boundary plans.) That said, changing a boundary plan is never something a recovering sex addict should do on his or her own. Making changes should always involve input from the addict’s therapist and/or 12-step sexual recovery sponsor. Changes to boundary plans should never be made just because some “special situation” presents itself and the addict decides, in the moment, to make a change. Such behavior is not called “changing the plan,” it’s called “acting out.”
Be flexible. Be adaptable. If you get tired, ask your skipper for a short rest. If you need a drink of water, ask your skipper for a short water rest. If your muscles get sore or tired, ask the person next to you if they would like to switch sides, then ask your skipper to switch sides. If the skipper asks to move the balance weight or to retrieve something in the canoe, please do so with respect. The canoe commands may come quickly, so pay close attention and be ready to follow directions.
Be flexible. The level or intensity of activity at a service site is not always predictable. Your flexibility to changing situations can assist the operation to run smoothly and produce positive outcomes for everyone involved.
Be flexible. The level or intensity of activity at a service site is not always predictable. Your flexibility to changing situations can assist the partnership in working smoothly and producing positive outcomes for everyone involved. DON’T report to your service site under the influence of drugs or alcohol. DON’T give or loan a client money or other personal belongings. DON’T make promises or commitments to a client you cannot keep. DON’T client or agency representative a ride in a personal vehicle. Pag 3 f 6
Be flexible. Understand that our itinerary can be disrupted due to any number of unforeseeable events.
Be flexible. Since the level or intensity of activity at a service site is not always predictable, be ready to adapt to changing situations, including moving from in person to virtual volunteering.
Be flexible. The level or intensity at the service site is not always predictable. Your flexibility to changing situations can assist the partnership in working smoothly and in producing positive outcomes for everyone involved. NEVER… report to your service site under the influence of drugs or alcohol give or loan money or other personal belongings to a client make promises or commitments to a client that neither you nor the organization can keep give a client or organizational representative a ride in a personal vehicle unless the person is authorized for transport. DO NOT transport a child by yourself tolerate verbal exchange of a sexual nature or engage in behavior that might be perceived as sexual with a client or agency representative tolerate verbal exchange or engage in behavior that might be perceived as discriminating against an individual on the basis of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity take photographs of children or adults without explicit permission from your site supervisor