BEHAVIOR OF EMPLOYEES. The following actions constitute grounds for immediate discipline, which may include dismissal (this list is meant solely for the purpose of example and is not intended to be all inclusive): (a) arriving at the job not entirely free of drugs or alcohol, or possessing or consuming drugs or alcoholic beverages during working hours (including meal breaks); (see Section 13.5); (b) theft; (c) damage, or misuse of City and/or Department property; (d) the falsification of any documents; (e) insubordination while interacting with his/her supervisor; (f) verbal, written and/or physical conduct which has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment; (g) negligence and/or dereliction in the performance of his/her official duties; (h) sexual harassment; (i) tardiness; (j) abuse of the leave provisions hereof; (k) violation of any copyright protection laws including, but not limited to, those laws applying to computer programs, video tapes, books, magazines, etc.; and/or (l) violations of City and/or Department rules, regulations and/or policies.
BEHAVIOR OF EMPLOYEES. SUBCONTRACTORS Contractor will be responsible for the behavior of all its employees and subcontractors while on the premises of any Customer location. Any Contractor employee or subcontractor acting in a manner determined by the administration of that location to be detrimental, abusive or offensive to any of Customer’s staff, will be asked to leave the premises and may be suspended from further work on the premises. All Contractor employees and subcontractors who will be working at such locations shall be covered by Contractor’s comprehensive general liability insurance policy.


  • PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES Any Employee who in good faith reports a suspected or actual violation of law, regulation, University policy or procedure, or ethical or professional standards, will be protected from retaliation as a result of such reporting, regardless of whether or not, after investigation, a violation is found to have occurred.