BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. If, subsequent to receiving original proposals, negotiations are conducted, all offerors within the competitive range will be so notified and will be provided an opportunity to submit written best and final offers at the designated date and time. Best and final offers will be subject to the Late Submissions, Late Modifications and Late Withdrawals of Proposals provisions of the solicitation. After receipt of best and final offers, no discussions will be reopened unless the CO determines that it is clearly in the District’s best interest to do so, e.g., it is clear that information available at that time is inadequate to reasonably justify contractor selection and award based on the best and final offers received. If discussions are reopened, the CO shall issue an additional request for best and final offers to all offerors still within the competitive range.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. City may request best and final offers and will determine the scope and subject of any best and final request.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. A. While not required, the Issuing Office reserves the right to conduct discussions with Offerors for the purpose of obtaining "best and final offers." To obtain best and final offers from Offerors, the Issuing Office may do one or more of the following, in any combination and order:
I. Schedule oral presentations;
2. Request revised proposals;
3. Conduct a reverse online auction; and
4. Enter into pre-selection negotiations.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. If in the best interest of the City the department has chosen to employ a method of Proposer selection leading to best and final offers, the City may conduct private discussions with qualified Proposers as allowed by ORS 279B.060(6).
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. If, subsequent to receiving original proposals, discussions are conducted, all Offerors determined to be responsible in accordance with Title 27 DCMR Chapter 19, Section 1905.6 (Attachment J.23) to provide the required services will be provided an opportunity to submit written best and final offers at the designated date and time. Best and Final Offers will be subject to the Late Submissions, Late Modifications and Late Withdrawals of Proposals provision of the solicitation. After receipt of best and final offers, no discussions will be reopened unless the Contracting Officer determines that it is clearly in the District’s best interest to do so, e.g., it is clear that information available at that time is inadequate to reasonably justify Provider selection and award based on the best and final offers received. If discussions are reopened, the Contracting Officer shall issue an additional request for best and final offers to all Offerors still within the competitive range.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. With concurrence of the FDOT Project Manager, the Consultant shall schedule a Best and Final Offer Committee meeting with appropriate personnel for discussion of the outstanding issue(s). Consultant shall make an oral presentation via PowerPoint at the Best and Final Offer Committee meeting pertaining to the parent tract, area of acquisition and all other related issues impeding settlement. Consultant shall prepare a written summary of the outstanding issue(s) including, but not limited to, real estate, improvements, cost to cure, fixtures, business damages, and relocation that may be preventing settlement of the parcel(s). Consultant shall discuss any change in value or cost to cure with the Department’s Review Appraiser prior to the Best and Final Offer Committee meeting.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. 8.1 If discussions are conducted, the State shall issue a written request for Best and Final Offers (BAFO). The request shall set forth the date, time and place for the submission of BAFO’s. BAFO’s shall be requested only once; unless the State makes a determination that it is advantageous to conduct further discussions.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. Vendors should offer their best offer in the original technical and cost proposals. The use of a Best and Final Offer process is regulated by Utah Code 63G-6a-707.5 and will only be used if:
1. no single proposal adequately addresses all the specifications stated in the request for proposals;
2. all proposals are unclear or deficient in one or more respects;
3. all cost proposals exceed the identified budget or the procurement unit's available funding; or
4. two or more proposals receive an identical evaluation score that is the highest score. It is important to understand this so as not to anticipate that a best and final process will allow for a vendor to “sharpen their pencil” in a subsequent phase.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. Although IPA reserves the right to issue a request for Proposal revisions (including BAFOs), IPA is under no obligation to do so. IPA may make its selection and award based on the initial Proposals submitted. If IPA requests Proposal revisions and/or BAFOs, Proposers on the Short List may be informed of and requested and/or allowed to revise their Proposals, including correction of any weaknesses, minor irregularities, errors, and/or deficiencies identified to Proposers by IPA following initial evaluation of the Proposals. The request for Proposal revisions and/or BAFOs will allow adequate time for Proposers to revise their Proposals. Upon receipt of the Proposal revisions and/or BAFOs, the process of evaluation will be repeated. The process will consider the revised information and re- evaluate and revise ratings as appropriate. Although this RFP allows for Proposal revisions and/or BAFOs, all efforts will be made to make a selection based on initial Proposals. If discussions are held, IPA will attempt to limit the selection process to a single BAFO following discussions. If a Proposal revision and/or BAFO is requested of a Proposer, and that Proposer opts to not submit a Proposal revision and/or BAFO, that Proposer’s original Proposal or most recent Proposal revision, as appropriate, will be treated as its BAFO.
BEST AND FINAL OFFERS. When in the best interest of JTCHS, the Selection Committee may request, through the Procurement Officer, the submission of best and final offers from all Proposers remaining in the competitive range. The request for best and final offers shall be in writing and shall establish a common date and time for the submission. The Proposers shall be informed that if they do not submit a best and final offer or a notice of withdrawal, their immediate previous offer will be construed as their best and final offer. Best and final offers shall be submitted only once and shall be evaluated by the Selection Committee; provided, however, the Selection Committee, through the Procurement Officer, may make a written determination that it is in JTCHS’s best interest to conduct additional negotiations with more than one Proposer or change JTCHS’s requirements and require another submission of best and final offers which shall be evaluated by the Selection Committee.