Buckle Sample Clauses

Buckle. A quick-release device enabling the wearer to be held by the belt. The buckle may incorporate the adjusting device, except in the case of a harness belt buckle.
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Buckle. The buckle shall be so designed as to preclude any possibility of incorrect manipulation. This means, inter/alia, that it shall not be possible for the buckle to be left in a partially closed position; it shall not be possible to exchange the buckle parts inadvertently when the buckle is being locked; the buckle shall only lock when all parts are engaged. Wherever the buckle is in contact with the child, it shall not be narrower than the minimum width of strap as specified in paragraph below. This paragraph is not applicable to belt assemblies already approved according to Regulation No. 16 or any equivalent standard in force. In the case of a "Special Needs Restraint" only the buckle on the primary means of restraint need comply with the requirements of paragraphs to
Buckle. The buckle shall be so designed as to preclude any possibility of incorrect use. This means, inter alia, that it must not be possible for the buckle to be left in a partially-closed condition. The procedure for opening the buckle must be evident. The parts of the buckle likely to contact the body of the wearer shall present a section of not less than 20 cm2 and at least 46 mm in width, measured in a plane situated at a maximal distance of 2.5 mm from the contact surface. In the case of harness belt buckles, the latter requirement shall be regarded as satisfied if the contact area of the buckle with the wearer's body is comprised between 20 and 40 cm2.
Buckle. Opening test under load
Buckle. Buckle shall be 1-5/8" wide by 2-1/16" high, with gold or silver "S.D.F.D" buckle appropriate to rank. Buckles are to be tarnish-free and require no polishing. (See attachment d). Buckle must be manufactured by sun badge. Sun badge moniker must be present on back of buckle to ensure authenticity.
Buckle. The buckle shall be so designed as to preclude any possibility of incorrect manipulation. This means, inter/alia, that it must not be possible for the buckle to be left in a partially closed position; it must not be possible to exchange the buckle parts inadvertently when the buckle is being locked; the buckle must only lock when

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