Dynamic test. The belt assembly or restraint system shall be subjected to a dynamic test in conformity with paragraph 7.7. below. The dynamic test shall be performed on two belt assemblies which have not previously been under load, except in the case of belt assemblies forming part of restraint systems when the dynamic test shall be performed on the restraint systems intended for one group of seats which have not previously been under load. The buckles of the belt assemblies to be tested shall have met the requirements of paragraph 6.
Dynamic test. The dynamic deformation characteristics, when impacted according to the protocol described in paragraph 6. of this annex. Deviation from the limits of the force-deflection corridors characterising the rigidity of the impactor - as defined in Appendix 2 of this annex - may be allowed provided that: The deviation occurs after the beginning of the impact and before the deformation of the impactor is equal to 150 mm; The deviation does not exceed 50 per cent of the nearest instantaneous prescribed limit of the corridor; Each deflection corresponding to each deviation does not exceed 35 mm of deflection, and the sum of these deflections does not exceed 70 mm (see Appendix 2 to this annex); The sum of energy derived from deviating outside the corridor does not exceed 5 per cent of the gross energy for that block. Blocks 1 and 3 are identical. Their rigidity is such that their force deflection curves fall between corridors of Figure 2a. Blocks 5 and 6 are identical. Their rigidity is such that their force deflection curves fall between corridors of Figure 2d.
Dynamic test. 7 Typical Buckle Strength Test Device............................................................................................... 8 Description of Conditioning for Adjusters ....................................................................................... 9 Micro Slip ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Abrasion ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Minimum List of Documents Required for Approval ......................................................................
Dynamic test. 2.1. Measurements to be made on the trolley The characteristics of the deceleration of the trolley shall be measured, from the accelerations measured on the rigid frame of the trolley, with measurement systems with a CFC of 60.
2.2. Measurements to be made on manikins The readings of the measuring devices shall be recorded through independent data channels of the following CFC:
2.2.1. Measurements in the head of the manikin The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the centre of gravity (( r) 1/ shall be measured with a CFC of 600.
2.2.2. Measurements in the thorax of the manikin The resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity shall be measured with a CFC of 180.
Dynamic test. The fifth wheel coupling shall be subjected to alternating stress on a test rig (asynchronous dynamic test) with horizontal alternating and vertical pulsating forces acting simultaneously. In the case of fifth wheel couplings not intended for the positive steering of semitrailers, the following forces shall be used: Horizontal: Fhw = ±0.6 × D Vertical: FsO = g × 1.2 U FsU = g × 0.4 U These two forces shall be applied in the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle with the lines of action of both forces FsO and FsU passing through the centre of the joint of the coupling. The vertical force Fs alternates between the limits +g × 1.2 U and +g × 0.4 U and the horizontal force between ±0.6 D. In the case of fifth wheel couplings intended for the positive steering of semitrailers the following forces shall be used: Horizontal: Fhw = ±0.675 D
1. The lines of action of the forces are as given in paragraph For the dynamic test of fifth wheel couplings, a suitable lubricating material shall be placed between the coupling plate and the trailer plate so that the maximum coefficient of friction, µ ≤ 0.15.
Dynamic test. Products shall be manufactured in a way to always pass the Dynamic Test described in the ANSI/ISEA Standard 101-1996. Licensee shall regularly monitor Products with said Dynamic Test, carried out by 5 persons of different sizes, whose physical measurements shall correspond to the maximum as shown in the sizing chart in the ANSI/ISEA 1996 Standard.
Dynamic test. The fifth wheel coupling shall be subjected to alternating stress on a test rig (asynchronous dynamic test) with horizontal alternating and vertical pulsating forces acting simultaneously. In the case of fifth wheel couplings not intended for the positive steering of semitrailers, the following forces shall be used: Horizontal: Fhw = ±0.6 × D Vertical: FsO = g × 1.2 U FsU = g × 0.4 U E/ECE/324 Rev.1/Add.54/Rev.1 Regulation No. 55 page 73 Annex 6 These two forces shall be applied in the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle with the lines of action of both forces FsO and FsU passing through the centre of the joint of the coupling. The vertical force Fs alternates between the limits +g × 1.2 U and +g × 0.4 U and the horizontal force between ±0.6 D. In the case of fifth wheel couplings intended for the positive steering of semitrailers the following forces shall be used : Horizontal: Fhw = ±0.675 D
1. The lines of action of the forces are as given in paragraph For the dynamic test of fifth wheel couplings, a suitable lubricating material shall be placed between the coupling plate and the trailer plate so that the maximum coefficient of friction, µ # 0.15.
Dynamic test. Remarks from Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx -
Dynamic test. The dynamic test shall be a pulsating test using a Class L toroidal eye and with the coupling mounted as it would be on a vehicle and with all of the necessary parts for vehicle installation. However, any flexible components may be neutralized with the agreement of the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service; Hook type couplings intended for use with hinged drawbar trailers - where the imposed vertical load on the coupling S is zero - shall be tested in the same manner as described in paragraph 3.3.2. Hook type couplings intended for use with center axle trailers (S>0): Hook type couplings intended for use with centre axle trailers ≤ 3.5 tons shall be tested in the same way as described in 3.1 of this annex. Hook type couplings intended for use with centre axle trailers above 3.5 tons shall be tested in the same way as described in paragraph of this annex." Paragraph 3.6.3., amend to read:
3.6.3. In the case of steered axles, the resistance to bending shall be verified by theoretical calculations or by a bending test. A horizontal, lateral static force shall be applied in the center of the coupling point. The magnitude of this force shall be chosen so that a moment of 0.6 × Av × g (kNm) is exerted about the front axle center. The permissible stresses shall be in accordance with paragraph 5.3. of ISO 7641/1:1983."
Paragraph 1.1. amend to read:
1.1. Attachment of coupling balls, hook couplings and towing brackets
1.1.1. Coupling balls, hook coupling and towing brackets shall be attached to vehicles of categories X0, X0 (xxxxx 3.5t maximum permissible mass) and N1 in a manner which conforms to the clearance and height dimensions given in Figure 25. The height shall be measured at the vehicle loading conditions given in Appendix 1 to this annex. The height requirement shall not apply in the case of category G off-road vehicles, as defined in Annex 7 of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) The clearance space shown in Figures 25a and 25b may be occupied by non-demountable equipment, such as a spare wheel, provided that the distance from the centre of the ball or the centre of the hook on a vertical plane at the extreme rearmost point of the equipment does not exceed 250 mm The equipment shall be mounted to allow adequate access for coupling and uncoupling without risk of injury to the user and without affecting articulation of the coupling.
1.1.2. For coupling ...
Dynamic test. The fifth wheel coupling shall be subjected to alternating stress on a test rig (asynchronous dynamic test) with horizontal alternating and vertical pulsating forces acting simultaneously. In the case of fifth wheel couplings not intended for the positive steering of semitrailers, the following forces shall be used: These two forces shall be applied in the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle with the lines of action of both forces FsO and FsU passing through the centre of the joint of the coupling. The vertical force Fs alternates between the limits +g × 1.2 U and +g × 0.4 U and the horizontal force between ±0.6 D. In the case of fifth wheel couplings intended for the positive steering of semitrailers the following forces shall be used: Horizontal: Fhw = ±0.675 D
1. The lines of action of the forces are as given in paragraph For the dynamic test of fifth wheel couplings, a suitable lubricating material shall be placed between the coupling plate and the trailer plate so that the maximum coefficient of friction, µ ≤ 0.15.