Budget Summary Chart Sample Clauses

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Budget Summary Chart. General Club Operating/Personnel – Proposed for Calendar Year 2016 *NOTE: BI-BGC operates on a fiscal year July 1- June 30. Contributed income from special events, grants and contributions (estimated $162,400), as well as earned income from member fees and program fees (estimated $251,900) largely help offset general operating expenses. Only select grant funds are designated for specific programs (including staffing and associated expenses) or furniture/equipment. Area Total Program Budget (Total BI- Club budget) COBI HSF Request Other Revenue Sources (pending/likely) Human Resources (salaries & wages, benefits, taxes) for 3 FTE and 9 PTE $212,108 $46,650 One Call for All - $25,000 (general operating) Bainbridge Community Foundation -$6,500 (general operating) Individual contributions & earned income Bank and Processing Fees $4,900 Earned and other income Space/facilities (rent & lease, utilities, maintenance & report, janitorial) $126,000 Earned and other income Equipment Purchase & repair $1,200 Bainbridge Rotary - $1,000 Telephone & internet $5,200 Earned and other income Insurance $6,120 Earned and other income Operating expenses (professional fees, food, awards, rentals, program fees, supplies, etc.) $47,820 Kitsap Community Foundation –$3,500 (program specificmiddle school summer program) Avalara, Inc. - $4,000 Windermere Real Estate - $2,000 Scholarships/Stipends ($37,000*) (This is not a direct expense, but shown as a lack of potential revenue) Transportation/vehicle costs $7,100 Earned income Other (Advertising, dues, misc.) $2,700 Earned income TOTAL $413,148 $46,650 $363,148 Other grants, contributions, specialevents and earned revenue BI-BGC, 2016 General Operating Request, BI-BGC HSF Proposal revised.pdf Proposed COBI funding will help support six part-time employees, primarily for direct youth contact during afterschool hours. $13/hr. x 20 average hrs./week x 52 weeks (Jan 2016-Dec 2016) = $13,520/yr. x 6 PTEs = $81,120

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  • Budget Summary Other Sources (Page BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct 7000), must equal Other Uses (BudgetSum 2-3 - Acct. 8000). Estimated Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 for all Funds (Cells C3 - K3) (Line must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Estimated Activity Fund Beginning Fund Balance July,1 2020 (Cell C83) (Cell must have a number or zero. Do not leave blank.) OK Transfer Among Funds (Funds 10, 20, 40 - Acct 7130 - Cells C29, D29, F29), must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 40 - Acct 8130 - Cells C52, D52, F52). OK Transfer of Interest (Funds 10 thru 90 - Acct 7140 - Cells C30:K30), must equal (Funds 10 thru 60, & 80 - Acct 8140 - Cells C53:H53, J53). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Principal on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7400 - Cell E39) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8400 Cells C57:H60). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Capital Leases (Fund 30 - Acct 7500 - Cell E40) must equal (Funds 10, 20 & 60 - Acct 8500 - Cells C61:H64). OK Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7600 - Cell E41) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8600 - Cells C65:D68). OK Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds (Fund 30 - Acct 7700 - Cell E42) must equal (Funds 10 & 20 - Acct 8700 - Cells C69:D72). OK Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (Fund 60 - Acct 7800 - Cell H43) must equal (Fund 10 & 20, Acct 8800 - Cells C73:D76). OK

  • Budget Schedule Subrecipient agrees that the expenditures of any and all funds under this Contract will be in accordance with the Budget Schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment C, and which by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if fully set forth.

  • Minimum scope of coverage Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 (ed. 11/88) or Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability. Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 (ed. 12/90) Code 1 (“any auto”). No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage.

  • Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is any schedule that is not a regular, alternate, 9/80, or 4/10 work schedule and where the employee is not scheduled to work more than 40 hours in the "workweek" as defined in Subsections F. and H., below.

  • Salary Schedule Progression Employees shall progress from step to step in salary grade on the basis of satisfactory job performance based upon established standards of performance. Seasonal employee's initial anniversary date shall be established after being in pay status for two thousand eighty (2,080) hours. Such date shall then be used for annual performance evaluation and step progression consideration. When an employee's anniversary date falls on any day from the first day of a pay week through Wednesday of the pay week, the employee's merit increase shall be effective as of the first day of the pay week within which the anniversary date falls. Otherwise, the merit increase shall be effective on the first day of the next pay week. Grievances arising from the denial of merit increases shall not be arbitrable under this Agreement but shall be processed as follows:

  • JOB SUMMARY Vouches sample transaction in audit verification assignments and submits findings to supervisor; • Records proceedings of entry and exit conferences; • Collects and analyses data and statistics; • Prepares audit working papers for review by supervisor; • Supervises subordinate staff; • Undertakes any other duties that may be assigned by the Internal Auditor.

  • Project Summary The main objective of the LIFE GAIA Sense project is to demonstrate Gaiasense, an innovative “Smart Farming” (SF) solution that aims at reducing the consumption of natural resources, as a way to protect the environment and support Circular Economy (CE) models. More specifically, this project will launch 18 demonstrators across Greece, Spain and Portugal covering 9 crops (olives, peaches, cotton, pistachio, potatoes, table tomatoes, industrial tomatoes, grapes, kiwi) in various terrain and microclimatic conditions. They will demonstrate an innovative method, based on high-end technology, which is suitable for being replicated and will be accessible and affordable to Farmers either as individuals or collectively through Agricultural Cooperatives. Moreover, LIFE GAIA Sense aims to promote resource efficiency practices in SMEs of the agricultural sector and eventually, contribute to the implementation of the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. This project will demonstrate a method on how the farmer will be able to decide either to use or avoid inputs (irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides etc.) in a most efficient way, without risking the annual production. The focus is on the resource consumption reduction side of CE, and the results will be both qualitatively and quantitatively, considering the resources’ efficiency in agricultural sector.

  • Implementation Schedule TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE with regard to all dates and time periods set forth and/or incorporated herein. Any material modification or deviation from an approved schedule described in this Agreement shall occur only upon approval of the City and RDA, with any such approvals required to be in writing as an amendment to this Agreement, and which approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld. City shall cooperate and act promptly with respect to any and all permits or approvals necessary for completion of the Project. Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement shall not limit the discretion of the City, or any of its duly appointed and authorized governing bodies, boards or entities, in approving or rejecting any aspect of the Project or improvements contemplated on or about the Property.

  • Shift Schedule The words "shift schedule" when used in this Agreement shall mean a timetable of the shifts and off days assigned to a position or group of positions which commences at the beginning of a pay period and includes one complete rotation of said shifts.

  • Work Schedule A 4/10 work schedule is four (4) ten hour days in a seven (7) day period, for a total of forty (40) hours per week.

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