Calibration of Equipment. Calibration consists of comparing the performance of the Customer's Equipment against standards of known accuracy. Supplier’s procedures will be followed when performing the calibration. The calibration of Equipment shall be performed by an accredited calibration facility once a year (for the purposes of this clause, “year” means each 12-month period of the Agreement). If Customer requires that Equipment must be calibrated more frequently than once a year, such additional calibration shall be considered Additional Services as described in clause 4.
1. During the calibration, Supplier shall (i) clean the device; (ii) check the working condition of the device; (iii) perform as-found measurement;
Calibration of Equipment. Calibration consists of comparing the performance of the Customer’s Equipment against standards of known accuracy. Supplier’s procedures will be followed when performing the calibration. The calibration of Equipment shall be performed by an accredited calibration facility once a year (for the purposes of this clause, “year” means each 12-month period of the Agreement). If Customer requires that Equipment must be calibrated more frequently than once a year, such additional calibration shall be considered Additional Services as described in clause 4.
1. During the calibration, Supplier shall (i) clean the device; (ii) check the working condition of the device; (iii) perform as-found measurement; (iv) adjust the device, if required, to bring it within specifications; (v) perform as-left measurement; and (vi) if available, install new firmware upgrades (unless the Customer has notified in advance that firmware upgrades may not be installed), which may contain new and/or improved functionality.
Calibration of Equipment. Calibration consists of comparing the performance of the Customer’s Equipment against standards of known accuracy. Supplier’s procedures will be followed when performing the calibration. The calibration of Equipment shall be performed by an accredited calibration facility once a year (for the purposes of this clause, “year” means each 12-month period of the Agreement). If Customer requires that Equipment must be calibrated more frequently than once a year, such additional calibration shall be considered Additional Services as described in clause 4.
1. During the calibration, Supplier shall (i) clean the device; (ii) check the working condition of the device; (iii) perform as-found measurement; (iv) adjust the device, if required, to bring it within specifications; (v) perform as-left measurement; and (vi) if available, install new firmware upgrades, which may contain new and/or improved functionality.
Calibration of Equipment. The Concessionaire shall undertake calibration of equipment as per the standards of the original equipment manufacturer of such equipment.
Calibration of Equipment. Calibration consists of comparing the performance of the Customer’s Equipment against standards of known accuracy. Supplier’s procedures will be followed when performing the calibration. The calibration of Equipment shall be performed by an accredited calibration facility once a year (for the purposes of this clause, “year” means each 12-month period of the Agreement). If Customer requires that Equipment must be calibrated more frequently than once a year, such additional calibration shall be considered Additional Services as described in clause 4.
1. During the calibration, Supplier shall (i) clean the device; (ii) check the working condition of the device; (iii) perform as-found measurement; (iv) adjust the device, if required, to bring it within specifications; (v) perform as-left measurement; and (vi) if available, install new firmware upgrades, unless otherwise directed by Customer, which may contain new and/or improved functionality.
Calibration of Equipment. Care will be taken to ensure that the multi-parameter probes used for field measurement are calibrated and adjusted prior to sampling by using known buffer solutions (low ionic strength buffers) that are included with the instrument. The multi-parameter probes will be calibrated following the manufacturer’s designated procedures. Field measurements that exceed the normal range of values for each parameter will require that a calibration check of the instrument be completed upon return from the field. If the calibration check falls outside the acceptable calibration limits, the instrument will be re-calibrated and a new field measurement will be taken at the site. All calibration checks and remediation actions taken will be recorded on field forms and in calibration logs and be available upon request. Laboratory turnaround times must be within 10 to 20 working days. Any issues regarding analytical data quality will be resolved by the Tetra Tech and Triad Associates Program Directors through regular communication with the laboratory project manager. Laboratory analytical procedures will follow U.S. EPA (1983, 1991) or APHA et al. (2005) methods. Detection limits and methods are summarized in Section 5 and in Table 5.0-1. Total Phosphorus Water TBD 2.0 µg/L Persulfate, autoclave EPA 365.1 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus Water TBD 1.0 µg/L 0.45u filtration EPA 365.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)a Water TBD RL to 12 mg/L <0.1 mg DO/L None Standard Methods 4500-O G b pH a Water TBD pH 3-9 pH<1 None Standard Methods 4500-H+ b Temperature a Water TBD 0-30 0C 32oC None Standard Methods 2550B b Conductivity a Water TBD RL to 200 µsiemens/cm 1 Microsiemens/cme None USGS NFM 6.3.3A- SW NOTES:
a. This is a field measurement.
b. Cell chosen, based on anticipated conductance will determine reporting limit.
Calibration of Equipment. Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Contract Administrator written confirmation that the Distributor has been calibrated as per ASTM 2995, and Aggregate Spreader as per ASTM D5624. The confirmation shall be signed off by the Manager who is responsible for the operation of the Distributor and of the Aggregate Spreader. The calibration shall have been carried out within a time frame not exceeding 7 calendar days prior to the commencement of work.
Calibration of Equipment. Contractors must provide a letter to the NJDOT certifying that they have calibrated the spreading equipment on their trucks prior to the start of the snow season. The DOT will direct the contractor to apply the material at the application rates determined for each weather event based on the FHWA guidelines for solid chemical applications. Rates will be at pounds per lane mile.
Calibration of Equipment. At least once each 3 Months the ------------------------ measuring equipment, including temperature recorders, is to be calibrated, and adjusted if necessary, by the owning Party in the presence of a representative of the other Party, if such other Party chooses to be represented. If either Party at any time desires a special test of any measuring equipment, it will promptly notify the other Party, and the Parties will then cooperate to promptly secure a calibration test and a joint observation of any adjustments.
Calibration of Equipment. Calibrate the equipment as follows:
a. Verify the accuracy of the viscometer by comparing the viscosity results obtained with the hand held viscometer to 3 separate calibration fluids of known viscosities ranging from 1000 cP to 5000 cP. The known viscosity value are based on the fluid manufacturer’s standard test temperature or based on the test temperature versus viscosity correlation table provided by the fluid manufacturer.
b. The viscometer is considered accurate if the values obtained are within 300 cP of the known viscosity.
c. Verify the calibration of the rotational viscometer using viscosity standards before use at each site.