CESSION LIMITS. Per Reinsurer (applies to Automatic and Facultative cases):
a) Minimum Initial Cession Amount: $
b) Trivial Amount: $
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: Total amount of reinsurance ceded to all reinsurers on an automatic basis must equal or exceed $50,000.
(b) Trivial Amount: Total amount of reinsurance ceded to all reinsurers must equal or exceed $25,000.
CESSION LIMITS. Minimum Initial Cession: None. -----------------------
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: $0 The Ceding Company will not cede a Policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured under this Agreement at issue is greater than or equal to the Minimum Initial Cession.
(b) Trivial Amount: $0 It is hereby declared and agreed that effective July 8, 2019, the above-referenced Agreement will be amended to include the following change:
1. EXHIBIT 10, FOREIGN NATIONAL UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES will be added to the Agreement. In the event of a conflict between EXHIBIT 9, FOREIGN NATIONAL POOL, and EXHIBIT 10, FOREIGN NATIONAL UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES, the parameters set out in Exhibit 10 will supersede. Notwithstanding the above provisions, any changes to RGA's Country Code listing will not require a formal amendment and will be considered a part of the Exhibit from such date forth. Upon written request from the Reinsurer, the Ceding Company will provide on an annual basis, an updated listing of RGA's Country Code classification and any changes applicable. This Amendment does not alter, amend or modify the Agreement other than as set forth in this Amendment, and is subject otherwise to all the terms and conditions of the Agreement together with all the amendments and supplements thereto. This Amendment may be signed in multiple counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument. The Ceding Company and the Reinsurer agree that transmission of copies of original signatures as a "PDF" document attached to an email will constitute valid execution of this Amendment and that, in such instance, there will be no need to exchange "wet" signatures.
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum initial Cession: $0 The Ceding Company will not cede a Policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured under this Agreement at issue is greater than or equal to the Minimum Initial Cession.
(b) Trivial Amount: $0 To the Automatic YRT Reinsurance Agreement Effective May 1, 20 I 5 a corporation organized under the laws of Canada, operating through its U.S. branch in the State of Michigan (hereinafter referred to as "the Reinsurer") It is hereby declared and agreed that effective May l, 2015, the above-referenced Agreement will be amended to include the following change:
I. EXHIBIT 5, REINSURANCE PREMIUM METHODOLOGY AND RATES, YRT Reinsurance Premium, sub-section Survivorship UL, will be replaced by the following: The YRT Reinsurance Premium for each coverage will be calculated using the Xxxxxxx Method, as specified in Exhibit 9. Minimum premium (after Frasierization) is [REDACTED] [REDACTED] This Amendment does not alter, amend or modify the Agreement other than as set forth in this Amendment, and is subject otherwise to all the terms and conditions of the Agreement together with all the amendments and supplements thereto.
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: Total amount ceded to all reinsurers on an automatic basis must equal or exceed $75,000.
(b) Trivial Amount: Total amount ceded to all reinsurers must exceed $25.000.
(c) Minimum Initial Facultative Cession: $250,000 (face amount) to age 70); $100,001 (face amount) over age 70
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: $0 The Ceding Company will not cede a Policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured under this Agreement at issue is greater than or equal to the Minimum Initial Cession.
(b) Trivial Amount: $0 It is hereby declared and agreed that the above-referenced Agreement will be amended to include the following changes:
1. EXHIBIT 1, REINSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS, will be replaced by the attached EXHIBIT 1, Effective April 3, 2017 to reflect the addition of the Milestone VUL-G plan.
2. EXHIBIT 2, CEDING COMPANY'S RETENTION, will be replaced by the attached EXHIBIT 2, Effective April 1, 2017 to reflect the Company's increased retention.
3. EXHIBIT 9, FOREIGN NATIONAL POOL, sub-section (d) Foreign National Pool Retention Limits will be replaced by the following Effective April 1, 2017.
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: Total amount of reinsurance ceded to all reinsurers on an automatic basis must equal or exceed $375,000 ($500,000 Policy Face Amount).
(b) Minimum cession for Policy Increase: Underwritten increases greater than or equal to $ 100,000 but less than $500,000 shall be reinsured if the original policy was reinsured. Underwritten increases of $500,000 or more shall be reinsured regardless of whether the original policy was reinsured.
(c) Trivial Amount: Total amount of reinsurance ceded to all reinsurers must equal or exceed $25,000. EXHIBIT C Plans covered under this Agreement will be reinsured on a YRT basis. Reinsurance premiums will be based on the 2001 VBT Smoker/Non-Smoker Distinct Select & Ultimate (Male & Female) ALB rate scale shown in Exhibit G times the following multiples in all years: Product Class 1: LTG UL and Executive UL Plans Classification Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Life Coverage Preferred Plus NT 52% 50% 48% Preferred NT 60% 57% 55% Preferred TU. 78% 74% 71% Standard Plus NT 72% 69% 66% Standard NT 85% 81% 77% Standard TU 86% 82% 78% Product Class 2: Variable UL Plans Classification Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Life Coverage Preferred NT 60% 54.5% 54% Standard NT 85% 81% 77% Standard TU 86% 82% 78% Product Class I = 6-Underwriting class rate structure Product Class 2 = 3-Underwriting class rate structure Band 1: $100,000 to $249,999 Band 2: $250,000 to $499,999 Band 3: $500,000 to $999,999 Band 4: $1,000,000 and greater
CESSION LIMITS. (a) Minimum Initial Cession: $0 The Ceding Company will not cede a Policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured under this Agreement at issue is greater than or equal to the Minimum Initial Cession.
(b) Trivial Amount: $0 Amendment No. 7 It is hereby declared and agreed that effective November 4, 2019, the above-referenced Agreement will be amended to include the following change: