Data Storage Where required by applicable law, Student Data shall be stored within the United States. Upon request of the LEA, Provider will provide a list of the locations where Student Data is stored.
Přetrvávající platnost Tento odstavec 1.3 “Zdravotní záznamy a Studijní data a údaje” zůstane závazný i v případě zániku platnosti či vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.
Summer School SUCCESS employees are not eligible for this provision. Employees engaged in teaching summer school shall be granted two summer school days of absence in a single term for either sick leave or emergency leave, or a combination of both, non-accumulative.
Cardiff Capital Region has secured a deal worth £1.2 billion. Over its lifetime, local partners expect the City Deal to deliver up to 25,000 new jobs and leverage an additional £4 billion of private sector investment.