Claim Resolution Processes. (1) public works claims that arise between Contractor and District shall be subject to the provisions of this Section 35.
(2) The claim resolution processes are set forth in Public Contract Code sections 9204 and 20104 et seq., as those sections may be amended from time to time, and apply to any claim between Contractor and District, without regard to the claim’s dollar amount, and to any claim between Contractor and District of three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($375,000) or less, respectively.
(3) Public Contract Code sections 9204 and 20104 et seq. are set forth in their entirety in paragraph (e) of this Section 35.
Claim Resolution Processes. The CONTRACTOR shall designate one or more claims coordinators to deal with issues related to claims and payment issues that require coordination between the DBM and the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR agrees and recognizes that the DBM has agreed through its contractual arrangement with the State, to also designate one or more claims coordinators to deal with issues related to claims and payment issues that require coordination between the DBM and the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the DBM and TennCare, with a list of its claims coordinators and telephone number(s) at which each claims coordinator may be contacted. When the CONTRACTOR receives a disputed claim for payment from a provider for a member and believes care is the responsibility of the DBM, the CONTRACTOR’s claims coordinators shall contact the DBM’s claims coordinators within four (4) calendar days of receiving such claim for payment. If the CONTRACTOR’s claims coordinator is unable to reach agreement with the DBM’s claims coordinators on which party is responsible for payment of the claim, the claim shall be referred to the Claims Coordination Committee (described below) for review. The CONTRACTOR shall assign claims coordinators and other representatives, as needed, to a joint CONTRACTOR/DBM Claims Coordination Committee. The number of members serving on the Claims Coordination Committee shall be determined within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of this Agreement by the mutual agreement of the DBM and MCO. The CONTRACTOR shall, at a minimum, assign two (2) representatives to the committee. The make-up of the committee may be revisited from time to time during the term of this Agreement. The Claims Coordination Committee shall review any disputes and negotiate responsibility between the CONTRACTOR and the DBM. Unless otherwise agreed, such meeting shall take place within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the initial disputed claim or request from the provider. If resolution of the claim results in the party who assumed responsibility for authorization and payment having no liability, the other party shall reimburse and abide by the prior decisions of that party. Reimbursement shall be made within ten (10) calendar days of the Claims Coordination Committee’s decision. If the Claims Coordination Committee cannot reach an agreement as to the proper division of financial responsibility within ten (10) calendar days of the initial referral to...