REGION AND SERVICES The Contractor’s Region is: Region 1. The Contractor’s IDIQ construction service type is: General Construction. The Contractor has agreed to perform work outside the Region.
Collection Services General 5-1 5.02 Solid Waste Collection 5-1 5.03 Targeted Recyclable Materials Collection 5-3
EFT SERVICES If approved, you may conduct any one (1) or more of the EFT services offered by the Credit Union.
Related Services Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining and installing all proper hardware and support software (including operating systems) and for proper installation and implementation of and training concerning the Licensed Software. In the event that Licensee retains Licensor to perform any services with respect to the Licensed Software (for example: installation, implementation, maintenance, consulting and/or training services), Licensee and Licensor agree that such services shall be subject to Licensor’s then current standard terms, conditions and rates for such services unless otherwise agreed in writing by Licensor.
Monitoring Services IDT staff shall, using methods that include face-to-face and other contacts with the member, monitor the services a member receives. This monitoring shall ensure that: a. The member receives the services and supports authorized, arranged for and coordinated by the IDT staff; b. The services and supports identified in the MCP as being provided by natural and community supports are being provided; and c. The quality of the services and supports received is adequate and still necessary to continue to meet the needs and preferences of the member and support the member’s outcomes identified in the MCP.
Financing Services The Manager shall: (i) identify and evaluate potential financing and refinancing sources, engaging a third party broker if necessary; (ii) negotiate terms of, arrange and execute financing agreements; (iii) manage relationships between the Company and its lenders, if any; and (iv) monitor and oversee the service of the Company’s debt facilities and other financings, if any.
Pharmacy Services The Contractor shall establish a network of pharmacies. The Contractor or its PBM must provide at least two (2) pharmacy providers within thirty (30) miles or thirty (30) minutes from a member’s residence in each county, as well as at least two (2) durable medical equipment providers in each county or contiguous county.
Payment Services The Application allows the User to access some or all of the following Payment Services (depending on the services that the Partner has integrated). ● The opening of a Payment Account; ● Carrying out the following operations: o Withdrawal o Transfers (in/out) o Direct debits (in / out) o Payment transactions through a Card; ● Issuing of a Card, associated with the Payment Account; ● Card acquiring
Student Services a. High school students in dual credit courses will be given access to the College library, accorded appropriate privileges, and have adequate library resources convenient for use at the site where the course is offered. b. High school students in dual credit courses will be provided the academic support services, including academic advising and counseling, as those on the college campus. c. Prior to the start of each academic year, the High School and College shall collaborate on the development and communication of procedures for the provision of accommodations for students with disabilities enrolled in Dual Credit courses (“Established Procedures”). High School and College shall provide disability services in accordance with Established Procedures and applicable law. d. If a student is enrolled simultaneously in College and in high school in a dual credit program, the two schools may share information regarding the student, in accordance with FERPA. e. All other services provided to regular Dallas College students will also be provided to high school students enrolled in dual credit courses in accordance with applicable law and Dallas College policies.
Support and Services ISD and HC agree to the following conditions: A. HC agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses: i. To share data and provide feedback regarding student success on entry‐level college mathematics and English language arts courses; ii. To train advisors to recognize and honor course(s) on school district transcripts; iii. To ensure that eligible students are counseled directly into college level mathematics, English language arts, and all other courses that require mathematics and English language arts college readiness; B. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics courses: i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes; ii. To provide the syllabi for the courses being offered. iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course. C. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course: i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes for Integrated Reading/Writing (INRW 0303) course; ii. To provide the syllabi, including types of essays required (i.e., expository, persuasive, and critical analysis). iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course. D. ISD agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses: i. To provide highly qualified instructors for the courses being taught; ii. To identify students who are not college ready as stated in HB 5; iii. To provide professional development and resources required to teach the mathematics and English language arts courses; iv. To identify successful completion of the course(s) on the student transcripts as determined by the State of Texas PEIMS number; v. To provide curriculum for the course that is consistent with HC Student Learning Outcomes; vi. To provide assistance with admission, enrollment, and financial aid applications; E. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics course: i. To teach a math course designed to focus on college mathematics (algebraic or non‐algebraic) concepts; ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment; iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty. F. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course: i. To teach an integrated Reading and Writing course that focuses on critical reading and college‐level writing; ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment; iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty.