Commencement of Obligations Sample Clauses

Commencement of Obligations. Unless otherwise specified, all of Contractor’s warranty and guaranty obligations, including the time period(s) for all written warranties and guarantees of specifically designated equipment required by the construction documents, shall begin on the actual date of Substantial Completion.
Commencement of Obligations. The obligations set forth herein shall commence on the Commencement Date or as otherwise specified in Attachment 3-A referencing the column "Comm + mos**". The numbers used in the column "Comm +mos**" are in the format X where "X" represents the number of months after the Commencement Date when the Service Provider will be responsible to provide measurement data in support of the Critical Service Level or Key Measurement. Beginning ninety (90) days after the Commencement Date (the “Service Level Credit Start Date”), the Service Provider will be responsible for Service Level Credits for any failures to attain the Critical Service Level. For those Service Levels which commence after the Service Level Credit Start Date, Service Provider will be liable for Service Level Credits as of the date specified in Attachment 3-A.
Commencement of Obligations. Unless otherwise specified, all of the DB’s warranty and guaranty obligations, including the time period(s) for all written warranties and guarantees of specifically designated equipment required by the Construction Documents, shall begin on the actual date of Substantial Completion or the date of acceptance by the Owner, whichever is later.
Commencement of Obligations. The obligations set forth herein for the Tier One Quality of Service Metrics shall commence four (4) months after the Agreement Effective Date. For purposes of measuring compliance with the Tier One Quality of Service Metrics relating to IT and BPO service quality and delivery, each additional SOW executed after the Agreement Effective Date will not be included for the first four (4) months (or such other period as the Parties agree) after such SOW becomes effective. The Critical Service Levels shall commence as provided in the relevant SOWs.
Commencement of Obligations. The parties will work in good faith to implement the Overture Services described in this Agreement as soon as practicable on, or after the Effective Date.
Commencement of Obligations. The obligations set forth herein shall commence on the Effective Date or as otherwise specified in Exhibit B.1 (Service Level Matrix), referencing “Eff+mos (X).” The numbers used in “Eff+mos (X) are in the format X where “X” represents the number of months after the Effective Date when Supplier will be responsible to provide measurement data in support of the Critical Service Level and Supplier will be responsible for Service Level Credits for any failures to attain the Critical Service Xxxxx.
Commencement of Obligations. The obligation to make payments in lieu of taxes will commence on earlier of (i) November 30th the year after the date the Bonds are issued, or (ii) November 30th of the first calendar year after the Project has been transferred to the County, and shall be due each November 30th thereafter during the term of the Bonds, and shall be the obligation of the Developer of the Property, improved and unimproved, described in Exhibit A.
Commencement of Obligations. The measuring and reporting obligations set forth herein shall commence upon the second calendar month following conversion.
Commencement of Obligations. It is a condition precedent to the coming into operation of clauses 3 and 4 of this Deed that: (a) (Government Gazette): State Toll Co causes, in accordance with section 50(1) of the Project Legislation, to be published in the Victorian Government Gazette a notice that the agreement constituted by this Deed has been made, and specifying the address of an internet site at which this Deed is published;
Commencement of Obligations. FIS’s obligation to measure, report upon, and meet each Service Level shall commence on the Commencement Date of the applicable Service.