Commission on Professional Competence Sample Clauses

Commission on Professional Competence. The District shall release certificated employees who are chosen to serve on the Commission on Professional Competence in accordance with Education Code Section 44944. Such service shall be considered a professional responsibility, and the rights and duties of the certificated employee rendering such service shall be those contained in Education Code Sections 44944 and 45047.
Commission on Professional Competence. The County Office shall release unit members who are chosen to serve on the Commission on Professional Competence in accordance with Education Code Section 44944. Such service shall be considered a professional responsibility and the rights and duties of the unit member rendering such service shall be those contained in Education Code Sections 44944 and 45047.

Related to Commission on Professional Competence

  • Professional Conduct Any Firm providing legal services to Citizens shall ensure that its personnel complies with all applicable standards of ethics and rules of professional responsibility, including the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct promulgated by the Florida Supreme Court for attorneys practicing in Florida (or similar standards applicable to attorneys practicing outside the State of Florida). Such standards include rules related to conflicts of interest and confidentiality that are intended to protect Citizens and Citizens’ information. Additionally, in keeping with the vision and mission of Citizens as entrusted by the Florida legislature, Citizens expects all attorneys and legal professionals acting on its behalf, or on behalf of Citizens’ insureds, to adhere to the initiatives for Professional Conduct as promoted by the Florida Bar Center for Professionalism. On January 30, 2015 the Florida Bar Board of Governors approved “Professionalism Expectations.” In keeping with the vision and mission of Citizens as entrusted by the Florida legislature, Citizens expects all attorneys and legal professionals acting on its behalf, or on behalf of Citizens’ insureds, to adhere to the letter and spirit of Professional Conduct as promoted by the Florida Bar’s Standing Committee on Professionalism expressed within this document.

  • Scope of Professional Services 3.1 On the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, COUNTY hereby engages CONTRACTOR to provide all labor, materials and equipment to complete the Project/Service in accordance with the Scope of Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A, as modified or clarified by Addendum(s) # , dated , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment B. It is understood that the Scope of Services may be modified by change order as the Project/Service progresses, but to be effective and binding, any such change order must be in writing, executed by the parties, and in accordance with the COUNTY’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures. A copy of these policies and procedures shall be made available to the CONTRACTOR upon request. 3.2 The term of this Agreement shall be as follows (please check box): The parties acknowledge that this is a project specific agreement and that the single Project/Service shall be completed by the CONTRACTOR within ( ) calendar days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. The CONTRACTOR and COUNTY acknowledge that this Agreement is for a twelve (12) month term and that the CONTRACTOR shall complete the work as specified in the Scope of Services. The COUNTY has the option to renewal this Agreement for four (4) additional one (1) year period(s). The prices set forth in this Agreement shall prevail for the full duration of the initial contract term unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this document. Prior to completion of each exercised contract term, the COUNTY may consider an adjustment to price based on changes in the following pricing index: CPI. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to request any pricing adjustment in writing under this provision. The CONTRACTOR’s written request for adjustment should be submitted thirty (30) calendar days prior to expiration of the then current contract term and clearly substantiate the requested increase. The written request for adjustment should not be in excess of the relevant pricing index change. If no adjustment request is received from the CONTRACTOR, the COUNTY will assume that the CONTRACTOR has agreed that the optional term may be exercised without pricing adjustment. Any adjustment request received after the commencement of a new option period shall not be considered. The COUNTY reserves the right to reject any written price adjustments submitted by the CONTRACTOR and/or to not exercise any otherwise available option period based on such price adjustments. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period, and any option subsequently exercised, is a COUNTY’s prerogative, and not a right of the CONTRACTOR. This prerogative will be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the best interest of the COUNTY. All work shall be performed in accordance with good commercial practice. The work schedule and completion dates shall be adhered to by the CONTRACTOR except in such cases where the completion date will be delayed due to acts of God, strikes, or other causes beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR. In these cases, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the COUNTY of the delays in advance of the original completion so that a revised delivery schedule can be appropriately considered by the COUNTY. No additional days shall be granted for rain delays. 3.3 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and permits to complete the Project/Service. 3.4 The CONTRACTOR shall remain appropriately licensed and/or employ the services of a subcontractor who is appropriately licensed throughout the course of the Project/Service. Failure to maintain all required licenses shall entitle the COUNTY, at its option, to terminate this Agreement. 3.5 Although this Agreement identifies specific facilities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County department or agency facility may be added to this Agreement at the option of the County. When required by the pricing structure of the Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall be invited to submit price quotes for these additional facilities. The additional site(s) shall be added to this Agreement by formal modification. The COUNTY may obtain price quotes for the additional facilities from other vendors in the event that fair and reasonable pricing is not obtained from the CONTRACTOR or for other reasons at the County’s discretion. Although this Agreement identifies specific facilities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County department or agency may delete service for any facility when such service is no longer required, upon fourteen (14) calendar days written notice. 3.6 The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it has sufficient understanding of the nature and location of the work; the general and local conditions, including but not limited to, those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials; availability of labor, water, electric power, and roads; and uncertainties of weather or similar physical conditions at the site; the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the completion of the Project/Service. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR has satisfied itself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials, obstacles or conditions of the site. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint itself with any aspect of the work or with any of the applicable conditions shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for adequately evaluating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work required, nor shall it be considered a basis for any claim for additional time or compensation. The COUNTY assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the information made available by the COUNTY. The COUNTY also assumes no responsibility for any understanding or representations made by its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this contract, unless such understanding or interpretations are made in writing and incorporated herein by reference. 3.7 If required, the Contractors shall attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting. Whether or not there is a mandatory or non-mandatory pre-bid, the contractor shall be required to carefully examine any supplied drawings and/or specifications and be thoroughly aware regarding any and all conditions that may in any manner affect the work to be performed under the contract. If a pre-bid meeting is not required the Contractor shall visit the site to familiarize themselves with the Project/Service, see existing conditions, and take measurements. No additional allowances will be made for lack of knowledge of these conditions. 3.8 In the event of any conflict between the drawings and specifications contained within this Agreement, the following shall govern: A. Addenda shall supersede all other contract documents to the extent specified in the addenda. Subsequent addenda shall supersede prior to addenda only to the extent specified therein. B. Drawings and specifications are intended to agree and be mutually complete. Any item not contained within the drawings, but contained in the specifications, or vice-versa, shall be provided and/or executed as shown in either the drawing or specification at no extra costs to the COUNTY. Should anything not included in either the drawing and/or the specifications be necessary for the proper construction and/or operation of the Project/Service as herein specified, or should any error or disagreement between the specifications and drawings exist or appear to exist, the CONTRACTOR shall not derive unjust benefit thereby, or use such disagreement counter to the best interests of the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the COUNTY’s Project Manager of any discrepancy and await the Project Manager’s direction before proceeding with the work in question. 3.9 CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that CONTRACTOR shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system in accordance with the terms governing use of the system to confirm the employment eligibility of: A. All persons employed by the CONTRACTOR during the term of this Agreement to perform employment duties within Lake County; and B. All persons, including subcontractors, assigned by the CONTRACTOR to perform work pursuant to the contract. 3.10 CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that, in accordance with Section 255.099, Florida Statutes, if the Project/Service assigned to CONTRACTOR is being supported in whole or in part by State funding the CONTRACTOR shall give preference to the employment of state residents in the performance of the work on the Project/Service if state residents have substantially equal qualifications to those of non- residents. If the CONTRACTOR is required to employ state residents, the CONTRACTOR shall contact the Department of Economic Opportunity to post the employment needs in the State’s job bank system. However, in work involving the expenditure of federal aid funds, this section may not be enforced in such a manner as to conflict with or be contrary to federal law prescribing a labor preference to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines, or prohibiting as unlawful any other preference or discrimination among the citizens of the United States.

  • PROFESSIONAL COMPENSATION A. The salaries of employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in the appendixes which are attached hereto and incorporated in this Agreement. Each employee shall have the yearly option of receiving his/her salary in one of the following ways: 1. Each employee hired after July 1, 1987, shall receive his/her total salary divided into twenty-four (24) equal payments on the fifth (5th) and twentieth (20th) of each month. If the 20th of the month falls on a holiday or weekend, the payday will be on the first business day immediately following. 2. Employees employed in the District prior to July 1, 1987, may have their total salary divided as stated above or they may choose to have their pay divided into twenty-one (21) equal installments, beginning with the August 20th payroll each contract year. B. Total salary for less than full-time employees shall be paid as indicated in 1 or 2 above, beginning at the date of hire, but the salary shall be adjusted based on the yearly number of work days for employees as set by the school calendar, and then pro-rated on the portion of the year and/or day worked by the individual employee. C. It is understood and agreed that each employee shall elect payment for the subsequent year in accordance with the previous year's selection unless the Business Office is notified in writing of such employee's change in selection on or before August 15. D. Pay deductions will be made only for the following authorized items: 1. Mandatory/voluntary government deductions. 2. IRS Section 125 deductions. 3. Insurance carriers designated by this Agreement or approved by the Employer. 4. Deductions as authorized in other articles of this Agreement. E. The Employer may make direct payroll check deposits to banks, savings and loan associations, and other financial and with which the Employer has a written agreement dealing with payroll deposits. Such direct payroll deposits would be made only upon the written request/approval of the employee. F. The Employer shall reimburse employees for actual costs of college tuition and fees, upon completion of coursework. This reimbursement shall be limited to a total of 6 credit hours or 18 SBCEU’s or 180 SCECH’s or a combination thereof in a five-year period. (3 SBCEU’s = 1 credit hour or 30 SCECH’s = 1 credit hour) Each year of the five year period will be based on the school fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). The rate of reimbursement shall be limited to the actual amount of tuition and fees paid, but shall not exceed the amount charged by Grand Valley State University per graduate credit hour. The Employee will be required to provide proof of payment and proof of successful completion of the course. G. Employees asked to substitute during their planning period will be paid at a rate of $25.00 per planning period. The employee will receive a coupon for an early dismissal or late arrival, or other site based incentives along with the compensation. This coupon may be used at any time so long as it does not interfere with the employee’s normal duties, i.e. staff meetings, IEPC. More than one coupon may be used at the same time with the approval of the Administration. A coupon is attached to this agreement, (see Appendix F). Employees asked to teach additional students for a period shall be eligible for the substitute rate above.

  • Professional Service Consultant agrees that all services and work performed under this agreement will be accomplished in a professional manner, in accordance with the accepted standards of Contractor’s profession.

  • Cultural Competence 1. Grantee will make reasonable efforts to provide services that meet each client’s individual needs and takes into consideration the intellectual functioning, literacy, level of education and comprehension ability of each client in order to ensure that all information is presented in a way that meets each client’s individual needs. 2. Grantee will provide services in the client's primary language either directly by Grantee or by a DFPS approved translator. 3. Grantee will have a cultural competence mission statement, core values or other similar guidance that provides how the Grantee will effectively provide these services to clients of various cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds and religions in a manner that recognizes and affirms the client’s worth, protects and preserves the client’s dignity and ensures equity of service delivery.

  • Professional Growth This Section applies to those regularly assigned teachers who do not hold a clear multiple or single subject teaching credential and to those who desire to maintain such a credential. The minimum requirement for compliance with this Section shall be: 18.8.1 Successful service as a classroom teacher or successful service authorized by a services credential. The minimum length of service shall be equivalent to one-half (0.5) of a school year; 18.8.2 Completion of an individual program of Professional Growth that shall consist of a minimum of one-hundred-and-fifty (150) clock hours of participation in activities which contribute to competence, performance or effectiveness in the profession of education. Acceptable activities shall be defined to include: • the completion of courses offered by regionally accredited colleges and universities; • participation in educational conferences, workshops, teacher center programs, or staff development programs, including District approved school site staff development programs; • participation in systematic programs of observation and analysis of teaching; • service in a leadership role in a professional organization related to instruction; and • participation in educational research or innovation efforts. 18.8.3 An individual program of Professional Growth shall be developed and planned by the holder of a clear teaching credential. 18.8.4 Before a teacher coming under the provisions of this section commences or amends an individual program of Professional Growth, the advisor shall certify to the teacher that the planned program or amendment complies with this section. 18.8.5 The District shall designate only certificated administrators to serve as Professional Growth Advisors (hereinafter referred to as “advisor”). A list of these advisors, including work location, will be published by the District annually, prior to the beginning of the school calendar year. The responsibility of an advisor shall be to determine whether activities identified in the plan of a teacher comply with these provisions. 18.8.6 On a form provided by the state, a credential holder shall write a Professional Growth plan, which shall identify his or her Professional Growth goals, and the Professional Growth activities he or she proposes to pursue. 18.8.7 A credential holder may amend a Professional Growth plan by adding, deleting or changing any of the original or previously amended goals or proposed activities. 18.8.8 The Professional Growth advisor shall sign a Professional Growth plan, and shall initial an amendment to a Professional Growth plan, if it is in compliance with this section and the Professional Growth needs of the teacher. 18.8.9 An advisor shall complete and return to the credential holder certification of this initial plan, initialing any revisions or verification of completion within ten (10) working days of submission to the advisor. If an advisor finds that he/she cannot certify an initial plan, initial a modification, or verify completion, the advisor shall notify the credential holder of the reason(s) in writing within ten (10) working days of submission. 18.8.10 If a credential holder believes that his/her advisor has taken an adverse action that he/she considers to be arbitrary or contrary to the terms of this section, the credential holder may seek another advisor or appeal the adverse action to the Executive Secretary of the Commission on Teaching Credentialing. 18.8.11 A clock hour for purposes of credited Professional Growth Activities shall be the actual time spent in the activity, including preparation time spent only if the teacher is a presenter of the course. College, university or equivalent courses shall be credited as fifteen (15) clock hours for each semester unit, ten (10) clock hours for each quarter unit, and thirteen (13) hours for each trimester unit. 18.8.12 A teacher shall submit evidence to prove that the Professional Growth activity has been satisfactorily completed. 18.8.13 The Union and the District shall provide a joint meeting for credential holders no later than October 1st of each school year. This meeting shall be mandatory for all teachers who are subject to the provisions of this section and who are new to the District. 18.8.14 The Union and the District agree to form a Professional Growth Program Joint Advisory/Planning Committee to consider possible recommendations for modifications to this section. 18.8.15 The committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed by the Union and three (3) members appointed by the District.

  • Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.

  • Professional Conferences Professional conferences are those conferences sponsored by educational organizations, institutions of higher learning, and government and industry concerning teaching, learning and educational research. When a full-time or part-time faculty member’s attendance at a professional conference conflicts with his/her regular assignment, the faculty member must submit a request for attendance to the appropriate Xxxx, Director, or Supervisor. If granted, the attendance at the conference will be considered leave with pay, and a follow-up report of the conference shall be submitted to the appropriate Supervisor.

  • Professional Leave Professional leave without pay will be granted to full-time and regular part-time Nurses who are elected to the College of Nurses to attend regularly scheduled meetings of the College of Nurses. Professional leave without pay will be granted to Registered Nurses who are elected to the RNAO to attend regularly scheduled meetings. Professional leave without pay will be granted to Registered Practical Nurses who are elected to the RPNAO to attend regularly scheduled meetings.

  • Training and Professional Development 11.1 The Employer will develop and maintain an employee training and development plan and provide such plan to the Union upon request. Staff training is intended to provide an opportunity for classified staff employees for training sponsored by the University Training and Development and the UW Medical Centers Organizational Development and Training. Education/Professional Leave is intended to facilitate employee access to continuing education opportunities. Training and educational/professional leave may be used for the purpose of improving job performance, maintaining and increasing proficiency, preparing staff for greater responsibility, or increasing promotional opportunities within the framework of staff positions available at the University. 11.2 Any release time for training for employees accepted for such classes shall be in accordance with the Executive Order (currently No. 52) governing this matter. In the event that two or more employees request the same training period and supervision must limit the number of persons who may participate at one time due to work requirements, the selection will be made on a mutually agreeable basis within the department. 11.3 The training program is a proper subject for discussion by either departmental or University-wide Joint Union/Management Committees. 11.4 If the Employer requires an employee to receive training, reimbursement will be provided in accordance with the University travel rules. Employee attendance at Employer required training, either during or outside working hours, will be considered time worked and compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 11.5 Employee attendance at training not required by the Employer and not covered by Executive Order 52, either on approved leave from or outside of working hours, will be voluntary and not considered time worked.