Administrative Reassignment Sample Clauses

Administrative Reassignment within the same classification but to a different position at the same job site, may be made by the College President or Chancellor at that job site based upon justifiable needs of the District.
Administrative Reassignment. An administrative reassignment is a reassignment for reason(s) other than those specified in Section 5.
Administrative Reassignment. A. The District may administratively reassign employees. B. The District and Society have agreed that administrative reassignments may be implemented at the request of an employee or District management and at the sole discretion of the appropriate Appointing Authority under the following conditions: 1. An employee may request a reassignment at any time. The District may, at its sole discretion, grant a reassignment provided a position is available; 2. Employee requesting administrative reassignment must have completed their probationary period; 3. Employee requested administrative reassignment shall not be permitted more than once in a two (2) year period; 4. The employee(s) meet the minimum qualifications of the class to which the employee is transferred or will be provided appropriate training; and 5. The employee will be compensated at the new administrative reassigned class, upon meeting the minimum qualifications except for employees reassigned to a class with a lower salary range, in which the employee’s salary will be frozen at the former rate.
Administrative Reassignment. When a College President or a Division Head determines that a Unit member's reassignment is required for the good of the college or division, the Unit member shall be informed in writing of the need for the reassignment, the position to which the Unit member will be reassigned, and the effective date of the reassignment. This notification shall be made no later than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the reassignment unless business necessity makes such notification impracticable. The specific reason for the reassignment shall be cited in the notification, however, the reason, its sufficiency and its necessity shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 18,
Administrative Reassignment. A. The District may administratively reassign employees. B. Administrative reassignments may be implemented at the request of an employee or District Management and at the sole discretion of the appropriate Appointing Authority under the following conditions: 1. An employee may request a reassignment at any time. The District may, at its sole discretion, grant a reassignment provided a position is available; 2. Employee requesting administrative reassignment must have completed their probationary period; 3. Employee requested administrative reassignment shall not be permitted more than once in a two–year period; and 4. The employee(s) meet the minimum qualifications of the class to which the employee is transferred. C. District shall notify Union of employee requested administrative reassignment.
Administrative Reassignment. Request: Transfers may also be initiated by the administration to adjust for overages in staff, to meet the need for special skills, or to alleviate special problems. Process: The supervisor will explain to the worker prior to the transfer the hours of work, location, immediate supervisor’s name, and reasons for transfer. When a worker is transferred from one position in the District to one which is under a different supervising manager, the two supervising managers will arrange a mutually acceptable date of transfer. The transfer will take place as soon as feasible, but in no case may it be delayed longer than ten (10) working days after the Office of Human Resources has been notified officially by the supervising manager that a worker is being transferred.
Administrative Reassignment. Housing and Residential Life reserves the right to reassign students as necessary for the proper functioning of the hall/apartment community. Such reassignment is an administrative act and not subject to the student conduct process.
Administrative Reassignment. Notwithstanding Article 14, reassignment of unit members may be initiated by the District, with the consent of the unit member, whenever such reassignment is in the best interest of all parties concerned.
Administrative Reassignment. 7.13.1 When it becomes necessary for the District to initiate a reassignment, the site administrator will discuss it with the unit members to determine if any qualified unit member would voluntarily choose to accept a reassignment to another position at the site. In the event an appropriate volunteer is not obtained, an administrative reassignment will be effective. The site administrator will meet with the unit member(s) being considered to discuss the reassignment and the reasons. 7.13.2 A decision regarding an administrative reassignment shall be based upon the following appropriate criteria: Credential authorization; Major or minor field of study, documented course work in the subject area and/or grade level; Needs required in the unit member’s current position as well as in the reassignment position; When above factors are equal, the unit member with least seniority shall be reassigned.
Administrative Reassignment. Administrative reassignments will not be used as discipline against any employees, unless appropriate procedures are followed.