Communication and Dissemination. 7.1 Creators of IP retain the right to Publish or not to Publish the results of their research.
7.2 Creators of IP retain the right to determine the timing of the Publication of the results of their research. However, Creators of IP should be aware that owners of IP are responsible for meeting any deadlines for proprietary protection of IP: for example, in filing patent applications.
7.3 The University will obtain the consent of the Creator before entering into any third-party agreement that might compromise the Creator’s freedom or ability to Publish the results of his/her research.
Communication and Dissemination. Activity’s objective
Communication and Dissemination o T5.1 - Production and maintenance of project website (in collaboration with NORF project). o T5.2 - Appropriate social media engagement.
Communication and Dissemination. Plan’, due in August 2016 (M4).
Communication and Dissemination. In order to communicate and disseminate the activities the DITOs partners use many different methods. The next question tried to capture this range. Below is a list of communication and dissemination channels used by the partners. The results show that that the most preferred communication methods are websites, mailing lists as well as social media such as Facebook or Twitter. Typically the same event is being communicated using multiple communication methods.
Communication and Dissemination. Social networks and exchange activities have allowed a major dissemination of the project’s activities with relatively low costs. In the current economic situation, resources are very scarce and therefore big doses of insistence and creativity were necessary to engage external experts in the platform. In that sense, the cooperation with other organizations and research projects working on similar topics has been beneficial for all parts.
Communication and Dissemination. Communication strategies will be employed to promote awareness of the pilot, share success stories, and xxxxxx community engagement. Regular communication channels may include social media, newsletters, press releases, and community events.
Communication and Dissemination. The following will be assessed: ▪ The strategy developed by the network to disseminate and share results, best practices, audience building techniques and technological developments. ▪ methods of communication between the coordinating entity and its members and between members
Communication and Dissemination. The project partners shall implement the communication and dissemination measures in accordance with the project application and Commission Regulations on information and publicity measures to be carried out by the Member States concerning assistance from the European Commission Funds. They shall play an active role in any actions organized to disseminate the results of the project. Any public relations measure shall be coordinated by the Lead Partner. Each project partner shall point out in the framework of any public relations measures that the project was implemented through financial assistance from funds of the present Erasmus+ Programme.
Communication and Dissemination. Actions to inform communities and stakeholders about the placemaking activities, before, during and after their implementation.