Deleted Sample Clauses
Deleted. At any time, after 60 (sixty) days from the Appointed Date, the Contractor may apply to the Authority for the second instalment of the Advance Payment along with an irrevocable and unconditional guarantee from a Bank for an amount equivalent to 110% (one hundred and ten per cent) of such instalment, substantially in the form provided at Annex-III of Schedule-G, to remain effective till the complete and full repayment thereof.
Deleted. Payment of BID SECURITY will be waived at the discretion of the DISCOM in the case of fully owned Government undertaking of the Central or State Government. Such undertakings should immediately apply and obtain exemption before submitting their Bids. They need only refer to the details of such exemption in their Bids. Exemption accorded by any organization other than DISCOM will not be considered.
Deleted. Each member's daily duty roster shall be posted six (6) weeks in advance of each shift but such daily duty roster shall be subject to change depending upon the exigencies of the service as determined by the Chief of Police whose discretion in this regard shall be exercised reasonably.
Deleted. Delay in supply :- If the materials are not supplied in time the contractor will not be allowed any claim for any loss, which may be caused to him but only extension of time will be given at the discretion of the Commissioner/Chief Municipal Officer and if applied for by the contractor with in 15 days of its proposed utilization and as detailed in the latest construction program. Request of such material by the contractor shall be sent with in one month in advance.
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Deleted. Nothing in this Charter shall prejudice Charterers’ rights to take such preventive measures in relation to pollution or threatened pollution as may be permissible under applicable laws and the rights and duties of Owners and Charterers herein shall be and remain subject to and in accordance with any such applicable law.
Deleted. The Court shall be represented by the President of the Court of Appeal who shall be elected in accordance with the Statute.
Deleted. The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of the Employer or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
Deleted. Maintaining a public relations unit to interface with and attend to suggestions from the Users, government agencies, media and other agencies; and
Deleted. The Authority agrees to provide support to the Contractor and undertakes to observe, comply with and perform, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Applicable Laws, the following: