Conditioning by pulsation Sample Clauses
Conditioning by pulsation. 1.3.1. The silencing system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3. of this Regulation or the engine referred to in paragraph 3.4. of this Regulation. In the former case the vehicle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a dynamometer. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 1 of the appendix to this annex shall be fitted at the outlet of the silencing system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable.
1.3.2. The test apparatus shall be adjusted in such a way that the exhaust-gas flow is alternatively interrupted and re-established by the quick-action valve for 2,500 cycles.
1.3.3. The valve shall open when the exhaust-gas back pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 35 and 40 kPa. It shall close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 per cent from its stabilized value with the valve open.
1.3.4. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in paragraph 1.3.3. above.
1.3.5. Engine speed shall be 75 per cent of the rated engine speed (S) at which the engine develops rated maximum net power.
1.3.6. The power indicated by the dynamometer shall be 50 per cent of the full-throttle power measured at 75 per cent of rated engine speed (S).
1.3.7. Any drain holes shall be closed off during the test.
1.3.8. The entire test shall be completed within 48 hours. If necessary, one cooling period will be observed after each hour. Figure 1
1. Inlet flange or sleeve for connection to the rear of the test exhaust system.
2. Hand-operated regulating valve.
3. Compensating reservoir with a maximum capacity of 40 l and a filling time of not less than one second.
4. Pressure switch with an operating range of 0.05 to 2.5 bar.
5. Time delay switch.
Conditioning by pulsation. The exhaust silencing system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3.3. of this Regulation or to the engine referred to in paragraph 3.3.4.
Conditioning by pulsation. The exhaust system or components thereof must be fitted to the motor cycle or to the engine. In the former case, the motor cycle must be mounted on a test bench. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 1, is fitted at the outlet of the exhaust system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable. The test equipment must be adjusted so that the flow of exhaust gases is alternatively interrupted and restored 2,500 times by a rapid-action valve. The valve must open when the exhaust gas back-pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 0.35 and 0.40 bar. Should such a figure be unattainable because of the engine characteristics, the valve must open when the gas back-pressure reaches a level equivalent to 90 per cent of the maximum that can be measured before the engine stops. It must close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 per cent from its stabilized value with the valve open. The time-delay switch must be set for the duration of exhaust gases calculated on the basis of the requirements of paragraph Engine speed must be 75 per cent of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power. The power indicated by the dynamometer must be 50 per cent of the full-throttle power measured at 75 per cent of engine speed (S). Any drainage holes must be closed off during the test. The entire test must be complete within 48 hours. If necessary, a cooling period must be allowed after each hour.
Conditioning by pulsation. 1.3.1. The silencing system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3. of this Regulation or the engine referred to in paragraph 3.4. of this Regulation. In the former case the vehicle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a dynamometer. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 1 of the appendix to this annex shall be fitted at the outlet of the silencing system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable.
1.3.2. The test apparatus shall be adjusted in such a way that the exhaust-gas flow is alternatively interrupted and re-established by the quick-action valve for 2,500 cycles.
1.3.3. The valve shall open when the exhaust-gas back pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 35 and 40 kPa. It shall close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 per cent from its stabilized value with the valve open.
1.3.4. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in paragraph 1.3.3. above.
Conditioning by pulsation. The silencing system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3.3. of this Regulation or to the engine referred to in paragraph 3.3.4. of this Regulation. In the former case, the vehicle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer, and, in the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a dynamometer. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 3 of the Appendix to Annex 5 to Regulation No. 51 shall be fitted at the outlet of the silencing system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable. The test apparatus shall be adjusted in such a way that the exhaust gas flow is alternately interrupted and re-established by the quick action valve for 2,500 cycles. The valve shall open when the exhaust gas back pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 35 and 40 kPa. It shall close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 percent from its stabilized value with the valve opened. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in paragraph above. Engine speed shall be 75 percent of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power. The power indicated by the dynamometer shall be 50 percent of the full- throttle power measured at 75 percent of engine speed (S). Any drain holes shall be closed off during the test. The entire test shall be completed within 48 hours. If necessary, one cooling period will be observed after each hour. After conditioning, the noise level is checked pursuant to paragraph 6.2. above.
Conditioning by pulsation. 2.1. The exhaust system or components thereof shall be fitted to the motorcycle or to the engine. In the former case, the motorcycle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a test bench. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 1, is fitted at the outlet of the exhaust system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable.
2.2. The test equipment shall be adjusted so that the flow of exhaust gases is alternatively interrupted and restored 2,500 times by a rapid-action valve.
2.3. The valve shall open when the exhaust gas back-pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 0.35 and 0.40 bar. Should such a figure be unattainable because of the engine characteristics, the valve shall open when the gas back-pressure reaches a level equivalent to 90 per cent of the maximum that can be measured before the engine stops. It shall close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 per cent from its stabilized value with the valve open.
2.4. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of exhaust gases calculated on the basis of the requirements of paragraph 4.2.3 above.
2.5. Engine speed shall be 75 per cent of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power.
2.6. The power indicated by the dynamometer shall be 50 per cent of the full-throttle power measured at 75 per cent of engine speed (S).
2.7. Any drainage holes shall be closed off during the test.
2.8. The entire test shall be completed within 48 hours. If necessary, a cooling period shall be allowed after each hour.
Conditioning by pulsation. The exhaust system or components thereof must be fitted to the moped or to the engine. In the former case, the moped must be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine must be mounted on a test bench. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in figure 3, shall be fitted at the outlet of the exhaust system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results shall be acceptable. The test equipment must be adjusted so that the flow of exhaust gases is alternately interrupted and restored 2,500 times by a rapid-action valve. The valve must open when the exhaust gas back-pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 0.35 and 0.40 bar. Should such a figure be unattainable because of the engine characteristics, the valve must open when the gas back-pressure reaches a level equivalent to 90% of the maximum that can be measured before the engine stops. It must close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10% from its stabilized value with the valve open. The time-delay switch must be set for the duration of exhaust gases calculated on the basis of the requirements of paragraph above. Engine speed must be 75% of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power. The power indicated by the dynamometer must be 50% of the full-throttle power measured at 75% of engine speed (S). Any drainage holes must be closed off during the test. E/ECE/324 Rev.1/Add.62/Amend.1 Regulation No. 63 page 15
Conditioning by pulsation. 1.3.1. The exhaust system or components thereof must be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3. of this Regulation or the engine referred to in paragraph 3.4. of this Regulation. In the former case the vehicle must be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine must be mounted on a dynamometer. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 3 of the appendix to this annex must be fitted at the outlet of the exhaust system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable.
1.3.2. The test apparatus must be adjusted in a such a way that the exhaust-gas flow is alternatively interrupted and re-established by the quick-action valve for 2,500 cycles.
1.3.3. The valve must open when the exhaust-gas back pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 0.35 and 0.40 bar. It must close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10% from its stabilized value with the valve open.
1.3.4. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in paragraph 1.3.3. above.
1.3.5. Engine speed must be 75% of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power.
1.3.6. The power indicated by the dynamometer must be 50% of the full-throttle power measured at 75% of engine speed (S).
1.3.7. Any drainholes must be closed off during the test.
1.3.8. The entire test must be completed within 48 hours. If necessary, one cooling period will be observed after each hour.
1. Inlet flange or sleeve for connection to the rear of the test exhaust system.
2. Hand-operated regulating valve.
3. Compensating reservoir with a maximum capacity of 40 l and a filling time of not less than one second.
4. Pressure switch with an operating range of 0.05 to 2.5 bar.
5. Time delay switch.
Conditioning by pulsation. 1.3.1. The silencing system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle referred to in paragraph 3.3. of this Regulation or the engine referred to in paragraph 3.4. of this Regulation. In the former case the vehicle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a dynamometer. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 3 of the appendix to this annex shall be fitted at the outlet of the silencing system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results is acceptable.
1.3.2. The test apparatus shall be adjusted in such a way that the exhaust-gas flow is alternatively interrupted and re-established by the quick-action valve for 2,500 cycles.
1.3.3. The valve shall open when the exhaust-gas back pressure, measured at least 100 mm downstream of the intake flange, reaches a value of between 35 and 40 kPa. It shall close when this pressure does not differ by more than 10 per cent from its stabilized value with the valve open.
1.3.4. The time-delay switch shall be set for the duration of gas exhaust resulting from the provisions laid down in paragraph 1.3.3. above.
1.3.5. Engine speed shall be 75 per cent of the speed (S) at which the engine develops maximum power.
1.3.6. The power indicated by the dynamometer shall be 50 per cent of the full- throttle power measured at 75 per cent of engine speed (S).
1.3.7. Any drain holes shall be closed off during the test. 1.3.8. The entire test shall be completed within 48 hours. United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2010/62 9 April 2010 Original: English Inland Transport Committee Geneva, 22 – 25 June 2010 Item 4.2.5 of the provisional agenda
1. It is submitted to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and to the Administrative Committee (AC.1) for consideration (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/49, para. 6). * In accordance with the programme of work of the Inland Transport Committee for 2006–2010 (ECE/TRANS/166/Add.1, programme activity 02.4), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and update Regulations in order to enhance the performance of vehicles. The present document is submitted in conformity with that mandate. GE.10-
Conditioning by pulsation. The exhaust system or components thereof shall be fitted to the vehicle or to the engine. In the former case, the vehicle shall be mounted on a roller dynamometer. In the second case, the engine shall be mounted on a test bench. The test apparatus, a detailed diagram of which is shown in Figure 4, shall be fitted at the outlet of the exhaust system. Any other apparatus providing equivalent results shall be acceptable. The test equipment shall be adjusted so that the flow of exhaust gases is alternately interrupted and restored 2,500 times by a rapid-action valve. Figure 4 Test apparatus for conditioning by pulsation
1. Inlet flange or sleeve for connection to the rear of the test exhaust system.
2. Hand-operated regulating valve.
3. Compensating reservoir with a maximum capacity of 40 l and a filling time of not less than one second.
4. Pressure switch with an operating range of 5 to 250 kPa.
5. Time delay switch.