Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an evaluation of the Demonstration, the State must fully cooperate with Federal evaluators’ and their contractors’ efforts to conduct an independent, federally funded evaluation of the Demonstration program.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. As required under 42 CFR 431.420(f), should CMS undertake a federal evaluation of the demonstration or any component of the demonstration, the state shall cooperate fully and timely with CMS and its contractors’ evaluation activities. This includes, but is not limited to, commenting on design and other federal evaluation documents and providing data and analytic files to CMS, including entering into a data use agreement that explains how the data and data files will be exchanged, and providing a technical point of contact to support specification of the data and files to be disclosed, as well as relevant data dictionaries and record layouts. The state shall include in its contracts with entities who collect, produce or maintain data and files for the demonstration, that they shall make such data available for the federal evaluation as is required of the state under 42 CFR 431.420(f) to support federal evaluation. The state may claim administrative match for these activities. Failure to comply with this STC may result in a deferral being issued as outlined in STC 75.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an independent evaluation of any component of the Demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the independent evaluator selected by CMS. The State shall submit the required data to CMS or its contractor.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. As required under 42 CFR §431.420(f), the state shall cooperate fully and timely with CMS and its contractors’ in any federal evaluation of the demonstration or any component of the demonstration. This includes, but is not limited to, commenting on design and other federal evaluation documents and providing data and analytic files to CMS, including entering into a data use agreement that explains how the data and data files will be exchanged, and providing a technical point of contact to support specification of the data and files to be disclosed, as well as relevant data dictionaries and record layouts. The state shall include in its contracts with entities who collect, produce or maintain data and files for the demonstration, that they shall make such data available for the federal evaluation as is required under 42 CFR §431.420(f) to support federal evaluation. The state may claim administrative match for these activities. Failure to comply with this STC
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should HHS undertake an evaluation of any component of the demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the evaluator selected by HHS. The state shall submit the required data to HHS or its contractor 112. Evaluation Design.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS conduct an evaluation of any component of the Demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the independent evaluator selected by CMS. The State shall submit the required data to CMS or the contractor. The State must cooperate with CMS and the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, as applicable, in any review or evaluation of the Demonstration.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an independent evaluation of any component of the Demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the independent evaluator selected by CMS. The State shall submit the required data to CMS or the contractor. Annually (by February 1st) Draft Annual Report Section VIII, paragraph 24 Under Section VII, paragraph 23, the State is required to submit quarterly progress reports to CMS. The purpose of the quarterly report is to inform CMS of significant demonstration activity from the time of approval through completion of the demonstration. The reports are due to CMS 60 days after the end of each quarter. The following report guidelines are intended as a framework and can be modified when agreed upon by CMS and the State. A complete quarterly progress report must include an updated budget neutrality monitoring workbook. Example: Demonstration Year: 6 (10/1/2010 – 9/30/2011) Federal Fiscal Quarter: 1/2008 (10/1/10 - 12/31/10) Information describing the goal of the demonstration, what it does, and key dates of approval /operation. (This should be the same for each report.) Please complete the following table that outlines all enrollment activity under the demonstration. The State should indicate “N/A” where appropriate. If there was no activity under a particular enrollment category, the State should indicate that by “0”. Note: Enrollment counts should be person counts, not member months Demonstration Populations (as hard coded in the CMS 64) Current “childless adults” (to date) Disenrolled in Current Quarter
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an independent evaluation of any component of the Demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the independent evaluator selected by CMS. The State shall submit the required data to CMS or the contractor.
XIII. SCHEDULE OF STATE DELIVERABLES DURING THE DEMONSTRATION Date – Specific Deliverable STC Reference Formatted: List Paragraph Deleted: ¶ Inpatient Hospital Services Provided by Primary Provider Network ¶ Formatted: Font: Arial
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an independent evaluation of any component of the Demonstration, the State shall cooperate fully with CMS or the independent evaluator selected by CMS. The State shall submit the required data to CMS or the contractor. Per paragraph 48 Submit Draft Evaluation Design Per paragraph 8 Submit Demonstration Extension Application Per paragraph 49 Submit Interim Evaluation Report Per paragraph 32 Quarterly Progress Reports Per paragraph 34 Quarterly Expenditure Reports Per paragraph 33 Draft Annual Report All prescription drugs covered under Wisconsin’s Medicaid program are covered. A $5 co-payment for generic drugs; $15 co- payment for brand name drugs. The first $500 in prescription drug costs must be paid each year by beneficiaries with income above 160 percent of the FPL, and at or below 200 percent of the FPL. The Medicaid payment rate to pharmacies. Under Section VII, paragraph 32, the State is required to submit quarterly progress reports to CMS. The purpose of the quarterly report is to inform CMS of significant demonstration activity from the time of approval through completion of the Demonstration. The reports are due to CMS 60 days after the end of each quarter. The following report guidelines are intended as a framework and can be modified when agreed upon by CMS and the State. A complete quarterly progress report must include an updated budget neutrality monitoring workbook. Example: Calendar Year 2010: (01/01/2010 – 12/31/2010) Information describing the goal of the Demonstration, what it does, and key dates of approval/operation. (This should be the same for each report.) Please complete the following table that outlines all enrollment activity under the Demonstration. The State should indicate “N/A” where appropriate if there was no activity under a particular enrollment category, the State should indicate that by “0.” Demonstration Populations (as hard coded in the CMS-64) Current Enrollees (to date) Disenrolled in Current Quarter Enter the member months for the quarter.
Cooperation with Federal Evaluators. Should CMS undertake an evaluation of the Demonstration, the Commonwealth must fully cooperate with Federal evaluators and their contractors’ efforts to conduct an independent Federally funded evaluation of the Demonstration. Demonstration Approval Period: December 22, 2008 through June 30, 2011 38 03/31/09 Draft Evaluation Design Section XII, paragraph 77 07/01/10 Submit Demonstration Extension Application Section III, paragraph 8 07/01/10 Submit Interim Evaluation Report Section XII , paragraph 78 October 1st Draft Annual Report Section IX, paragraph 55 No later than 45 days after enactment of the state budget for each SFY Updates to Charts A-C of Attachment E that reflect projected annual SNCP expenditures Section VIII, paragraph 49 180 days after the close of the SFY Updates to Charts A-C of Attachment E that reflect actual SNCP payments and expenditures Section VIII, paragraph 49 No later than 45 days after enactment of the state budget for each SFY Projected annual DSHP expenditures Section VIII, paragraph 49 Quarterly Quarterly Operational Reports Section IX, paragraph 54 Quarterly Expenditure Reports Section X, paragraph 56 Eligible Member Months Section X, paragraph 63 Demonstration Approval Period: December 22, 2008 through June 30, 2011 39