Cost of the Board. The Employer and the Union shall each bear the expenses of its own appointee, and shall bear equally the expense of the Chair and all other expenses of the Interest Arbitration Board.
Cost of the Board. The parties shall bear an equal portion of the expenses and allowances of the single Arbitrator or Board Chairperson. Where the grievance is referred to an Arbitration Board, the parties will each bear the expenses and charges of its own Arbitrator. The parties will also bear the expenses of its own witnesses.
Cost of the Board. All costs including travel and accommodation for the Board Chairman shall be shared equally by the parties. Each party shall pay the cost of its own appointee to the Board.
Cost of the Board. The City and the Union shall each bear the expenses of its own appointee, and shall bear equally the expense of the Chair and all other expenses of the Interest Arbitration Board.
Cost of the Board. The Employer and the Institute shall each bear the expenses of its own Arbitrator, and shall bear equally the expense of the Chairman and a l l other expenses of the Arbitration Board.