EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. During the Employment Period, the Company shall reimburse Employee for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of performing his duties under this Agreement in accordance with the Company's customary and normal practices, but subject to the presentment of appropriate vouchers in accordance with the Company's normal policies for expense verification. In addition to the foregoing, Employee shall have an unaccountable expense allowance of $15,000 per annum. Employee shall be entitled to participate in the TransCore Holdings, Inc. 1999 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. Specific to Unit I (25.01 to 25.15)
01 a) Employees who are in receipt of a car allowance on the date of signing this agreement shall be reimbursed in the following manner for the use of their privately owned automobiles on Employer business:
i) a car allowance of $400.00 per month for vehicles with a model years older than three years at the time of claim;
ii) a car allowance of $430 per month for vehicles with model years three years old or newer;
iii) a kilometer allowance equal to 13 cents below the PSAC rate for Ontario as amended from time to time for all distance driven on Employer business.
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. Xxxxxxxx i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement Effective 20 June 2022 to 19 February 2024 We are making improvements to our Download to Print functionality, so if you want a printed copy of this agreement please download the PDF version of the Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement.
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. As per Boulcott Hospital's Staff Discounts Policy, a discount of 20% up to a maximum of $500 is offered to employees having a surgical procedure at Boulcott Hospital. The discount applies to employees only and is not available to spouses/partners or dependents. Where an employee is required by law to hold an annual practising certificate or registration, the cost of the certificate shall be met by the employer provided that:
(i) it must be a statutory requirement that a current certificate or registration be held for the performance of duties;
(ii) the employee must be engaged in duties for which the holding of a certificate or registration is a requirement;
(iii) where an employee is required to hold dual annual practising certificates or registrations, the cost of both shall be met by the employer;
(iv) no reimbursement will be made if the employee is entitled to a reimbursement from any other employer; and
(v) reimbursement of certificate or registration costs will be provided upon receipt/proof of payment. The employer shall reimburse the employee for all reasonable travel, accommodation and other expenses that the employee properly incurs in the exercise of duties. Receipts or other acceptable documentation must accompany all reimbursement requests. Higher Duty Allowance:
(i) A higher duties allowance shall be paid to an employee who at the request of the employer is performing the duties and carrying the responsibilities of a position or grade higher than the employee's own.
(ii) An employee who is required to undertake and carry out the responsibilities and substantive duties of a higher graded position than the employee’s own position for more than five consecutive working days shall be paid a higher duties allowance of $4.12 per hour for all hours worked.
(iii) This allowance is not added to the Base Rate nor is it included for penal rates and overtime purposes. Shift Coordinator Allowance
(i) Where an employee acts as a Shift Coordinator the employer will pay an additional Coordinator's allowance of $3.50 per hour. This supplement is not added to the Base Rate nor is it included for penal rates and overtime purposes. Meal Allowance
(i) Where an employee is required to work overtime for more than two hours after completing their rostered shift, the Employer will provide the employee with a meal without charge. If a meal is not available, the Employer will pay the employee a meal allowance of $8.00. Shoe allowance
(i) Permanent employees will be pa...
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. (i) A registered nurse in charge of a shift during the day, evening or night in the absence of the Nursing Unit manager shall be paid, in addition to his/her appropriate salary whilst so in charge the sum set out in Item 1 of Table 2 of this agreement, per shift.
(ii) An employee required by the employer to be on call otherwise than as provided for in subclause (iii) shall be paid the sum set out in Item 2 of Table 2 for each period of 24 hours or part thereof provided that only one allowance shall be payable in any period of 24 hours.
(iii) An employee required to be on call on rostered days off or on a day preceding rostered days off shall be paid the sum set out in Item 3 of Table 2 for each period of 24 hours or part thereof provided that only one allowance shall be payable in any period of 24 hours.
(iv) An employee who is directed to remain on call during a meal break shall be paid the sum as set out in Item 4 of Table 2. If the employee is recalled to duty during such meal break, they shall also be paid at overtime rates for the total period of the meal break.
(v) An employee required to wear a lead apron shall be paid an allowance of the sum as set out in Item 5 of Table 2 for each hour or part thereof that they are required to wear the said apron.
(vi) In lieu of supplying shoes to an employee, the employer shall pay the said employee the sum set out in Item 6 of Table 2 per week.
(vii) In lieu of supplying stockings to a female employee the employer shall pay the said employee the sum as set out in Item 7 of Table 2 per week.
(viii) In lieu of supplying socks to an employee the employer shall pay the said employee the sum as set out in Item 8 of Table 2 per week.
(ix) The allowances referred to in subclauses (vi), (vii) and (viii) are payable during any period of paid leave.
(x) If the uniforms of an employee are not laundered at the expense of the employer an allowance of the sum set out in Item 9 of Table 2 shall be paid to the said employee; provided that the payment of such laundry allowance shall not be made to any employee on absences exceeding one week.
(xi) An employee who is authorised by his/her employer to use their own vehicle for the performance of his/her duties shall be paid the appropriate car allowance for the horsepower of the car he/she provides as set out in Item 10 of Table 2.
(xii) Where the private vehicle is used in accordance with subclause (xi) above and is subsequently damaged whilst on official business, the employer u...
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. Kaiārahi i te Reo, Therapists', ATSSD, Special Assistants' Collective Agreement Effective 13 December 2019 to 6 February 2022 We are making improvements to our Download to Print functionality, so if you want a printed copy of this agreement please download the PDF version of the Kaiārahi i te Reo, Therapists', ATSSD and Special Education Assistants' Collective Agreement.
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. Specific to Unit I (25.01 to 25.15)
01 a) Employees who are in receipt of a car allowance on the date of signing this agreement shall be reimbursed in the following manner for the use of their privately-owned automobiles on Employer business:
i) a car allowance of $650 per month for vehicles less than four (4) years old at the time of claim; ii) a car allowance of $500 per month for vehicles four (4) to seven (7) years old;
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. 31.01 Employees who operate their own motor vehicle on the Employer's business are eligible to receive reimbursement at the following rates:
31.02 All employees who use their vehicle on Employer business must:
(a) carry a minimum of one million dollars public liability insurance; and
(b) complete and have on file with the Employer the Confirmation of Vehicle Insurance form on an annual basis.
(c) provide the employer with a Drivers Abstract from the department of motor vehicles.
31.03 An employee who has been authorized to use a private motor vehicle for short trips is eligible to claim a minimum daily allowance as follows: Effective April 1, 2007, six (6) dollars
31.04 With the approval of the Employer, an employee may claim one half (1/2) the transportation allowance for using a motorcycle on the Employer's business.
31.05 An employee who is on Employer business outside the province or east of Miscouche shall be reimbursed for meals on the following basis: In Province Out of Province Breakfast $ 6.50 $ 7.50 Lunch $ 9.00 $10.00 Dinner $12.50 $13.50 An employee shall be eligible to claim breakfast if they were away from their residence on the preceding evening and required to remain there overnight. Employees may claim lunch if their absence requires them to be away from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and dinner if their absence requires them to be away from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
EXPENSES AND ALLOWANCES. Specific to Unit I (25.01 to 25.15)
i) a car allowance of $400.00 per month for vehicles with a model years older than three years at the time of claim;
ii) a car allowance of $430 per month for vehicles with model years three years old or newer;
iii) a kilometer allowance equal to 13 cents below the PSAC rate for Ontario as amended from time to time for all distance driven on Employer business.