Creation of Job Share Position(s) Sample Clauses

Creation of Job Share Position(s). Job sharing is a voluntary program. The Agency may determine that a position will become a job share position, or any employee who wishes to participate in job sharing may submit a written request to the supervisor to be considered for job share positions. Upon such request, the Agency shall determine if job sharing is appropriate for a specific position and will recruit and select employees for job share positions. Where job sharing is determined appropriate, the Agency agrees to provide notification to all job share applicants of available job positions in their bargaining unit in the Agency.
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Related to Creation of Job Share Position(s)

  • VACANCIES, TERM POSITIONS AND NEW POSITIONS 3001 Subject to section 3002 herein, the Employer agrees to post notices of vacant, term or new positions covered under this Agreement for at least seven (7) days to enable nurses presently in the employ of the Employer to apply for same. Such posting shall not preclude the Employer from advertising outside the site premises. All postings shall state minimum qualifications required, the equivalent to full-time (E.F.T.) and date of closing of the competition. Job descriptions shall be available to applicants on request. 3002 The Employer will be required to post a notice of vacancy for only five (5) days for a vacancy that is created by:

  • VACANCIES AND NEW POSITIONS 17.01 The Gallery shall post notice of permanent and temporary job vacancies subject to Article 4 – Temporary Full-Time Employees for a period of seven (7) calendar days before any such job is filled. Probationary employees shall not be entitled to apply for posted vacancies. It is agreed that the Gallery will not interview external applicants until applications from existing employees have been reviewed and bargaining unit employees who are qualified in the opinion of the Gallery have been interviewed. Further, the Gallery will notify existing applicants in writing once the successful application is selected.

  • Queue Position The order of a valid Interconnection Application, relative to all other pending valid Interconnection Applications, that is established based upon the date- and time- of receipt of the complete Interconnection Application as described in Section 4.7 of the Overview ProcessError! Reference source not found.. Reasonable Efforts – With respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a Party under these procedures, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Reference Point of Applicability – The location, either the Point of Common Coupling or the Point of DER Connection, where the interconnection and interoperability performance requirements specified in IEEE 1547 apply. With mutual agreement, the Area EPS Operator and Customer may determine a point between the Point of Common Coupling and Point of DER Connection. See Minnesota Technical Requirements for more information. Simplified Process – The procedure for evaluating an Interconnection Application for a certified inverter-based DER no larger than 20 kW that uses the screens described in the Interconnection Process – Simplified Process document. The Simplified Process includes simplified procedures.

  • New Positions A. Each newly created position shall be assigned by the Employer to the national craft unit most appropriate for such position within thirty (30) days after its creation. Before such assignment of each new position the Employer shall consult with the Union for the purpose of assigning the new position to the national craft unit most appropriate for such position. The following criteria shall be used in making this determination:

  • Use of Training Units and Consulting Units Training Units and Consulting Units: (a) are non-refundable, (b) are non-transferable, (c) may not be redeemed for cash or credit, (d) must be used as whole credits, (e) cannot be combined with any other discount, special offer or coupon and (f) can be redeemed only in the same geographic region and currency as purchased. United States Government end users (or resellers acting on behalf of the United States Government) may not purchase Training Units or Consulting Units.

  • Consulting Units “Consulting Units” are credits that may be redeemed by you for Red Hat Consulting Services under the terms, conditions and policy set forth at xxxx:// You may redeem Consulting Units in accordance with the applicable equivalent Unit Value in the Consulting Unit Redemption Table set forth at xxxx:// and the following procedure: • Contact a Red Hat sales representative or consulting representative to request Consulting Unit redemption. • Red Hat will submit an order form to you that will describe the scope of work to be performed and number of Consulting Units required. • You will return the signed order form to Red Hat. • Upon Red Hat's review and approval, Red Hat will return a copy of the signed order form to you.

  • Multiple Positions Under this rule:

  • VACANCIES AND JOB POSTINGS 17.01 When a job vacancy or vacancies occur within the bargaining unit and the Employer intends to fill the vacancy, the Employer will post an announcement of such vacancy or vacancies on all Union bulletin boards. Said postings shall remain posted for a period of five (5) working days. The announcement shall contain the job title of the vacancy, a brief job description and the rate of pay, and the date of the posting and bid deadline date.

  • MEMBERS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS AND CONSULAR POSTS Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the fiscal privileges of members of diplomatic missions or consular posts under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements.

  • Job Development Job development/placement is individualized and shall include weekly person-to-person job search assistance, assistance with identifying job leads, interview coaching and support, and maintaining a log of job search activities for the purposes of obtaining competitive integrated employment. By mutual consent of the consumer and the KARINA ASSOCIATION, INC. , these services may be provided in-person or by Skype, FaceTime, or other online communication tools. Job development/placement may also include arranging job trials/job shadowing for individuals with a DORS Trial Work Experience Plan, assistance with completing applications, assistance with employer follow-up after interviews, use of personal employment networks in job search, and resume update. It would include time spent calling employers, visiting and educating employers and similar activities. Job development/placement shall not be paid for using supported employment funding and shall not include the Discovery process, which is pre-vocational in nature and may be completed prior to job development. Up to 60 hours for job search assistance, authorized in 20-hour increments, may be used for job development. Additional hours of job development may be requested and require written justification by KARINA ASSOCIATION, INC. and approval of the DORS regional/program director. Authorizations for Job Development. DORS only pays for job development services which have been previously authorized by a DORS official. Job Development Reporting. The Employment Service Progress Form is expected to be submitted to DORS on a monthly basis per consumer. This form is available on the DORS website (

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