Crowns and Bridges. To artificially replace missing teeth with a fixed prosthesis. Where a crown and bridge has been paid for under a Plan, a replacement of such crown and bridge will not be paid for except when approved by Great- West Life because of special circumstances. For orthodontic services performed by an Orthodontist or Dentist, payment will be made to the extent of 50% of the cost. The Union and the Company agree that the current practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. Effective September 1, 2001, the lifetime maximum payment by Great-West Life will be $2,000.00. Members will become eligible for orthodontic services after twelve months of participation in the Plan. Appliances lost or stolen will not be replaced. The Plan will pay 100% of the cost of services provided under Section "A". The Union and the Company agree that the carrier’s practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. For benefits provided under Section "B" the amount that will be paid is 60% of the fee as described above effective September 1 ,2001. The Great-West Life dental benefits do not cover payment for:
(a) Cosmetic dentistry;
(b) Treatment covered by Workmens’ Compensation Board or publicly supported Plans;
(c) Services required as a result of an accident for which a third party is liable;
(d) Charges for services commencing prior to date of coverage;
(e) Charges for completing forms. With respect to dental expenses recoverable under any other Plan, payment from this Plan will be co-ordinated so that total payment received will not exceed the expenses actually incurred. Emergency Treatment Emergency dental care will be provided anywhere in the world. If, while you are travelling or on vacation you require dental care as a result of an emergency, you are entitled to services of a duly qualified dentist in the event of such emergency. The Union and the Company agree that the carrier’s practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued.
Crowns and Bridges. Partial and/or complete dentures, but not more than once in five (5) years.
Crowns and Bridges. To artificially replace missing teeth with a fixed prosthesis. Where a crown and bridge has been paid for under a Plan, a replacement of such crown and bridge will not be paid for except when approved by Great-West Life because of special circumstances. For orthodontic services performed by an Orthodontist or Dentist, payment will be made to the extent of 50% of the cost. The Union and the Company agree that the carriers practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. Effective September 1, 2001, the lifetime maximum payment by Great-West Life will be $2,000.00. Members will become eligible for orthodontic services after twelve months of participation in the Plan. Appliances lost or stolen will not be replaced. The Plan will pay 100% of the cost of services provided under Section "A" effective September 1, 2001. The Union and the Company agree that the carriers practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. For benefits provided under Section "B" and "C", the amount that will be paid is 60% effective September 1, 2001. Great-West Life dental benefits do not cover payment for:
(a) Cosmetic dentistry;
(b) Treatment covered by Workers’ Compensation Board or publicly supported Plans;
Crowns and Bridges. To artificially replace missing teeth with a fixed prosthesis. Where a crown and bridge has been paid for under a Plan, a replacement of such crown and bridge will not be paid for except when approved by Great-West Life because of special circumstances. Section "C" Orthodontics For orthodontic services performed by an Orthodontist or Dentist, payment will be made to the extent of 50% of the cost. The Union and the Company agree that the current practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. Effective September 1, 2001, the lifetime maximum payment by Great-West Life will be $2,000.00. Members will become eligible for orthodontic services after twelve months of participation in the Plan. Appliances lost or stolen will not be replaced. The Plan will pay 100% of the cost of services provided under Section "A". The Union and the Company agree that the carrier’s practice of reimbursing employees on a reasonable and customary basis, based on charges by an Alberta dentist will be continued. For benefits provided under Section "B" the amount that will be paid is 60% of the fee as described above effective September 1, 2001.