Customer Onboarding. During the Onboarding Stage, Interactive will liaise with the Customer to develop a Project plan and Project schedule and complete the installation of the ongoing management toolset.
Customer Onboarding. 2.1 Interactive will perform following activities as part of onboarding for the Vulnerability Scan Service:
(a) Interactive will schedule a Customer kick-off meeting within 2 weeks after the Service Start Date to obtain an understanding of the environment, such as the number of sites, virtual or physical Assets, bandwidth utilisation, internet connectivity and connectivity between different sites.
(b) Interactive will provide the Cloud Platform scanner appliance to the Customer. The Customer must download and install the agent for the Cloud Platform to the appliance. Interactive will remotely apply updates to the appliance as they are made available.
Customer Onboarding. As part of onboarding, Customer will receive a welcome letter, along with an onboarding guide that will provide Customer with the following: • Checklist – Summary of Action Items • Campus Management and Customer Team, Roles, and Responsibilities • Project Contacts • Schedule and Overview of Onboarding Sessions (Description, Objectives, Outcomes, Required Participants, Scheduled Agenda) ▪ Welcome to Campus Management Session ▪ Communication Planning Tips and Tricks Session ▪ Organizational Readiness and Change Management Session ▪ Project Readiness Session ▪ Identify Preliminary Project Timeline and Schedule • Project Management Plan Narrative • Identify Project Team • Create project tracking site which will serve as the main repository where all Customer deliverables and other key information about the project are posted (“Project Tracking Site”). ▪ Establish Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions (RAID) log
Customer Onboarding. Card Activation Fee (Payable on Demand via R2P) 2500 2500 2500 0.00%
Customer Onboarding. Each Customer will be on-boarded by MenuSifu upon the execution of an Initial Order Form with MenuSifu. MenuSifu may provide various Services for corresponding fees to the Customers from time to time upon their requests and the related Services fees shall be directly made by the Customers to MenuSifu, subject to the terms and conditions of the MSA.
Customer Onboarding. Each Customer will be on-boarded by Menusifu upon the execution of an Initial Order Form with Menusifu. Menusifu may provide various Services for corresponding fees to the Customers from time to time upon their requests and the related Services fees shall be directly made by the Customers to Menusifu, subject to the terms and conditions of the MSA.
Customer Onboarding. Each Party will use commercially reasonable efforts to work with the Prospective Customers generated by the other Party’s Lead Generation Services and Dealer Services to complete the standard customer acquisition process of such Party. Upon the successful completion of the customer acquisition process, the Prospective Customer will be considered a “Customer” under the terms of this Agreement. Until a Party has accepted a Customer Agreement from a Prospective Customer for Products, no “sale” shall be deemed to have occurred hereunder.