D FORMAL PROCEDURE. Level One - If the teacher is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, he/she may present his/her claim as a formal grievance in writing to his/her principal or immediate superior and to the PCTA President within five (5) days after the response at the informal level. The grievance shall state specifically the action or decision being grieved, the section(s) of this Agreement that have been violated, and the relief sought. Level Two - If the teacher is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, he/she may file his/her written grievance with the PCTA President within two (2) days after receipt of the written response. Level Three - If the teacher is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two, he/she may, within two (2) days, request in writing that the PCTA President submit his/her grievance to the Board through the Superintendent. Level Four - After complying with Levels One, Two and Three, the aggrieved may take whatever action he/she deems legal and necessary. A. TEACHER RIGHTS‌ B. PERSONNEL FILES


  • Formal Procedure No different or additional Work or contractual obligations will be authorized or performed unless contemplated within the Scope of Work and memorialized in an amendment or modification of the Contract that is executed in compliance with this Article. No waiver of any term, covenant, or condition of the Contract will be valid unless executed in compliance with this Article. Contractor will not be entitled to payment for Work that is not authorized by a properly executed Contract amendment or modification, or through the express written authorization of HHSC. Any changes to the Contract that results in a change to either the term, fees, or significantly impacting the obligations of the parties to the Contract must be effectuated by a formal Amendment to the Contract. Such Amendment must be signed by the appropriate and duly authorized representative of each party in order to have any effect.

  • Formal Procedures 1. Upon presentation to the academic Xxxx of a petition signed by one–third (1/3) of the full–time members of the department/work area, excluding the department chair, stating specific reasons for recalling the department chair, the academic Xxxx shall promptly give fourteen (14) calendar days' written notice to all department/work area members setting forth the time, date and place of a meeting to consider the recall petition and to vote on either a motion that the department/work area chair continue in office or a motion to recommend to the President of the College that the President declares a vacancy to exist in the department/work area. The department chairperson/work area may be present at this meeting. 2. The academic Xxxx and an impartial person from the faculty at large, who shall be elected by members of the department/work area, shall conduct the recall meeting, and if the academic Xxxx and the members of the department/work area shall have so decided, shall conduct successor meetings for the same purpose. The academic Xxxx and such impartial person from the faculty at large shall record any subsequent vote(s) taken within the department/work area on this matter. 3. A vote by secret ballot of the majority of all full–time department/work area members shall be required to recommend to the President of the College or the President’s designee that the President declares a vacancy to exist in the department chair position. If a majority of the department/work area members so vote, the results of the balloting with reasons shall be forwarded to the President of the College or the President’s designee. The President of the College shall determine the recall or continuance within ten (10) calendar days and so notify the department/work area with reasons. The President's decision shall be final.

  • Informal Procedure A complaint may be presented informally to the administrator whose decision or action is being contested.

  • Formal Grievance Procedure 1. In the event that a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the parties shall pursue the first step in the formal grievance procedure before making any application for arbitration, unless the College and the AAUP agree in writing to alter the procedure or waive one or more of the steps by proceeding directly to arbitration. 2. Upon written request of the AAUP Contract Compliance Officer, the College shall submit any requested documents in its possession which may be necessary for investigation of the grievance. The College shall deliver such documents as soon as is reasonably possible, but no later than seven (7) days after receipt of a written request. 3. Internal Steps in the Procedure a. Step One: The Director of Human Resources (1) Within thirty (30) days of when the AAUP learns of, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have learned of, an alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, the AAUP shall submit to the Director of Human Resources a completed Faculty Grievance Form or a dated, signed, written description of the grievance, clearly labeled "grievance" containing substantially the same information as provided for on the Faculty Grievance Form. (2) Within eight (8) days of receipt of the written grievance, the Director of Human Resources shall convene a meeting to discuss the grievance. Such meeting shall include the grievant(s) and/or the designated representative(s) of the AAUP and shall be scheduled at a time which is mutually convenient to the parties. (3) The Director of Human Resources shall attempt to determine the facts pertaining to the grievance and shall notify the grievant and the AAUP in writing of his/her decision within eight (8) days in a Grievance Disposition Form or in a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Form, which shall include written details of the reasons which support the decision. (4) Within eight (8) days after receipt of the disposition of the Director of Human Resources, the AAUP may appeal the decision in writing to the College Grievance Officer, by submitting a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form or a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form. (5) By agreement, the parties may decide to advance the grievance to step two of the procedure, or to appeal directly to arbitration at step D(4) of this article.

  • Formal Process The Formal Process is a process in which an Employee requests a formal hearing and a panel is convened to gather evidence and make a decision regarding the Employee’s concern. If an Employee is unable to get his concern resolved through the Informal Process, he may request a Formal Hearing by filing an Issue Resolution Form within three (3) business days following completion of the Informal Process. Employees may seek the assistance of a FC member or the Employee Advocate to assist in the preparation of an Issue Resolution Form. A FC facilitator shall, on a rotating basis, facilitate but shall be a non-voting participant in any Formal Hearings that may arise following the submission of an Issue Resolution Form. The FC facilitator will contact the Employee within two (2) business days of receiving the Issue Resolution Form. The Employee will select, at random, five (5) FC members to sit on the Formal Hearing Panel. The Hearing Panel will consist of three (3) bargaining unit FC members and two (2) management FC members. The Employee will randomly select four (4) bargaining unit FC member names and discard one such name of his or her choosing, and randomly select three (3) management FC names and discard one such name of his or her choosing for the Hearing Panel. The panel will convene within 10 business days of receiving the Issue Resolution Form. The panel will collect evidence and fully review all details of the Employee’s concern in order to reach a final decision about whether the Agreement and the Employees’ Charter have been fairly applied to the Employee. Employees may be assisted in the Formal Process, including the Formal Hearing, by the Employee Advocate, if they so choose. The Employee Advocate’s role in the Formal Process shall be to:

  • Referral Procedure Section 4.01 In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of production in the Industry, providing for an orderly procedure of referral of applicants for employment, preserving the legitimate interests of the employees in their employment status within the area and of eliminating discrimination in employment because of membership or non-membership in the Union, the parties hereto agree to the following system of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.03 The Employer shall have the right to reject any applicant for employment. Section 4.04 The Union shall select and refer applicants for employment without discrimination against such applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the Union and such selection and referral shall not be affected in any way by rules, regulations, by-laws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership policies or requirements. All such selection and referral shall be in accord with the following procedure. Section 4.05 The Union shall maintain a register of applicants for employment established on the basis of the Classifications and Groups listed below. Each applicant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority Group in the classification or classifications for which he qualifies. GROUP - I. All applicants for employment who have three and one-half (3 1/2) or more years’ experience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market, have passed a Journeyman Lineman's examination given by a duly constituted Outside Construction Local Union of the IBEW or have been certified as a Journeyman Lineman by any Outside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, and who have been employed in the trade for a period of at least one (1) year in the last three and one-half (3 1/2) years in the geographical area covered by the collective bargaining agreement. Group I status shall be limited to one Local Union at one time. An applicant who qualifies for Group I in a local union shall be so registered electronically and remain on Group I in that local union unless and until the applicant designates another local union as his or her Group I local union. If an applicant qualifies for Group I status in a local union other than his or her home local union and designates that local as his or her Group I local union, the business manager of the new group 1 status local union shall by electronic means notify the business manager of the applicant’s former Group I status local union.

  • Resolution Procedure a. Step 1 i. The complainant, if comfortable with that approach, may choose to speak to or correspond directly with the alleged harasser to express their feelings about the situation. ii. Before proceeding to Step 2, the complainant may approach their administrative officer, staff rep or other contact person to discuss potential means of resolving the complaint and to request assistance in resolving the matter. If the matter is resolved to the complainant's satisfaction the matter is deemed to be resolved. Refer to Article E.

  • General Procedure Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, at the Closing each party shall deliver such documents, instruments and materials as may be reasonably required in order to effectuate the intent and provisions of this Agreement, and all such documents, instruments and materials shall be satisfactory in form and substance to counsel for each party.

  • Submission of Formal Disputes a. A Formal Dispute must be filed in writing with the Director of Procurement Services by mail or email, using the following contact information: Email: xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx.xxx b. The Formal Dispute must include: i. Name, address, e-mail address and telephone numbers of the filer. ii. Solicitation or Contract number. iii. Detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the Formal Dispute, including a description of resulting prejudice to the filer. iv. Copies of relevant documents. v. Request for a ruling by the agency. vi. Statement as to the form of relief requested. vii. All information establishing that the filer is an Interested Party for the purpose of filing a Formal Dispute. viii. All information establishing the timeliness of the Formal Dispute.

  • Appeal Procedure The Appeal will be deemed an appeal of the entire Arbitration Award. In conducting the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall conduct a de novo review of all Claims described or otherwise set forth in the Arbitration Notice. Subject to the foregoing and all other provisions of this Paragraph 5, the Appeal Panel shall conduct the Appeal in a manner the Appeal Panel considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the Appeal, may hold one or more hearings and permit oral argument, and may review all previous evidence and discovery, together with all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (as well as any documents filed with the Appeal Panel pursuant to Paragraph 5.4(a) below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall not permit the parties to conduct any additional discovery or raise any new Claims to be arbitrated, shall not permit new witnesses or affidavits, and shall not base any of its findings or determinations on the Original Arbitrator’s findings or the Arbitration Award.