Deemed Generation Sample Clauses
Deemed Generation. The SPV will be entitled to Deemed Generation in terms of this PPA as per the provisions set out in Schedule 3.
Deemed Generation. 6.4.1 After the COD of the Project, loss of generation at the Station on account of reasons attributed to the following, or any one of the following, shall count towards Deemed Generation and it shall be paid/accounted for each time, if only there is actual loss of generation.
(a) HPSEBL Grid System failure;
(b) non availability and partial availability of evacuation system beyond the Interconnection Point; and
(c) receipt of backing down instructions from the Control Centre as a result of merit order despatch. Provided that the following shall not count towards Deemed Generation:-
(i) the loss of generation at the Station due to the interruptions/outages, attributed to the aforesaid factor(s) lasting for a period of less than 20 minutes at a time;
(ii) the loss of generation at the Station on account of aforesaid factor(s) but attributed to the Force Majeure event(s);
(iii) the loss of generation at the Station due to the interruptions/ outages, attributed to the aforesaid factor(s) during the period in which the total duration of such outages/ interruptions, other than those excluded under (i) & (ii) above, is within the annual limit of 480 hours in a Year; and
(iv) the loss of generation at the Station that would have taken place otherwise also even in the absence of the aforesaid factor(s).
6.4.2 The period of outage/interruption on account of such factor(s) shall be reconciled on monthly basis and the loss of generation at the Station counting towards Deemed Generation after accounting for the events (i) to (iv) of Section 6.4.1 above, shall be computed by taking into consideration the site, Project Report, average generation during the relevant period and weather conditions during the time of day/year for which deemed generation is to be worked out. However, quantum of loss of deemed generation during any time shall not exceed the quantum corresponding to 19% CUF for the relevant period for the capacity actually commissioned and in working conditions during such time.
6.4.3 The HPSEBL shall pay for the Net Saleable Deemed Generation, worked out on the basis of Deemed Generation on above lines, at a rate payable for Net Saleable Energy as per Section 6.2 above, on monthly basis.
Deemed Generation. 4.1 Deemed generation would be resorted to only when the system is generating power, but the meter is not recording generation, due to any fault (in accordance with Article 9.6);
4.1.1 Due to the reason that there is no adequate load to absorb the power generated and the excess power generated is not being able to be exported; there is no reference voltage due to the power cut/shutdown by the DISCOM.
4.1.2 If there is an equipment failure at the customer end, which may prevent the power being fed to the customer side or the commercial Operation Date of the Project has not occurred on or prior to Scheduled Completion Date due to any reason attributable to the act or omission of the customer.
4.2 Deemed Generation for any period shall be calculated using the average. For the first year, the generation of a particular month (in which the deemed generation needs to be calculated) will be used for calculating the average. For the 2nd year onwards, the generation data of the previous year for corresponding month will be referred. (“Deemed Generation”). Such Deemed Generation shall be deemed to be the Solar Power injected into the Delivery Point during the relevant period.
Deemed Generation. 4.6.1. On or after the Commercial Operation Date, in the event that CEB curtails the production of the Facility in a Contract Year due to the unavailability of the CEB System in excess of 20 Daylight Hours in any Contract Year for any reasons other than Force Majeure or on account of reasons solely attributable to Seller or breach of this Agreement by Seller or Emergency events on the CEB System, CEB shall be obliged to pay for the electrical energy that could have been generated by Seller during such period over and above the 20 Daylight Hours on deemed generation basis ("Deemed Energy"), calculated at the relevant Tariff in accordance with Schedule I.
4.6.2. Deemed Energy shall be calculated in respect of such period during which CEB fails to offtake electrical energy in accordance with Clause 4.6.1 over blocks 30 (thirty) minutes and shall be the electrical energy metered by the CEB Meter at the Point of Delivery during the same time of the preceding day of 30 (thirty) minutes blocks of the Facility during the deemed generation event provided that for deemed generation with a period of less than 30 (thirty) minutes, the quantum of Deemed Energy so calculated over a block of 30 (thirty) minutes shall be-prorated for such number of minutes that deemed generation occurred.
Deemed Generation. 4.6.1. On or after the Commercial Operation Date, in the event that CEB curtails the production of the Facility in a Contract Year due to the unavailability of the CEB System in any Contract Year for any reasons other than Force Majeure or on account of reasons solely attributable to Seller or breach of this Agreement by Seller or Emergency events on the CEB System, CEB shall, subject to Clause 10.2.1, be obliged to pay for the difference between the electrical energy that could have been exported by Seller and the Net Energy during such period over and above 24 (twenty four) hours ("Deemed Energy"), calculated at the relevant Tariff in accordance with Schedule I. For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of a period of less than 15 (fifteen) minutes, the Net Energy used in the calculation of Deemed Energy for this period shall be determined by prorating the Net Energy recorded over the block of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
Deemed Generation. 4.6.1. On or after the Commercial Operation Date, in the event that CEB curtails the production of the Facility in a Contract Year due to the unavailability of the CEB System in any Contract Year for any reasons other than Force Majeure or on account of reasons solely attributable to Seller or breach of this Agreement by Seller, CEB shall, subject to Clause 10.2.1, be obliged to pay for the difference between the electrical energy that could have been exported by Seller and the Net Energy during such period over and above 24 (twenty four) hours ("Deemed Energy"), calculated at the relevant Tariff in accordance with Schedule I. For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of a period of less than 15 (fifteen) minutes, the Net Energy used in the calculation of Deemed Energy for this period shall be determined by prorating the Net Energy recorded over the block of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
Deemed Generation. Stoppage of generation due to problems in Power evacuation for Generating stations shall be treated as Deemed Generation for the purpose of computation of availability for payment of fixed charges. In case of shortage of fuel, TSSPDCL, TSNPDCL and SCCL will decide and finalise in consultation with Coal Companies at that time.
Deemed Generation. Except for reasons specified in the clause 4.5.11 and Article 11, if JBVNL fails to offtake electricity beyond the Interconnection Point for any reason, shall be obliged to pay for the power that could have been generated by the Developer during the period. This period is referred as “Deemed Generation” Period under this PPA. Deemed generation shall be applicable in the following events under this PPA:
Deemed Generation. This is a concept to address any loss of generation due to any reason beyond the control of the rooftop developer and not covered under Force Majeure. • Deemed generation protects the developer and the lender from delays in the repayment of the loan. It is crucial to assess whether the deemed generation clause has been included in the contract and appropriately worded to cover all eventualities. • The key eventualities have been highlighted below: In the event of consumer failing to off-take the electricity generated due to non- availability of reference voltage or lack of demand Unplanned displacement of the system Any loss of generation due to new shadowing / obstructing objects in future
Deemed Generation. (a) After the COD of the Project, loss of generation at the Station on account of reasons attributed to the following, or any one of the following, which results in Water Spillage, shall count towards Deemed Generation: - Grid System failure; - Non availability of evacuation system beyond the Interconnection Point; and - Receipt of backing down instructions from the SLDC. Provided that the following shall not count towards Deemed Generation:
(i) the loss of generation at the Station due to the interruptions/outages attributed to the aforesaid factor(s) lasting for a period of less than 20 minutes at a time;
(ii) the loss of generation at the Station on account of aforesaid factor(s) but attributed to the Force Majeure event(s);
(iii) the loss of generation at the Station due to the interruptions/outages attributed to the aforesaid factor(s) during the period in which the total duration of such outages/ interruptions, other than those excluded under (i) & (ii) above, is within the annual limit of 480 hours in a Year; and
(iv) the loss of generation at the Station that would have taken place otherwise also even in the absence of the aforesaid factor(s).
(b) The period of outage/interruption on account of such factor(s) shall be reconciled on monthly basis and the loss of generation at the Station counting towards Deemed Generation after accounting for the events (i) to (iv) above, shall be computed on following considerations:
(i) if such period falls within the first twelve months after the COD of the Project, the generation envisaged for the month in which such period falls, based on inflows relating to 75% dependable year, as per the hydrological data contained in the Approved DPR; and
(ii) if such period falls subsequent to the first twelve months after the COD of the Project, the generation actually achieved including the Deemed Generation, if any, in the corresponding month of the previous Year or the one envisaged in that month based on inflows relating to 75% dependable year as per the hydrological data contained in the Approved DPR, whichever is less.
(c) UPCL shall pay for the saleable deemed generation, on monthly basis, worked out on the basis of the deemed generation on above lines, at the generic/project specific tariffs under the provisions of RE Regulations, as amended from time to time by the Commission.
(i) The deemed generation conditions under sub-clause (3) above shall be applicable only in such cases where the evacuation line is connect...