DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES. 1. The Director with Labor Relations responsibility or designee, (the “Director”) will generate the master list of employees eligible for random testing. Eligibility pursuant to the Federal Highway Administration Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use and Testing Program will be based on the criteria as determined by the Federal Highway Administration and the responsibilities and duties of JEA personnel. There will be a separate Master List for CDL testing and a separate Master List for safety sensitive testing.
2. The Master Lists will be reviewed monthly to insure that the Master Lists properly reflect any employees who are no longer eligible (e.g., through resignation, promotion, no longer safety sensitive, etc.) and employees who should be added (e.g., new hires, promotions, safety sensitive, etc.). If an employee believes that he is no longer safety sensitive, the employee shall notify the Office of Labor Relations in writing or by email with a copy to the employee’s manager. If an employee’s manager believes that the employee is no longer safety sensitive, the manager shall notify the Office of Labor Relations in writing or by email, with a copy to the employee. Where applicable, the notification (by the employee or the manager) shall specify the anticipated length of time during which the employee will not be “safety sensitive”.
3. The Master Lists shall include:
a. Employee name
b. Job Title
c. Cost Center