DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TEAM AND SCHOOL LEADERSHIP TEAM (DLT/SLT. The District shall maintain a District Leadership Team (DLT). The DLT shall be comprised of the SEA President or designee appointed by the SEA President, SEEO President or designee appointed by SEEO President and administrators appointed by the Superintendent. Its purpose is to develop guidelines and support the School Leadership Teams. THE DLT must meet monthly unless mutually agreed upon by all parties. The DLT will ensure that SEA/SEEO has representation on all district level committees and task forces. The District shall maintain a School Leadership Team (SLT) at each school building. The SLT shall be comprised of at least seven (7) members and must include parents, assistant principal, principal, and a fair and equitable representation proportionate to the number of SEA staff and SEEO staff. An employee who is a parent of a child in the building in which they work cannot fill the parent position on SLT. The term of service for an SLT member is three (3) years with one‐third (1/3) of the membership rotating off each year. Any staff member may run for an open SLT position. All efforts will be made to have a diverse SLT membership. In the event that a specific association position is not filled, the position remains vacant until someone within that association volunteers or the next election takes place. The principal and assistant principal are the only permanent members of the SLT. The selection and replacement process for staff members must be by an all‐school election to be completed by April 15 of each year. The current SLT shall provide minutes and run the election, making results available to all staff members. The purpose of an SLT is to improve communication and to empower each school to better address the unique needs of its students. SLT responsibilities shall include a review each trimester of the building discretionary funds available to professional development, clubs and such other areas as directly affect staff and discussion of appropriation of funds to responsibly meet the needs of the students, staff and community. This will enable staff, parents and administrators to work collaboratively to create a culture of continuous improvement consistent with the building’s School Improvement Plan.


  • TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 9.1 The Employer and the Union recognize the value and benefit of education and training designed to enhance an employee’s ability to perform their job duties. Training and employee development opportunities will be provided to employees in accordance with Employer policies and available resources. 9.2 Attendance at employer-required training will be considered time worked. The Employer will make reasonable attempts to schedule employer-required training during an employee’s regular work shift. The Employer will pay the registration and associated travel costs in accordance with Article 23, Travel, for employer-required training.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • Local Professional Development Committee A. There shall be a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to oversee, review, and approve individual professional development plans (IPDP) for course work, continuing education units and/or other equivalent activities. 1. The LPDC shall be responsible to recommend for the Superintendent’s approval, all in-service activities and workshops offered in the district during the school year for staff professional development. 2. Recommendations for District Workshops and In-Service activities should be submitted to the LPDC for approval and recommendation no later than the last school day of the year prior to the year it will be implemented. 3. The LPDC chair shall review and approve all “Professional Growth Reimbursement Application” forms. B. The LPDC shall consist of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association President and two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent. One of the Superintendent's appointees will be a Principal employed by the district. C. Appointments shall be for two (2) years with half of the committee members being appointed every other year. 1. Appointments shall be made on or before May 1. 2. The Appointments shall be made by each party outlined above, notifying the other of those appointed. 3. In the event of a vacancy, the committee members shall be replaced in accordance with "B." above. 4. The Association shall name a fourth teacher member and the Superintendent shall name a third administrative member to serve as alternates and attend trainings. These two (2) people shall act as substitutes when a committee member is absent. D. This committee shall meet monthly. 1. The committee may also be convened by the request of two sitting members. 2. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. When administrative licenses/certificates are reviewed, two (2) sitting teacher members will abstain and the decision will be decided by three (3) members. 3. If the committee determines it is needed, they will be provided two (2) professional release days to meet during regular school hours. Substitutes will be provided for the committee members on these release days. 4. Committee members shall be provided an additional annual stipend of $1,000 for meetings beyond the normal work day or year. This stipend shall be paid in two (2) semi-annual payments. Any member who fails to serve the full year shall have the above compensation prorated on a monthly basis for each month served. 5. Decisions of the LPDC will be made by consensus of the committee members present. 6. The committee minutes shall be prepared and maintained in compliance with the laws governing the operation of committees of public bodies.

  • Project Team County’s Designated Representative for purposes of this Agreement is as follows: County shall have the right, from time to time, to change the County’s Designated Representative by giving A/E written notice thereof. With respect to any action, decision, or determination which is to be taken or made by County under this Agreement, the County’s Designated Representative may take such action or make such decision or determination or shall notify A/E in writing of an individual responsible for, and capable of, taking such action, decision, or determination, and shall forward any communications and documentation to such individual for response or action. Actions, decisions or determinations by County’s Designated Representative on behalf of County shall be done in his or her reasonable business judgment unless express standards or parameters therefor are included in this Agreement, in which case, actions taken by County’s Designated Representative shall be in accordance with such express standards or parameters. Any consent, approval, decision, or determination hereunder by County’s Designated Representative shall be binding on County; provided, however, County’s Designated Representative shall not have any right to modify, amend, or terminate this Agreement or executed Supplemental Agreement. County’s Designated Representative shall not have any authority to execute a Supplemental Agreement unless otherwise granted such authority by the Williamson County Commissioners Court. A/E shall have the right, from time to time, to change A/E’s Designated Representative by giving County written notice thereof. With respect to any action, decision, or determination which is to be taken or made by A/E under this Agreement, A/E’s Designated Representative may take such action or make such decision or determination, or shall notify County in writing of an individual responsible for and capable of taking such action, decision, or determination and shall forward any communications and documentation to such individual for response or action. Actions, decisions, or determinations by A/E’s Designated Representative on behalf of A/E shall be done in his or her reasonable business judgment unless express standards or parameters therefor are included in this Agreement, in which case, actions taken by A/E’s Designated Representative shall be in accordance with such express standards or parameters. Any consent, approval, decision, or determination hereunder by A/E’s Designated Representative shall be binding on A/E. A/E’s Designated Representative shall have the right to modify, amend, and execute Supplemental Agreements on behalf of A/E.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • The Joint Committee (a) shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Parties; and (b) may establish and delegate its responsibilities to Sub-Committees.

  • Joint Development Committee (a) The Parties shall establish a Joint Development Committee (the “Joint Development Committee” or “JDC”), comprised of [**] representatives of Ikaria and [**] representatives of BioLineRx, to oversee the Development of Products. Each Party shall make its initial designation of its representatives not later than [**] days after the Effective Date. Each Party may change any one or more of its representatives to the Joint Development Committee at any time upon notice to the other Party. (b) The JDC shall meet at least [**] during the Development Term or more or less frequently as the JDC may agree. The JDC may meet in person or by means of a telephone or video conference call. One meeting of the JDC per year shall be held in person at Ikaria’s headquarters in Clinton, NJ and one meeting of the JDC per year shall be held in person at BioLineRx’s headquarters in Israel, provided, that the Parties’ representatives may participate in person, via telephone, or video conference in their discretion. Each Party shall use reasonable efforts to cause its representatives to attend the meetings of the JDC. If a representative of a Party is unable to attend a meeting, such Party may designate an alternate to attend such meeting in place of the absent representative. Each Party shall bear its own costs with respect to its participation on the JDC. Prior to every meeting of the JDC, Ikaria will provide to the JDC detailed reports describing Ikaria’s current clinical and development activities and plans. (c) The JDC shall be the vehicle by which BioLineRx may offer insight and guidance to Ikaria with respect to (i) establishing the Development Plan setting forth the Development Program’s objectives and the activities to be conducted, (ii) reviewing and updating the Development Plan from time to time, (iii) monitoring the progress and results of the Development Program, (iv) determining future Development Program activities, including Development activities relating to Manufacturing, to be conducted during the Development Term, and (v) establishing success criteria for the clinical trials (other than those for which success criteria are set forth in this Agreement), and determining whether the results of such clinical trials have achieved the applicable success criteria. (d) The JDC shall only act unanimously, with each Party given one (1) vote regardless of the number of representatives. If, however, the JDC is unable to reach agreement with respect to any matter within [**] days, the matter shall be referred to the Parties’ respective Executive Officers for resolution. If the Executive Officers are not able to resolve any such matter by consensus within [**] days following referral, Ikaria’s Executive Officer shall have the right to decide the matter taking into account Ikaria’s obligation to use Commercially Reasonable Efforts under Section 3.8. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 3.2, neither Party shall have a unilateral right to resolve any dispute involving the breach or alleged breach of this Agreement, to amend or modify this Agreement or the Parties’ respective rights and obligations hereunder or, except as expressly provided in this Section 3.2, any Development Plan or the Parties’ respective rights and obligations thereunder.

  • Alliance Manager Each Party shall appoint a person(s) who shall oversee contact between the Parties for all matters between meetings of each Joint Committee and shall have such other responsibilities as the Parties may agree in writing after the Effective Date (each, an “Alliance Manager”). Each Party may replace its Alliance Manager at any time by notice in writing to the other Party.

  • Management Team Subject to any approval or consulting rights of the --------------- Joint Operations Committee, Manager shall engage or designate one or more individuals experienced in dental group management and direction, including, but not limited to, an administrator, who will be responsible for the overall administration of the Practice including day-to-day operations and strategic development activities.

  • Professional Development Committee There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of two (2) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and two (2) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.