School Leadership Teams a. Every school leadership team is expected to operate collaboratively, be representative of and accountable to staff, and involve staff in decision making. The leadership team is the core group that has primary responsibility for collaborative decision making with the administration on the instructional program. It is critical for the team to utilize Facilitative Leadership and Baldrige processes and structures in decision making. MCEA unit members on the team may include resource teachers, team leaders, content specialists, classroom teachers, and others designated by the principal. The leadership team will include the elected faculty representative. School leadership teams will be engaged in decision making about the following:
School Leadership Teams. Each school in the KSD has a School Leadership Team (SLT) whose primary focus is on improving student achievement and the school-based organizational structures responsible for supporting student achievement. Each SLT is composed of grade level and/or department level representatives who are responsible to communicate with grade level teams as outlined in the School Leadership Team Member Job Description. Selection of School Leadership Team members will be made by method agreed upon at each building. Team members will serve for a minimum of one school year, and a term limit maximum of three years. Effective July 1, 2014 SLT members who have served three years or longer will be considered to have expired terms. The term limit may be extended if other candidates are not available to fulfill the position. Annually, as funds are available, each school will have an equitable amount to pay SLT members. Different schools may have different SLT configurations, and each school will receive an equitable amount of funding, based on the number of students and staff at their individual school.
School Leadership Teams. The District and the MEA believe that collaborative decisions lead to improved student achievement. As per board policy, each school will participate in collaborative decision making, and each school shall have a Leadership Team. The school Leadership Teams will make decisions within the parameters established by the District and school’s strategic plan, school’s improvement plan, Board policy, and state and federal law. Implementation of the District’s instructional program is complex and is best accomplished when there is mutual understanding among a school’s administration and teachers, and a joint commitment to problem solving. Such an atmosphere recognizes the authority of the director and the professionalism of teachers. We believe that collaborative decisions are best, however there may be times when a school director will need to make decisions independently.
School Leadership Teams a. Every school leadership team is expected to operate collaboratively, be representative of and accountable to staff, and involve staff in decision making. The leadership team is the core group that has primary responsibility for collaborative decision making with the administration on the instructional program. It is critical for the team to utilize Facilitative Leadership and Baldrige processes and structures in decision making. MCEA unit members on the team may include resource teachers, team leaders, content specialists, classroom teachers, and others designated by the principal. The leadership team will include the elected faculty representative. In order to build the leadership capacity of all team members and to distribute leadership across the team, MCPS and MCEA strongly encourage school leadership teams to frequently rotate roles such as meeting facilitator, agenda setter, and note-taker, etc. The leadership team will develop a process by which the agendas are collaboratively developed by the leadership team members. School leadership teams will be engaged in decision making about the following:
School Leadership Teams. The purpose of the School Leadership Team is to focus on the continuous improvement of teaching and learning and the quality of instruction. Every School Leadership Team should operate collaboratively, model effective communication, be representative of and accountable to staff, involve staff in decision-making and support staff in the implementation of decisions about instructional practice (including curriculum and assessment consistent with Board policy), school initiatives, and professional development.
School Leadership Teams. Each school in the KSD has a School Leadership Team (SLT) whose primary focus is on improving student achievement and the school-based organizational structures responsible for supporting student achievement. Each SLT is comprised of grade level and/or department level representation who are responsible to communicate with grade level teams.
School Leadership Teams a. Every school leadership team should operate collaboratively, be representative of and ac- arTiCLe arTiCLe sChooL QuaLiTy & iMproVeMenT countable to staff, and involve staff in decision- making about:
School Leadership Teams. NSEA’s ESP members (and office staff) together elect a representative to their school’s leadership team, which makes important decisions about your school (p. 60).
School Leadership Teams a. Every school leadership team is expected to operate collaboratively, be representative of and accountable to staff, and involve staff in decision making. The leadership team is the core group that has primary responsibility for collaborative decision making with the administration on the instructional program. It is critical for the team to utilize Facilitative Leadership and Baldrige processes and structures in decision making. MCEA unit members on the team may include resource teachers, team leaders, content specialists, classroom teachers, and others designated by the principal. The leadership team will include the elected faculty representative. In order to build the leadership capacity of all team members and to distribute leadership across the team, MCPS and MCEA strongly encourage school leadership teams to frequently rotate roles such as meeting facilitator, agenda setter, and note-taker, etc. The leadership team will develop a process by which the agendas are collaboratively developed by the leadership team members. School leadership teams will be engaged in decision making about the following: Curriculum, assessment, and instruction Professional development Behavior management and discipline policies School improvement plans, including the analysis of school and student performance data to be used to improve student achievement Scheduling that affects the whole school School-wide interventions for groups of students Local school processes for grading and reporting, parent communication, including expectations for online communications, and other tasks that enhance student learning. Expectations for the work that grade-level, content, and other school teams will accomplish Creation and evaluation of central holding or dismissal plan.