Support and Services ISD and HC agree to the following conditions: A. HC agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses: i. To share data and provide feedback regarding student success on entry‐level college mathematics and English language arts courses; ii. To train advisors to recognize and honor course(s) on school district transcripts; iii. To ensure that eligible students are counseled directly into college level mathematics, English language arts, and all other courses that require mathematics and English language arts college readiness; B. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics courses: i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes; ii. To provide the syllabi for the courses being offered. iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course. C. HC agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course: i. To provide the Student Learning Outcomes for Integrated Reading/Writing (INRW 0303) course; ii. To provide the syllabi, including types of essays required (i.e., expository, persuasive, and critical analysis). iii. To provide regular meetings between the HC faculty and ISD faculty teaching the course. D. ISD agrees to the following for both the mathematics and English language arts courses: i. To provide highly qualified instructors for the courses being taught; ii. To identify students who are not college ready as stated in HB 5; iii. To provide professional development and resources required to teach the mathematics and English language arts courses; iv. To identify successful completion of the course(s) on the student transcripts as determined by the State of Texas PEIMS number; v. To provide curriculum for the course that is consistent with HC Student Learning Outcomes; vi. To provide assistance with admission, enrollment, and financial aid applications; E. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory mathematics course: i. To teach a math course designed to focus on college mathematics (algebraic or non‐algebraic) concepts; ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment; iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty. F. ISD agrees to the following for the college preparatory English language arts course: i. To teach an integrated Reading and Writing course that focuses on critical reading and college‐level writing; ii. Require students to meet college readiness scores on the TSI Assessment; iii. To meet regularly with HC faculty.
Customer Support and Training System Agency will provide support for the CMBHS, including problem tracking and problem resolution. System Agency will provide telephone numbers for Grantees to obtain access to expert assistance for CMBHS-related problem resolution. System Agency will provide initial CMBHS training. Grantee shall provide subsequent ongoing end-user training.
Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and
CFR PART 200 Procurement of Recovered Materials A non-Federal entity that is a state agency or agency of a political subdivision of a state and its contractors must comply with section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. Does vendor certify that it is in compliance with the Solid Waste Disposal Act as described above? Yes
Course Curriculum, Instruction, and Grading X. Xxxx College courses offered as dual credit, regardless of where they are taught, follow the same syllabus, course outline, textbook, grading method, and other academic policies as the courses outlined in the Hill College catalog. B. Approved courses being taught for dual credit must follow the approved master syllabus of the discipline and of Hill College. C. Textbooks should be identical to those approved for use by Hill College. Should an instructor propose an alternative textbook, the textbook must be approved in advance by the appropriate instructional department of Hill College and the Vice President of Instruction. Other instructional materials for dual credit/concurrent courses must be identical or at an equivalent level to materials used by Hill College. D. Courses which result in college‐level credit will follow the standard grading practices of Hill College, as identified by college policy and as identified in the appropriately approved course syllabus. The grades used in college records are A (excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (below average), F (failure), I (incomplete), W (withdrawn), WC (withdrawn COVID). The lowest passing grade is D. Grade point averages are computed by assigning values to each grade as follows: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, and F = 0 points. Grading criteria may be devised by Hill College and the ISD to allow faculty the opportunity to award high school credit only or high school and college credit depending upon student performance. E. Faculty, who are responsible for teaching dual credit/concurrent classes, are responsible for keeping appropriate records, certifying census date rosters, providing interim grade reports, certifying final grade reports at the end of the semester, certifying attendance, and providing other reports and information as may be required by Hill College and/or the School District.
Paid Claims without Supporting Documentation Any Paid Claim for which Xxxxx cannot produce documentation sufficient to support the Paid Claim shall be considered an error and the total reimbursement received by Xxxxx for such Paid Claim shall be deemed an Overpayment. Replacement sampling for Paid Claims with missing documentation is not permitted.
Information and Services Required of the Owner The Owner shall provide information with reasonable promptness, regarding requirements for and limitations on the Project, including a written program which shall set forth the Owner’s objectives, constraints, and criteria, including schedule, space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expandability, special equipment, systems, sustainability and site requirements.
Information/Cooperation Executive shall, upon reasonable notice, furnish such information and assistance to the Bank as may be reasonably required by the Bank, in connection with any litigation in which it or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates is, or may become, a party; provided, however, that Executive shall not be required to provide information or assistance with respect to any litigation between Executive and the Bank or any other subsidiaries or affiliates.
Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility and Security Standards a. Applicability: The following Electronic and Information Resources (“EIR”) requirements apply to the Contract because the Grantee performs services that include EIR that the System Agency's employees are required or permitted to access or members of the public are required or permitted to access. This Section does not apply to incidental uses of EIR in the performance of the Agreement, unless the Parties agree that the EIR will become property of the State of Texas or will be used by HHSC’s clients or recipients after completion of the Agreement. Nothing in this section is intended to prescribe the use of particular designs or technologies or to prevent the use of alternative technologies, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater access to and use of a Product.
Customer Cooperation 3.2.1. Customer shall provide and make available all Customer personnel as may be further addressed in an applicable Order Form or that SAP reasonably requires in connection with performance of the Services. 3.2.2. Customer shall appoint a contact person with the authority to make decisions and to supply SAP with any necessary or relevant information expeditiously.