Economic. The section reviews and assesses the current state of the economy of the special zone. This section also includes: 10.1.1.A summary and assessment of the sectors of the main economy relevant to the specific fields such as: households, employment and unemployment, industry, trade, agriculture, livestock, forestry, tourism, commercial, business, hunting services, fishing, alternative energy, etc., their characteristics, their extent and their structure; 10.1.2. connection of economic activities with neighboring areas and if relevant with neighboring countries 10.1.3. assessment of existing and planned economic zones and their impact on the specifi zone. 10.1.4. a summary and assessment of the current state of tourism resources and services, such as accommodation and food service facilities; and 10.1.5. a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the economy in the special zone. 10.2.
Economic. The economic terms of this Agreement shall be in effect the first pay period of 2022, and shall continue through the last pay period of 2022 and from year to year thereafter, unless in April of 2022, either the City or BMEA shall serve to the other written notice of a desire to modify the Agreement, in which event negotiations will be held.
Economic. Wage Increases January 3, 2016 1.0% January 1, 2017 .25% July 2, 2017 1.0% January 14, 2018 .25% July 1, 2018 1.0% January 13, 2019 .25% June 30, 2019 1.0%
Economic. Subtenant, and those operating under agreement with Subtenant, shall furnish services authorized by this Lease on a fair, equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof, and shall charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory prices for each unit or service; provided, that Subtenant and those operating under agreement with Subtenant shall be allowed to make reasonable and non-discriminatory discounts, rebates and other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers.
Economic. Tenant, and those operating under agreement with Tenant, shall furnish services authorized by this Lease on a fair, equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof, and shall charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory prices for each unit or service; provided, that Tenant and those operating under agreement with Tenant shall be allowed to make reasonable and non-discriminatory discounts, rebates and other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers.
Economic. 1. Trade crossings to the Islamic State magistrate will open and neither side will block movement of goods. Page 2, C. Economic:
Economic. 17 - We are better educated and have access to increased and better quality 17 learning and employment opportunities - Our economy is diverse and dynamic and West Lothian is an attractive place 20 for doing business
Economic. 22. If a proposal to upgrade Town Hall Main Arcade is submitted it will need to identify impacts on surrounding businesses. Budget Implications
Economic. 29. Sydney Film Festival has been working to encourage inner city restaurants and bars to participate, with many taking advantage of the large audiences brought in for the event.
Economic. Required maintenance time Hours/ year 48 40 56 Required maintenance cost Euro/ year 48*40 = 1920 40*40 = 1600 56*40 = 2240 CAPEX Euro 300 000 250 000 350 000 Cost of operation Euro/ year 150 000 125 000 175 000 Total cost of ownership Euro