Effective Instruction Sample Clauses
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher makes learning objectives clear to students.
1. Provides students with strategies for accomplishing learning objectives.
B. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques.
1. Uses a variety of teaching techniques which are responsive to the student’s learning styles and levels of proficiency and contribute to student achievement.
2. Provides opportunities and activities for students to reason, judge, synthesize, and express their ideas in oral and written form.
C. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques.
1. Uses a variety of strategies to monitor students’ understanding during the course of instruction.
D. The teacher explores and evaluates innovative approaches and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, as available, to increase student learning and confidence to learn.
1. Enriches classroom presentations by using school and community resources.
2. Provides opportunities and activities for students to be creative and imaginative.
E. The teacher shares accountability for providing instruction which results in a pattern of student growth and development.
Effective Instruction a. The teacher makes learning goals clear to students
b. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques
c. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher makes learning goals clear to students. (as per the following criteria)
1. Makes connections between concepts taught and students' prior knowledge and experiences.
2. Regularly checks for students' understanding of content and concepts and progress on skills.
3. Identifies confusions and misconceptions as indicated by student responses and regular assessment strategies. Remediates reteaches, or extends teaching to meet individual and/or group need.
4. Communicates clearly in writing and speaking, using precise language.
5. Understands and shows students the relevance of the subject to lifelong learning.
B. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques. (as per the following criteria)
1. Uses a variety of teaching strategies, including cooperative, peer and projectbased learning; audiovisual presentations, lecture, discussions and inquiry, practice and application; and the teaching of others.
2. Provides options for students to demonstrate competency and mastery of new material, including written work, plays, art work, oratory, visual presentations, exhibitions and portfolios.
3. Uses a variety of appropriate materials in order to reinforce and extend skills, accommodate learning styles and match instructional objectives.
4. Causes students to become cognitively active in summarizing important learnings and integrating them with prior knowledge.
5. Demonstrates working knowledge of current research on optimum means for learning a particular discipline.
C. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques. (as per the following criteria)
1. Uses a variety of questioning techniques, including those which encourage and guide critical and independent thinking and the development of ideas.
2. Presents information recognizing multiple points of view; encourages students to assess the accuracy of information presented.
D. The teacher evaluates, tries innovative approaches, and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence to learn. (as per the following criteria)
1. Regularly tries innovative approaches to improve instructional practices.
2. Continually evaluates, tries innovative approaches and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence about learning.
3. Assesses instructional strategies in authentic ways by comparing intended and actual learning outcomes.
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher demonstrates an understanding and practice of effective educational theory.
1. Makes learning goals clear to students.
2. Connects concepts taught to students' prior knowledge and experience.
3. Monitors regularly students' understanding of content, concepts and skills.
4. Reviews, remediate or reteaches, to correct confusion or lack of understanding.
5. Models appreciation for continuous learning by connecting learning to life.
6. Respects multiple points of view, individual student needs and learning styles.
B. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques.
1. Encourages exploratory and active learning in instructional practice and in maintenance of learning environment.
2. Regularly integrates curricula and technology, when technology is available.
3. Uses a variety of teaching strategies including, but not limited to, cooperative, peer and project based learning, discussions and inquiry, and lecture.
4. Utilizes a variety of appropriate materials when available to reinforce and extend skills and to meet the needs of each learner.
5. Causes students to become cognitively active in interpreting and summarizing important learning.
6. Provides a variety of options for students to demonstrate competency and mastery of new material.
7. Uses a variety of questioning techniques that stimulate critical and independent thinking and the development of ideas.
8. Evaluates actual student outcomes and adjust instruction accordingly.
Effective Instruction. Excellent instructional techniques; method and amount of instruction appropriately meets the 13 needs of individuals.
Effective Instruction. Excellent instructional techniques; method and amount of instruction appropriately meets the needs of individuals. Good instructional techniques; the method and amount of instruction meets the needs of most students. Instructional techniques and/or amount of instruction unsatisfactory. Instructional techniques and/or amount of instruction need to be improved. Method and amount of instruction is adequate.
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher makes learning goals *The teacher cites specific connections clear to students. between current lesson and previously covered materials. *The teacher monitors student under- standing of lesson content by verbal questioning, student recitation, or other informal assessment. *The teacher formally monitors student skill acquisition as required by published district/department assessment policies. *The teacher modifies plans to address student confusions, misunderstandings and/or misconceptions. *The teacher communicates clearly in writing which:
a. is legible
b. uses vocabulary appropriate to students, and
c. employs proper grammar and spelling *The teacher’s spoken communication:
a. is clear,
b. is at an appropriate volume, and
c. uses vocabulary appropriate for the grade level. *The teacher gives examples of how the subject relates to life-long learning.
B. The teacher uses appropriate *The teacher uses cooperative learning, instruction techniques. project-based learning, audio-visual presentations, lecture presentations, discussion-based learning, and inquiry- based learning according to students’ interests, needs, and abilities. *The teacher allows students to demonstrate mastery of material in a variety of ways:
a. written work and/or b. plays and/or c. art work and/or d. oratory and/or e. visual presentations and/or
Effective Instruction. A. The Library Media Specialist communicates effectively with students.
1. Implements clear lesson objectives and communicates these to students and teachers
2. Promotes students' independence as learners
3. Stimulates students' thinking through classroom discussion and research activities
4. Identifies students' misconceptions and reteaches or extends teaching to meet individual and/or group needs
5. Has enthusiasm for subject matter and makes significant efforts to communicate that enthusiasm to students and colleagues;
6. Communicates clearly in writing and speaking, using precise language
7. Understands and demonstrates to students the relevance of the subject matter to life-long learning and inter-relationship of various curricula
B. The Library Media Specialist uses appropriate instructional techniques.
1. Uses a variety of teaching strategies such as project based learning, discussions, and technologies
2. Helps students plan strategies for acquiring, selecting, and evaluating information and demonstrating competency and mastery of new material
3. Uses a variety of appropriate materials to reinforce and extend skills, accommodate learning styles, and match instructional objectives
4. Encourages students to summarize important learnings and to integrate them with prior knowledge
5. Demonstrates a working knowledge of current educational research and information technology
6. Refines instructional strategies to increase student learning and xxxxxx confidence in a student's ability to learn
7. Provides opportunities for creativity
8. Uses a variety of questioning techniques to stimulate student participation, including those which encourage and guide critical and independent thinking and the development of ideas
9. Presents information recognizing multiple points of view; encourages students to assess the accuracy of information presented
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher makes learning goals clear to students.
B. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques.
C. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques.
D. The teacher evaluates, tries innovative approaches, and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence to learn.
Effective Instruction. A. The teacher makes learning goals clear to students.
1. Makes connections between concepts taught and students' prior knowledge and experiences.
2. Regularly checks for students' understanding of content and concepts and progress on skills.
3. Identifies confusions and misconceptions as indicated by student responses and regular assessment strategies. Remediates, re-teaches, or extends teaching to meet individual and/or group need.
4. Communicates clearly in writing and speaking, using precise language.
5. Understands and shows students the relevance of the subject to life-long learning.
B. The teacher uses appropriate instructional techniques.
1. Uses a variety of teaching strategies, including cooperative, peer and project-based learning; audio-visual presentations, lecture, discussions and inquiry, practice and application; and the teaching of others.
2. Provides options for students to demonstrate competency and mastery of new material, including written work, plays, art work, oratory, visual presentations, exhibitions and portfolios.
3. Uses a variety of appropriate materials in order to reinforce and extend skills, accommodate learning styles and match instructional objectives.
4. Causes students to become cognitively active in summarizing important learnings and integrating them with prior knowledge.
5. Demonstrates working knowledge of current research on optimum means for learning a particular discipline.
C. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques.
1. Uses a variety of questioning techniques, including those which encourage and guide critical and independent thinking and the development of ideas.
2. Presents information recognizing multiple points of view; encourages students to assess the accuracy of information presented.
D. The teacher evaluates, tries innovative approaches, and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence to learn.
1. Regularly tries innovative approaches to improve instructional practices.
2. Continually evaluates, tries innovative approaches and refines instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence about learning.
3. Assesses instructional strategies in authentic ways by comparing intended and actual learning outcomes.