Enrollment Classifications. Paramedical Benefits coverage for an eligible employee, retired employee or surviving spouse shall include coverage for dependents as they are defined in Section 1(b) of the H-S-M-D-D-V Program.
Enrollment Classifications. Hearing Aid Expense Benefits coverage for an eligible employee, retired employee or surviving spouse shall include coverage for eligible dependents as they are defined for hospital surgical medical drug expense coverage under the H-S-M-D-D-V Program.
Enrollment Classifications. Extended Health Care Services coverage for an eligible employee, retired employee or surviving spouse shall include coverage for dependents as they are defined in Section 1(b) of the H-S-M-D-D-V Program.
Enrollment Classifications. Subject to the provisions of the applicable plans at the employee's option, coverage under this Section 1 may include protection for (i) self only, (ii) self and spouse, or (iii) self and family (including only spouse and eligible children). For purposes of this H-S-M-D-D-V section eligible dependents shall include:
(i) spouse to whom the employee is legally married, or the person who has been cohabiting and residing with the employee in a conjugal relationship for an immediately preceding continuous period of at least one year, and has been publicly represented by the employee as the employee's spouse. Where more than one 'spouse' exists, the employee shall designate the participant and provide proof of relationship.
(ii) Eligible children shall include any unmarried child (A) of the employee by birth, legal adoption, or legal guardianship, while such child legally resides with and is dependent upon the employee; (B) of the employee's spouse and who is residing in and a member of the employee's household; (C) as defined in (A) and (B) above but who does not reside with the employee but is the employee's legal responsibility, and for whom the employee provides principal support as defined by the Canadian Income Tax Act, and who was reported as a dependent on the employee's most recent income tax return or who qualifies in the current year for dependency tax status. For the purposes of section 2, the term "eligible children" shall also include orphans of employees provided they were covered as a dependent at the time of the employee's death and for as long as they otherwise continue to meet the above criteria or until they become the dependent of someone else.
Enrollment Classifications. At the employee’s option, provided such option is available under the rules and regulations of the applicable plans, including Provincial Hospital and Medical Plans, such coverage may include protection for (i) self only, (ii) self and spouse, or (iii) self and family. Family coverages shall include only spouse and eligible children (as defined in Article IV, Section 7 and Section 9).
Enrollment Classifications. Semi-Private Hospital Accommodation Benefit coverage for an eligible employee shall include coverage for eligible dependents as defined in Section 1(b) of this Article.
Enrollment Classifications. Prescription Drug Coverage for an eligible employee shall include coverage for eligible dependents as defined in Section 1(c) of this Article.
Enrollment Classifications. Subject to the provisions of the applicable plans at the employee's option, coverage under this Section 1 may include protection for (i) self only, (ii) self and spouse, or (iii) self and family (including only spouse and eligible children).
Enrollment Classifications. Dental Coverage for an eligible team member, retired team member or surviving spouse shall include coverage for eligible dependents as defined in Section 1(c) of this Article.
Enrollment Classifications. Vision Benefits for an eligible team member, retired team member or surviving spouse shall include coverage for eligible dependents as they are defined in Section 1(c) of this Article.