Vision Benefits. The County provides vision benefits to full-time active employees and their dependent(s), and computer vision care benefits to full-time active employees, with no employee contribution. Part-time employees will be enrolled automatically in the vision benefit and the County shall contribute to part-time eligible employees on a pro-rated basis, in accordance with Article 5.2.6. Benefit provisions, co-payments and deductibles are outlined in the Summary Plan Description or Evidence of Coverage.
Vision Benefits. The Board shall provide vision benefits. The Board shall contribute a maximum monthly amount towards vision benefits equal to 80% of the illustrative rate as established by plan actuaries.
Vision Benefits. For specifics regarding the City’s Vision Plan, refer to the Benefit Summary Plan Document.
Vision Benefits. The College shall offer a vision plan. The College shall pay 50% of the vision premium equivalent and the faculty member shall pay 50% of the vision premium equivalent.
Vision Benefits. The District will contribute the full premium cost of Vision Service Plan for full- time unit members and their eligible dependents. Part-time unit members will receive District contributions as detailed in §4 of this Article.
Vision Benefits. Employees will be provided benefits equal in nature to the NVA-2 vision care plan. The Employer sponsored premium is for employee (single) only with opportunity for employee to purchase up at own cost. Carrier to be determined by Board of Education.
Vision Benefits. Members who are provided health benefits will receive the base vision plan (currently, Moda Quartz or Xxxxxx Vision). Members may upgrade to a higher level of coverage by paying the difference in premium.
Vision Benefits. 5.6.1 The County Office will make available vision benefits to CSEA unit members through VSP or other provider as selected by the County Office.
Vision Benefits. Eligibility for Benefits Employee eligibility and family member eligibility for vision benefits will be the same as that prescribed for health benefits under subsection A. BU 2 (99-01)
Vision Benefits. The Board of Education agrees to provide a vision benefits plan, provided that all employees who elect health insurance coverage also agree to participate in the vision benefits plan. The Board will pay 75 percent of the cost of the vision benefits plan and the employee will pay 25 percent. Coverage under the plan includes the following benefits: VSP Provider Other Providers Examination (Every 12 months) $10 Copay $10 Copay; Reimbursed up to $45 Lenses (Every 12 months) Single Vision $20 Copay $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $30 Bifocal Lenses $20 Copay $20 Copay; reimbursed up to $50 Trifocal Lenses $20 Copay $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $65 Lenticular $20 Copay $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $100 Frames $20 Copay covered up to $130 $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $70.00 Contact Lenses(Every 12 months) Medically Necessary $20 Copay $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $210 Elective $20 Copay; Covered up to $130 $20 Copay; Reimbursed up to $105