Equalities impact. The programme provides opportunities for disabled people to participate in mainstream and adapted sports.
Equalities impact. There is no relationship to the public sector general equality duty to the matters described in this report and no direct equalities impact arising from this report. This contract will contribute to the Council’s ongoing commitments to: • increase the volume of materials recycled and decrease the amount of waste consigned to landfill; • meet greenhouse gas targets, including the national target of 42% by 2020. Furthermore the following requirements were included in the specification/selection criteria for this contract: • All materials must be managed in accordance with all relevant EU and UK legislation and in line with industry best practice. • The Contractor must guarantee that every reasonable effort will be made to divert materials from landfill. Final outlets for materials are to be agreed with the Council. • The Contractor must use suitably licensed facilities to deliver the Contract. • Where Contractors export material for recycling, this must be i n accordance with all relevant legislation, including the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations, and Tenderers must guarantee that exported materials are recovered for recycling and are managed in both an environmentally friendly and ethical manner. • The Contractor must guarantee that all of the extracted materials will be re-used or recycled, and that this will be maintained for the duration of the Contract. • Contractors must have in place a r obust and relevant Environmental Management Policy and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to environmental management. • Contractors must provide benefit to the community in the course of delivering the Contract. The Council’s Waste Services and the Commercial and Procurement Unit consulted with the Council’s Waste Operations when designing the specification for this requirement to ensure that the Council’s requirements were accurately reflected with a view to delivering a fit for purpose contract. In addition bench marking and best practice examples were sought from other Councils. Trial loads of waste were also sent to a number of current Contractors for similar services to the Council in order to allow the assessment of the viability of the contract through recovery rates achieved.
Equalities impact. There is no relationship to the public sector general equality duty to the matters described in this report and no direct equalities impact arising from this report. This contract will contribute to the Council’s ongoing commitments to increase the volume of materials recycled and decrease the amount of waste consigned to landfill, prioritise keeping our streets clean and attractive. Further it was specified that contractors appointed to service the Framework agreement will be required to: • have a robust and relevant Environmental Management Policy; • demonstrate an ongoing commitment to environmental management; • make every effort to minimise the impact of the delivery of the contracted services on the environment using their best endeavours to achieve the efficient use of energy e.g. low energy equipment, recycled paper for printing materials, etc; and • where possible, maximise the use of biodegradable, compostable or recycled products. The Director of Corporate Governance, Commercial and Procurement Manager and the convenor of the Finance and Budget Committee were consulted on the procurement of the Framework Agreement. All supported the approach adopted. N/A Framework Agreement for the Emergency Cover of Waste and Recycling Collection, Waste Disposal and Street Cleansing
Equalities impact. This report is providing an update on performance under the agreed SLA. As this report is for reporting purposes only, no changes to service delivery are proposed and therefore, an equalities and rights impact assessment is not relevant to this report.
Equalities impact. 6.1 We do not see this policy as having any direct impact upon the protected characteristics contained within the Equality Act 2010. We will however be mindful in the way we select those unresolved disputes/business challenge issues to route via the Settlement Agreement method.
6.2 We will also be mindful of the way in which we present this option to employees and the language we use when discussing any proposition with them. By extension we will avoid holding any assumptions as may be viewed to be discriminatory, and/or taking actions which in themselves could be perceived as victimising the employee(s) concerned.
6.3 We will also take account of the advice contained within the EVH “Pre-termination Discussions & Settlement Agreements” Information Note (February 2023); along with the information contained within the relevant ACAS Code of Practice.
Equalities impact. 7.1 No equalities or rights impacts have been identified in relation to this report.
Equalities impact. Contributions to the public transport infrastructure will assist in delivering an accessible town centre and station/ bus station.
Equalities impact. The recommendations described in this report c ontribute to the deliv ery of the rights to standard of living, in particular access to transport and public spaces and access green spaces and the natural world. In order to mitigate the effects of certain disabilities on the use of the proposed systems (in particular visual impairment, hand d isabilities, and literacy s kills) a co mprehensive training programme will be put in place. Any devices and equipm ent selected will be assessed for suitability.
Equalities impact. An equalities impact assessment accompanies this policy. We do not envisage any adverse impact based on the nine protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010 and will monitor this on an annual basis. However, in seeking to avoid an adverse impact, we will avoid holding any assumptions as may be viewed to be discriminatory, and/or taking actions which in themselves could be perceived as victimising the employee(s) concerned. In applying this policy, Craigdale will take account of the need to present a settlement agreement option to employees by explaining legal terminology in an accessible way.
Equalities impact. The proposals for re-development of the school site are considered to have no material adverse impact upon the equalities duty of the Local Authority. The design and layout of the building is considered to have a positive impact upon particular protected categories. The impacts of the development on surrounding properties, and the street, are not considered to give rise to differential or specific impacts upon the protected characteristics safeguarded by the act.