Erosion sedimentation, increased flood hazard, and other undesirable changes in circulation shall be avoided. Tidal marshes, tidal flats, and other wetlands shall not be adversely affected.
Erosion. Elements of the proposed City Heights development would eliminate or minimize erosion from existing unstable soil areas of the site. The proposal includes re-grading the Stream C gully concurrent with site improvements in proposed Development Area D1, constructing a coordinated stormwater management system, and eliminating, regrading and/or paving unimproved dirt roads. Proposed stormwater management measures to avoid or minimize erosion and sedimentation (described in Draft EIS Section
Erosion. The employer retains the right to contract for services in order to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of governmental operations. The employer shall not privatize bargaining unit work for the purpose of eroding the bargaining unit.
Erosion. [3] Scour and/or sediment deposition evident, and extending more than 20 feet below outlet of cross drain or other drainage structure (e.g., culvert, rolling dip, waterbar). [4] Scour &/or sediment movement into SMZ or drainageway from road surface, cut slope, or fill slope. [5] Material sidecast within 25 feet of a channel, ditch or drainageway, or onto slopes vegetated for erosion control.
Erosion. 8.1 The licensee shall undertake all necessary works to ensure that the potential for erosion of land affected by mining is minimised.
8.2 Should erosion occur, the licensee shall take all practical steps to minimise the erosion to the satisfaction of an Inspector.
Erosion. If there is erosion occurring at the outlet, restabilize as needed using topsoil, seed and mulch, or use geotextile fabric and stone if vegetation doesn’t establish.
Erosion. Lessee shall refrain from acts, which have a tendency to cause soil erosion on the Property and, at its sole risk and expense, shall immediately take preventive measures to stop erosion if erosion begins to affect the Property. Lessee using proper materials, which will serve to enhance shoreline values, shall initiate shoreline protection measures. In the event that vegetative plantings will not adequately protect the shoreline, alternate protective measures shall consist of retaining walls, bulkheads or riprap. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to Lessor and will conform to acceptable standards as required by Lessor. Soil erosion which may occur as a result of run-off shall be corrected at the direction of Lessor. Further, Lessor shall not be responsible for providing maintenance excavation should accretion of sand, silt, soil, or other material affect the Property or access to the Property during the Term.
Erosion. Broker shall notify the Director in writing of any claim(s)which may erode the annual aggregate limits of any insurance policy to a point where the remaining insurance limits no longer comply with the requirements of this Agreement.
Erosion. The Employer retains the right to contract for services in order to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of governmental operations. The Employer will not privatize bargaining unit work for the purpose of eroding the bargaining unit.
Erosion. Purchaser is advised that the Property being purchased may be subject to coastal erosion and to federal, state, or local regulations that govern coastal property, including the delineation of the coastal construction control line, rigid coastal protection structures, beach nourishment, and the protection of marine turtles. Additional information can be obtained from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, including whether there are significant erosion conditions associated with the shoreline of the Property being purchased. To the extent applicable to the Property, Purchaser hereby waives the right to obtain from any Seller an affidavit with respect to, or a survey meeting the requirements of Chapter 472 of the Florida Statues delineating, the location of the coastal construction control line on the Property.