ESS Factors Sample Clauses
ESS Factors. Each unit (i.e., College, School, or division) that has academic staff in the employment security system shall delineate, as far as is practical and in a manner reflecting the particular mission and diverse characteristics of the School/College/division, those factors that will be considered in the evaluation of the candidate’s qualifications with respect to the criteria in Section C of this Article. The unit factors statement shall distinguish among job performance and professional achievement. In units with three (3) or fewer academic-staff members, specific and detailed job descriptions may stand in lieu of a unit factors statement. However, such factors and job descriptions are not to be interpreted as standards. Within a unit, members belonging to the same classification may choose to develop factors that are more specific to their classification while consistent with the unit factors statement. The minimum number of academic staff for a classification factors statement is three (3). After the academic-staff members in the unit and/or classification write the factors statements, the unit and classification factors statements must receive the approval of the xxxx/vice president of the School/College/division prior to implementation. The xxxx/vice president shall provide his/her written approval or rationale for non-approval within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the factors. Applicants may submit evidence of job performance, professional achievement, scholarly achievement, and service that has not been specifically listed among the factors. Similarly, the appropriate committees and administrators may also consider evidence of job performance, professional achievement, scholarly achievement (at the option of the applicant), and service that has not been specifically listed under the factors. No later than February 15 of a given year the President or his/her designee may request that a unit review its factors statement, and by no later than March 31 of that year the unit shall either reaffirm its current factors statement or submit a revised factors statement. The reaffirmed or revised statement written by the academic-staff members in the unit and/or classification must receive the approval of the xxxx/vice president of the School/ College/division prior to implementation. If the xxxx/vice president and the unit are unable to agree upon a unit factors statement, the President or his/her designee shall appoint a committee of bargaining-unit members, u...