Evaluation Criteria 5.2.1. The responses will be evaluated based on the following: (edit evaluation criteria below as appropriate for your project)
Evaluation Procedures The following procedures for employee evaluation shall be utilized for the term of this Agreement: 1. Orientation materials related to evaluation procedures will be provided to all employees by the 10th school day. 2. Employees shall submit to their evaluator a complete listing of proposed objectives, and measurement activities related thereto, to be considered in the annual evaluation by the 25th school day. 3. The evaluator shall have completed by 30th school day annual objective setting conference with employee. 4. The evaluator shall by the 40th school day determine and shall provide the employee with a complete listing of actual objectives from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities related thereto, that will be incorporated in the annual evaluation that the evaluator will prepare for the employee. The objectives and related measurement activities referred to herein shall be in accordance with the employee job description prescribed by the District. The District will make every attempt to have the number of objectives required to be uniform from site to site. 5. Within a reasonable time after the request, the evaluator shall be provided with a written progress report from the employee containing the latter's perception of the progress being made toward the achievement of the objectives prescribed in Item 3, above. During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which may result in the modification of the original standards and objectives. These changes may be initiated by the supervisor or the employee. Agreement of both parties is required. 6. The evaluator, by the 145th school day, shall have conducted classroom observations in order to gather data on employee performance as the evaluator believes to be related to: A. The actual objectives and measurement activities described in Item 3, above; B. Other criteria for employee evaluation and appraisal that are established by the District Xxxxx Act Guidelines. At the discretion of the evaluator, tenured teachers may receive only one (1) formal instructional observation per year. Probationary teachers will receive two (2) formal instructional observations per year. Prior to conducting formal instructional observations regarding the teacher's duties related to the instructional objectives herein described, the teacher shall be notified of the observation prior to the beginning of the teacher's actual instructional day. Upon the request of the evaluatee or when, in the evaluator's judgment, additional instructional classroom observations are necessary, such observations may be conducted. Within a reasonable time, an employee shall be provided with a written statement regarding instructional observations that have been conducted. Such written statements shall contain a summary of the instructional activities observed, and any suggestions being made by the observer for possible improvement by the employee to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Specific directives for improvement 2) Assistance to implement such directives as (a) Provisions of additional resources; (b) Mandatory training programs designed to improve performance to be paid by the District. A final and written report of the achievement of objectives, and measurement information related thereto shall be submitted by the employee to the evaluator by the 140th school day. 7. The evaluator shall prepare a written District evaluation form of employee performance and transmit the evaluation to the employee. The employee may submit a written reaction or response to the evaluation and such response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file which shall be maintained in the District Office. Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every other year, and in no event later than 30 days before the last school day scheduled on the school calendar of the current school year. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once each year and in no event later than the 150th school day. 8. Employees who meet each of the following conditions shall be evaluated up to every five
Evaluation 1. The purposes of evaluation provisions include providing employees with feedback, and employers and employees with the opportunity and responsibility to address concerns. Where a grievance proceeds to arbitration, the arbitrator must consider these purposes, and may relieve on just and reasonable terms against breaches of time limits or other procedural requirements.
Evaluations A. District management shall direct the evaluation of all permanent bargaining unit members no less than once every two years and probationary bargaining unit members no less than twice per year. Bargaining unit members who have been employed with VUSD for at least ten (10) years and whose previous evaluation rated the employee as meeting or exceeding standards, may be evaluated at least every five (5) years, if the administrative evaluator and certificated employee being evaluated agree. The certificated employee or the administrative evaluator may withdraw consent of this agreement at any time (EC 44664 (a) (3)). B. The written procedures for evaluations that are currently in effect shall be maintained by the District until the bargaining unit negotiates and ratifies new procedures. The present procedures are in Appendix A. They include: 1. The evaluator shall be an immediate supervisor or any other management or supervisory employee, who is designated by District management. 2. Bargaining unit members may utilize peer review in lieu of management evaluation with principal approval. 3. Those bargaining unit members who are regularly scheduled to be evaluated will be notified by the evaluator no later than October 1st of each school year. Such notice will contain a brief explanation as to the procedures for evaluations 4. One-half of the permanent staff will be formally evaluated each year. a. Pre-Conference Guidelines (for Temporary, Probationary and Permanent Bargaining Unit Members) 1. A pre-conference for bargaining unit members to be evaluated will be held by October 31. The purpose of the pre-conference is to review the Standards for Bargaining Unit Members assignment and to determine the evaluation focus. At that time the evaluator and the bargaining unit member may agree that some elements of the standards are not applicable (NA) to the employee’s assignment and may mark them NA at that time. 2. If there is disagreement about which of the elements is not applicable (NA), the parties may invite the Assistant Superintendent of Certificated Human Resources to assist in resolving the differences. The Assistant Superintendent shall recommend alternatives to the unit member and evaluator.