Exchange of Personnel Sample Clauses

Exchange of Personnel. In the spirit of sharing, we maintain exchanges of personnel that are not limited to pastors. Such cases shall include an agreement on the job description and coverage of the costs for housing, medical care, and wages. Personnel shall be recruited in mutual consultation, as stipulated in the UEM Guidelines. Such programmes can be facilitated by the Programme Management Office with the help of the UEM. Our common instrument for exchanges for young people is the UEM volunteers programme. We will encourage the exchange of young theologians and students of theology.
Exchange of Personnel. The Parties may exchange technical personnel as required to pursue the activities described in an Annex or Appendix to this Memorandum. All such exchanges shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum, its Annexes and Appendices. Technical personnel exchanged by the Parties shall perform work as specified in the Annex or Appendix. Such technical personnel may be from United States or European Union agencies or contractors, as mutually agreed.
Exchange of Personnel. The Parties may exchange technical personnel as required to pursue the activities described in an Annex, Appendix, or Attachment to this Memorandum. All such exchanges shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum, its Annexes, Appendices, and Attachments. Technical personnel exchanged by the Parties shall perform work as specified in the Annex, Appendix, or Attachment. Such technical personnel may be from United States or European Union bodies or contractors, as mutually agreed.
Exchange of Personnel. The Members undertake to encourage the exchange of personnel and staff mobility for the purpose including, without limitation, of providing training, carrying out joint research, coordinating activities and/or implementing common research tools and platform. The Members shall conclude separate agreements in those cases.
Exchange of Personnel. To facilitate coordination relating to Xxxxx-1, the Parties agree to support the exchange of a limited number of liaisons from each Party, at a time and under conditions as mutually agreed by the two Project Managers, contingent on nec- xxxxxx administrative authorizations. In the event of such an exchange, the Parties each agree to provide necessary office space and administrative support at the host location, including such additional support services as may be agreed by the two Project Managers. Xxxxxx and all other personnel expenses, living and travel expenses, will be borne by the employing Party of the liaison(s) throughout the duration of their assignment.
Exchange of Personnel. For so long as Itochu directly or indirectly owns an interest in TWX at least equal to the Itochu Minimum Interest, Itochu shall have the rights and obligations of a Class A Partner with respect to the "Exchange of Personnel" arrangements provided in Section 12.7 of the TWE Partnership Agreement, and TWX shall cause similar arrangements to be effectuated with respect to the music and publishing businesses of TWX.
Exchange of Personnel. The implementing authorities may exchange technical personnel as required to pursue the activities described in the annexes and appendices. All such exchanges shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in those annexes and appendices. Such personnel shall perform work as mutually agreed by the implementing authorities in the annexes and appendices. Such personnel may be from either or both of the implementing authorities, supporting Government agencies, or contractors for either or both of the implementing authorities, as mutually agreed.
Exchange of Personnel. Under this MOC and as identified in the annexes to this MOC, an exchange of technical personnel (including specialised research institute or industry personnel) may be undertaken as required to pursue the activities described in the annexes. Such personnel will accomplish work as mutually agreed upon by the parties in the annexes. Such personnel being exchanged shall be delineated in each appropriate annex.
Exchange of Personnel. (1) The Consortium Institutions undertake to encourage the exchange of personnel and staff mobility for the purpose including, without limitation, of providing training, carrying out joint research, coordinating activities and/or implementing common research tools and platform. (2) The following principles shall apply for exchange of personnel: ▪ The visiting person will continue to be employed by the original employer during the exchange. ▪ The visiting person will be subject to and required to observe all rules, regulations, policy and requirements of the host Consortium Institution, including but not limited to non-disclosure of confidential information, health and safety, security and export control requirements, conduct, hours of work and predetermined firm holidays. (3) Knowledge developed by the visiting person during his/her assignment shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Section E on Intellectual Property Rights of this Agreement. (4) Additional provisions or, if legally necessary, modifications on the above principles shall be laid down by the Consortium Institutions concerned in Additional Agreements.
Exchange of Personnel. 3.1. The parties will consider and organize hosting of personnel, every year, in their premises. The conditions of the exchanges, especially the number of agents and the relevant financing will be defined by common agreement. The exchanges will concern the personnel hosting in France and Canada, and short stays within common research projects, to participate in workshops or seminars. 3.2. The Parties shall inform each other of the proposals of exchanges two months at least before the beginning of the exchange. 3.3. The Lending Party shall take in charge travel expenses for travel between the two countries, including return ticket. The employer shall keep on paying for salaries, benefits and services rendered by its personnel abroad. The Lending Party shall assist in locating accommodation, special local transportation costs. 3.4. The Receiving Party shall assist in locating accommodation, special local transportation costs, and living expenses, together with expenses for use of equipments. 3.5. Personnel of each Party shall have to comply with regulations in force in premises of the other Party. Each Party shall obtain from its personnel to abide by these rules.