Execution of Project Sample Clauses
Execution of Project. Implementation Arrangements
Execution of Project. Donor-specific covenants
Execution of Project. In addition to the undertakings set forth in Schedule 6 to the Financing Agreement, AJK shall ensure that the EA and IAs perform each of its undertakings under this Schedule.
Execution of Project. (a) The Borrower shall take all necessary s:eps to facflitate and �nsure. the performance by the Executing Agenc� o; its obligations under this Loan .Agreement. , ,
(b) The Executing Agency shall carry out the Project with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with appropriate administrative, engineering and financial standards and practices.
(c) The Executing Agency shall delegate to its Deputy General Mtlllc.lger al:J�e 1\!,Spq;stbility tor the ovoerall . � --ot tlie �
(d) In carryinc out thL construction works for the Project, the following . arrangements must be adhered to:-
(i) the Executing Agency may engage tho Consultants eng�ged by the Execut:i,ng Agency for the purposes of the segment of its power project being financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Execution of Project. Execute the project on the lines detailed in the Project Execution Report. This would interalia include holding workshops in the organisations to be covered in the Integrity Index Project, doing the surveys, collecting data from the primary sources, collating and analysing the data. This would also include regular feedback to the Commission on the progress of the project.
Execution of Project. The Recipient shall designate SHURDB under SPG as the Project Executing Agency with overall responsibility for Project coordination and implementation, and liaison with ADB and other government agencies concerned. The Recipient shall ensure that SPG and SHURDB carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Grant Agreement.
Execution of Project. Grant Refund
Execution of Project. The Subrecipient shall execute the Project, including use of the Grant Award and all other fiscal and programmatic activity, as described in this Agreement and the Application. The Subrecipient shall execute the Project between the Agreement’s State Date and End Date.
Execution of Project. (a) The Borrower shall make the proceeds of the Loan available to the Executing Agency in the form of equity to assist the Executing Agency in carrying out the Project.
(b) Toe Executing Agenc)'.·Shall carry out the Project at·all times �th due diligence and efficiency, and in accordance with sound technical, environmental, financial and managerial standard and practices.
(c) In carrying out the Project, the Executing Agency shall adhere to the following arrangements:
(i) The Executing Agency shall have in its service, as Project Manager, a �son whose qualifications and experience are acceptable to the Buk. The Project Manager will head a Project Monitoring Unit which shall include an accountant, a procurement adviser and clerical and secretarial personnel. The Project Manager, who shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Executing Agency. shall be required to provide the following services:
Execution of Project. The POEs shall, in a manner satisfactory to the Borrower, ADB and the PPCs, develop, adopt and implement a time-bound action plan, which shall include (a) new employment policies, strategies and guidelines on hiring practices, including performance based remuneration systems, enhanced transparency in hiring practices and staff incentives, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Borrower; (b) training programs to improve staff capabilities; (c) improved accounting procedures; and (d) O&M plans and procedures, within 3 years after the Effective Date.